REVISED 6/23/08

NAME: ______ID#:______

ADDRESS: ______CATALOG: 2008 - 2010

E-Mail Address ______Anticipated Graduation Date (Semester/Year): _____/_____

AREA A: Essential Skills - 9 Hours / AREA F: Courses Appropriate to Major - 18 Hours
ENGL 1101 / 3 / FREN 2001 / 3
ENGL 1102 / 3 / FREN 2002 / 3
MATH* / 3 / CHIN, GRMN, SPAN 1001 / 3
AREA B: Institutional Options - 4 Hours / CHIN, GRMN, SPAN 1002 / 3
PSYC 1001 / 1 / * / 3
* / 3 / * / 3
AREA C: Humanities/Fine Arts - 6 Hours
ENGL 21__* / 3 / Major Area see catalog for specific requirements 27 Hours
* / 3 / FREN 3110 / 3
AREA D: Science/Math/Technology 11 Hours / FREN 3120 / 3
4 / FREN 3450 / 3
4 / FREN 3500 / 3
* / 3 / FREN 4110 / 3
AREA E: Social Sciences - 12 Hours / FREN 4450 / 3
HIST 1112 / 3 / FREN Lit ____* / 3
U.S. & Georgia History/Constitution / FREN Elec ____ ** / 3
* / 3 / FREN Elec ____ ** / 3
Social Science Electives / * must be taken at NGCSU
Group I* / 3 / ** See Catalog
Group II* / 3 / Education Sequence – 33 Hours
Physical Education - 3 Hours / EDUC 2110 / 3
PHED 1000 / 3 / EDUC 2120 / 3
Basic Military Science - 4 Hours / EDUC 2130 / 3
MILS 1000 / 1 / EDUC 3002, 3003, 3003L / 2, 2, 1
MILS 1100 / 1 / MLAN 4440 & EDUC 4000 / 3, 4
MILS 2000 / 1 / EDUC 4103, 4104, 4105, 3540 / 3, 3, 3, 3
MILS 2100 / 1
Advanced Military Science –8 Hours
MILS 3000 / 2 / Other – 3 Hours
MILS 3100 / 2 / * / 3
MILS 4000 / 2
MILS 4100 / 2
Regents’ English Exam: (W) (R)
U.S. & Georgia Constitution: / Intermediate Assessment
U.S. & Georgia History: / French Praxis: OPI:
Senior Exit Exam:

* Over for details.

This is not a contract binding the University to offer a given course at any given time. Arrangements concerning the scheduling of courses will be made between the student and the advisor based on the information at hand. These arrangements will not be binding on the student or the University.

Student: ______/__/__/__ Advisor: ______/__/__/__

Department Head:______/__/__/__ Registrar:______/__/__/__

Educ. Dept. Head ______/__/__/___

Major in French with Certification: notes to advisors and students

Catalog 2008 - 2010 Rev. 6/23/08

POS: The Plan of Study should be completed and turned into the Registrar one year prior to the semester of graduation. The French Certification Program is 126 hours, exclusive of Physical Education. These notes are meant as a quick reference on a few important points concerning advisement. They are not to be taken as complete. The ultimate source of information for students and for advisors is the NGCSU Bulletin 2008-2010. Students are responsible for reading the catalog and planning their programs of study, aided by help from the faculty advisor.

AREA A: Math 1101 is recommended by the Math Dept. for language majors. It is especially appropriate for French/Spanish business majors who take Math 2400 in Area D. Read also notes for Area D.

AREA B: Select one (3 hrs): CHIN, FREN, GRMN, SPAN 1002.

AREA C: Select one: (3 hours): ENGL 2111 or 2112 recommended

Select one: (3 hours): MUSC 1100, ART 2510, ART 2520, ART 2530, THEA 2500, COMM 1110, PHIL 1001, or PHIL 2200.

AREA D: MATH 2400 recommended for Business French/Spanish majors and for those seeking teaching certification. It

supports the business sequence for French/Spanish majors and provides the statistical background needed for educational research courses. If Calculus or Pre-calculus is taken in AREA A or AREA D, the additional hour(s) will count in AREA F or as an elective, depending on the student’s major.

AREA E: Select one (3 hrs): HIST 2111, 2112, or POLS 1101 (fulfills the Georgia History & Constitution requirement. Exemption exam given once in October and once in March in the History Department)

Select one from each group (6 hrs):

Group I - ANTH 1101, ECON 2105, GEOG1101, HIST1111, POLS 2401

Group II – HIST 2111, HIST 2112, POLS 1101, PSYC 1101, SOCI 1101

AREA F: Select two (6 hrs): 1000- or 2000-level language courses (in addition to those required for the major); ANTH 1101; COMM 1110; ENGL/GNST 2140; HIST 2370 or 2860; PHIL 1001, 2200, or 2500; POLS 2401; SOCI 2100; ENGL 2111 or 2112 not taken in Area C.

Notes: Chinese is offered as a 6-hour intensive course for 1001 & 1002 and for 2001 & 2002. Courses in Chinese and German should be completed no later than the junior year to avoid possible scheduling conflicts, as they are often single section courses.

PHED: PHED 1000 or 3 hours of activity courses required of all students above the 120 hours required for graduation.

MILITARY SCIENCE: All MILS courses may count as general elective credit or toward the Leadership Minor with military track option. They may also count as elective credit.

ELECTIVES/OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 3 hours from ART 2510 or ART 2520 or HIST 2860 or any foreign language course. 3 hours from MLAN 2010 or any MLAN course or any 2000-level literature survey not taken in Area C or F. (See note below concerning the 39 hour minimum of upper-level courses needed for graduation.)

EDUCATION SEQUENCE: EDUC 2110, 20, and 30 should be taken in the spring of the sophomore year, before entry into the program. EDUC 3002, 3003, & 3003L are taken together as a “block” and are offered each semester. They should be taken during the junior year, preferably fall semester. MLAN 4440 and EDUC 4000 are also taken as a “block” and are offered Fall semester ONLY, normally during the senior year. Students taking MLAN 4440 and EDUC 4000 must not take any other courses before 11:00 any day of the week; they are in field placement one half of the semester during the morning. EDUC 3540, 4103, 4104, & 4105 make up the teacher internship (student teaching), which is done after all other EDUC courses are completed. Student teaching normally takes place Spring of the senior year.

GACE: Education students must pass this test in French in order to be certified to teach in Georgia.

OTHER: CSCI 1200 or CMST 3810 or HIST 3000-4000 level. Note that CSCI 1200 is required unless computer competency is demonstrated alternatively.

ASSESSMENT: The student must help the advisor in maintaining an assessment file in which documentation is kept from two different periods, during the intermediate-level courses, and during the last semester of study. A Senior Assessment Exam is required

Read under “Academic Majors, Academic Minors, and Field of Study” in the front of the NGCSU Bulletin. Note in particular that a total 39 hours of upper level courses are required for the degree. If the upper-level major and minor courses do not add up to 39 hours, additional upper-level courses must be taken in other areas (e.g., electives). No upper-level courses may be listed in the Core (Areas A – F).