CCTE Sports Medicine 1,2
Mrs. Frasca
(619) 223-3121 ext. 4653
Room #653
Course Outline
This class serves as a continuation course after Anatomy and Physiology or Human Body Systems for those interested in pursuing a career in the medical field, particularly sports medicine/athletic training. Instruction will include, but is not limited to: descriptions of jobs in Sports Medicine via current industry professionals, full body anatomy and physiology, types of diseases/disorders/injuries and their effects on the human body, as well as the medical terminology used in health care. The course will focus on the systems of the body, their parts, purposes, functions, and strategies for optimal maintenance. Students will learn how to improve current nutritional habits while simultaneously incorporating exercise and fitness into their daily routines. The class will emphasize healthy living and will open students’ eyes to a variety of options in the medical field.
Expected Student Learning Results (ESLRs)
Through understanding a variety of health care components in the field of Sports Medicine, students in this class will transform into Healthy Lifestyle Advocates who establish, practice and support appropriate hygiene, proper nutrition, and life-long physical fitness as well as demonstrate skills in resolving conflicts through positive, non-violent actions.
Through project-based learning assignments and individual research activities, students will also learn how to become Responsible Self Directed Learners and Workers who work independently and overcome obstacles by effective application of skills until a task is complete.
Instructor Expectations:
Just like a college-level course, you are expected to show up on time and be prepared when the bell rings. It is expected that all of your assignments will be completed and also that you will participate in classroom discussion. Reading may be required at home.
Homework: All assignments are due when the bell rings. Assignments will be accepted late only if you have an excused absence, in which case you have until the next day after the absence to turn them in. Otherwise, missed homework cannot be made up.
Make-up tests: Quizzes and tests must be made up on the day you return to school from an absence.
Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated as it hinders others in their pursuit of quality education. Talking at times can be stimulating and rewarding, at other times it is rude and discourteous. Each student will respect his/her peers’ right to learn in an environment that promotes success and achievement.
Assessments and Grades:
Just like a job in the real world, it is the student’s responsibility when they are absent to follow up with the teacher and get all of the missing assignments. Students’ grades will consist of in-class work, diligent note taking, projects, presentations, interviews, worksheets, current events research, and quizzes/tests. Late assignments will only be accepted if you have an EXCUSED absence. If there is not an excused absence, late assignments will NOT be accepted. Points will be given for each assignment and then the grades will be computed on the following scale:
A= 90-100%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
F = Under 59%
Required Materials
Notebook with lined paper provided by Mrs. Frasca
Pen or pencil with you EVERYDAY of class
**Your notebook will be left inside of the classroom…so please do not share these with any of your other courses**
Office Hours and Conference Procedures
Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. The best way to reach me is via e-mail (). I welcome all questions and concerns and would be more than happy to speak with parents/guardians/students about any academic or personal issues.