ABVT Exam Preparation Specifics for Candidates
ABVT Exam Review Course:
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in Urbana IL is sponsoring a review course for the ABVT exam on April 23 and 25, 2016 from 9am-5pm central time. The course is free and anyone planning to take the exam this or future years is encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend in person, a Webex option is available.
The format of the review will include a mock exam (100 questions) that will cover all 4 sections of the actual exam and will be self-graded so you can identify your strengths and deficiencies.
Please contact for more information.
Date and time of exam:
Traditionally, the exam is given on the Sunday during the AVMA Annual Convention.
The 2016 exam will be Sunday, August 7, 2016 from 8 am – 6 pm in conjunction with the AVMA Annual Convention in San Antonio.
Exam location:
The 2016 exam will be held at the Marriot San Antonio Riverwalk. Exact room location will be provided at a later date.
What to bring
- Writing utensils (pens or pencils, some will be provided)
- Watch or other time telling device that is not web based (you cannot have your cell phone)
- Calculator (some basic function calculators will be provided; cell phone calculatorsmay not be used)
- Food if you have specific dietary needs (meals provided, see below)
- Dress in layers (rooms have unpredictable temperatures)
- Exam fee ($100 check made out to the American Board of Veterinary Toxicology)
What will be provided for the exam:
- Pencils
- Basic calculators
- Scratch paper
- Food/drink
- Breakfast (warm or box)
- Lunch (box)
- Snacks
- Coffee, tea, water
Exam process
- At 8 am instructions will be provided to all exam members.
- Cell phones, laptops, tablets and other “smart” or web compatible devices are not allowed in the exam room. They must remain with the moderator or left in your hotel room. Please plan accordingly and bring a watch with you.
- The time will be announced approximately every 2 hours by the moderator.
- There are four sections to the exam. You may take them in any order you choose. You will sign out each section. Once you have completed that section, return it to the moderator. At that point you may take a break or begin a new section. You are allowed to leave the exam area between sections and may return to your room, go outside, etc.
- When you have a section signed out, you are asked to remain in the exam room although brief restroom breaks are allowed.
- You may take as long as you like on each section but all need to be completed in 10 hours (by 6 pm). When you are finished with the exam, you may leave.
- There are 110 multiple choice questions in each section but only 100 of them are graded. You must cross out 10 questions; you will not be graded on these. If you do not cross out 10 questions, only the first 100 questions will be graded.
- All incorrect answers are reviewed by the members of the exam committee administering the exam. Therefore, you’re welcome to write your rationale for an answer in the body of the exam for potential points.
After the exam
- Pass/Fail results are communicated to all candidates by the end of the day. Overall section status can be discussed but individual questions are not.
- All passing candidates are encouraged to attend the ABVT business meeting the morning following the examat the Marriot San Antonio Riverwalk (8 am). Breakfast will be provided and you will have the opportunity to meet many of your fellow diplomates. Photos of passing candidates are typically taken at this meeting.