Archers Association ofNova Scotia

c/o Sport Nova Scotia

5516 Spring Garden Road, 4thFloor

Halifax, NS, B3J1G6

Funding Archers to Travel to Canadian Outdoor Field and Target Championships

2016 TargetTeamSelectionCriteria

2016 Canadian OutdoorTarget Championships July 29 - August1, Windsor,Ontario

The criteria areboth objective forthe basic selection, and flexible enough to consider external influences suchas budget restrictions and considerations forthe potential forindividual medals. We also considerteam contribution and contributions given to oursport when makingthe selection.

To be considered forfunding, anathlete must beamember ofAANS andmustdeclarehis/her intention in writingto BetteBurton,VicePresidentTarget,andRyan Francis , Sport NovaScotia, by June30, 2016. Thoseathletes under the ageof18 must be accompanied byan un-funded parent orguardian. As members of theprovincialarcheryteam,archers are expected to comply with all policies of AANS.

A copyof completelyfilled out, signedand witnessed score cardsforregistered outdoor target events must be sent to BetteBurton,VicePresidentTarget,andRyan Francis , Sport NovaScotia, postmarked on orbeforeAugust1, 2016. Score cards must besigned bytheCertified Judge officiatingat theseevents.

AANS Funding:

Each team member will receiveequal amount offunds from AANS, with the exception ofthe archer qualifyingfortheArcheryCanadasubsidy.All archers are requiredto disclose anyother funding.

Ifextra fundingis available from othersources, beyond our regulargrant, specificallyfor a particularcategory, itmaytranscend these rules ofselection.Local transportation forthe team willbeprovided bytheteam's rented vehicleif/and when available, augmented ifpossible by archer's andvolunteers'vehicles.


Qualifyingscoresarenotusedto restrict teamadmission, but to assess thearcher’s performance when selectingspecial teams (such as for theFredUsher Cup).Thearcher’s qualifyingscorewill bethe averageof their bestthree (3) registered720 Roundsshot betweenAugust 1, 2015and

July31, 2016. Two ofthesescores must be shot duringthe 2016 outdoor season.

Team selection for theFred Usher Memorial Cup team round will be leftat thediscretion ofthe

Team Coachat the eventor, in his or her absence,anyAANS Executivememberpresent. ArcheryCanadaFunding:

ArcheryCanadamaypartiallysubsidizethe travelof one archerattendingthe National Target and Field Championships.

Ifthe ArcheryCanada budgetallows, this archerwillbeselectedasfollows: the archer’s qualifyingscorewillbecompared againstthe ArcheryCanada720 Round record of that archer’s category(seechart below).Thearcher whoseaveragerepresents thehighest percentageof the recordwillbe chosen. The following formulawillbeusedto comparethe averageto therecord:

(Archer's AverageScore÷ National Record)x100

Ifoutside fundingis received, theArcheryCanadafundingwillbeawardedto the archer with the next highest percentageof thenational record.

Athletes wishingto participatein a categorybeyond their regulation age categorymust receive written permission from theExecutiveto be eligible for funding.

The followingtable shows thenational record for eachcategoryshot at the Canadian Championships or Canadian Open (whichever hadthe highest score). Thesescores weretaken from theArcheryCanadainternet site as ofNovember9, 2014 (Men)andSeptember 22,2014 (Women). TheArcheryCanadawebsitewillbetaken to be correct in casethereareanyerrors in the table below.

For further information, please contact: BetteBurton, VPTarget,

National Records:

Record / Division / Record / Division
629 / Cadet Women Recurve / 660 / Cadet Men Recurve
679 / Cadet Women Compound / 693 / Cadet Men Compound
223 / Cadet Women Barebow / 149 / Cadet Men Barebow (60m)
624 / JuniorWomen Recurve / 645 / Junior Men Recurve
683 / JuniorWomen Compound / 709 / Junior Men Compound
648 / Senior Women Recurve / 683 / Senior Men Recurve
693 / Senior Women Compound / 715 / Senior Men Compound
500 / Senior Women Bowhunter Open / 669 / Senior Men BowhunterOpen
N/A / Senior Women Bowhunter Release / 642 / Senior Men BowhunterRelease
469 / Senior Women Barebow / 479 / Senior Men Barebow
538 / Senior Women ARW2 / N/A / Senior Men ARW2
675 / Senior Women ParaCompound / 700 / SeniorMen Para Compound Open
N/A / SeniorWomen Para Compound Open
(50M) / 687 / SeniorMen ParaCompound Open
502 / Senior Women Hunter / 619 / Senior Men Hunter
N/A / SeniorWomen Para Compound W1(70m) / 613 / Senior Men ParaW1 Open(70m)
614 / SeniorWomen Para Compound W1(50m) / 620 / Senior Men ParaW1 Open (50m)
579 / Master Women Recurve / 639 / MasterMenRecurve
665 / Master Women Compound / 708 / Master Men Compound
590 / Master Women Bowhunter Open / 659 / Master MenBowhunterOpen
N/A / Master Women Bowhunter Release / 642 / Master MenBowhunterRelease
602 / Master Women Hunter / 619 / Master Men Hunter
N/A / MasterWomen 60+Recurve / 608 / Master Men 60+Recurve
604 / Master Women 60+Compound / 685 / Master Men 60+Compound
590 / Master Women 60+BowhunterOpen / 659 / Master Men 60+BowhunterOpen
N/A / Master Women 60+BowhunterRelease / 632 / Master Men 60+BowhunterRelease

Theseselection criteriawere approved bytheAANSBoard of Directorson2012/11/18and edited fordate and location annually.