CPP Programme Annual Workplan CSZ (2007) / Year:
Programme Cycle: / 2007
Programme: / YI500 / Communication, Protection and Participation
AWP / 14 / CSZ
Focus Areas / FA 3, FA 4, FA 5
Responsible Officers: / 1.– CPP Head of Section
2. Ahmed Jama– CfD Officer, Abdullahi Eyow – CP Officer, Abdulhamid Salah – HIV/AIDS Officer, Mohamed Nur Yalahow – ADAP Officer
3. Grace Kyeyune – Resident Project Officer
Partners: / Ministries/ Local Authorities / Ministry of Women’s Affairs, SCAC,
NGOs / COGWO, IIDA, youth NGOs, regional HIV working groups, Women Organisations, CBOs,
Other / World Bank, DFID, Youth groups, women’s groups , religious and community leaders, media houses, HornAfrik,

Programme Objective(s) for 2004-2008.
Adjusted Mid Term Review 2006: / Sub-project Objective(s) for 2004-2008. Adjusted Mid Term Review 2006: / Annual Sub-project Objectives for 2007:
§  In at least 30% of communities within at least 7 regions:
o  Individual and social behaviour demonstrates greater participation, protection, and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities
o  Communities claim rights, demand and monitor associated basic services and advance community development programmes through strengthened community based institutional mechanisms.
§  Duty bears at local governance level take action toward improved protection, participation, and reduction of HIV/AIDS risks and vulnerabilities by engaging communities and community based institutions.
§  Government(s) have taken steps to implement policies and legislation on child protection, participation and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities.
§  Women and children, including the vulnerable and marginalized, have equal access to quality services for child protection, participation and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities in at least 30% of 7 selected regions, and during emergencies. / §  30% of women, children and adolescents have capacity to make informed decisions and to actively participate in community driven social development
§  30% of communities understand the eight elements required for a protective environment and demonstrate improved attitudes, increased capacity for open discussion on traditional customs and practices
§  30% of women and adolescents in selected communities and regions have correct information and relevant skills to reduce risks and vulnerabilities associated with violence, exploitation, abuse and HIV/AIDS
§  30% of adolescents in all district capital have correct information and relevant skills, to claim their rights and make informed decisions.
§  X% of duty bearers within governance structures/stakeholders have demonstrated greater understanding and relevant skills of child protection issues and adolescent participation , HIV risks and vulnerabilities
§  Governance structures have enhanced capacity to facilitate a dialogue on rights in at least 7 regions.
§  In at least 7 regions, media outlets are aware and actively involved in advocating for children, women and vulnerable rights at the community and policy level.
§  Governments have policies and or legislation on child protection, participation and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities.
§  Institutional mechanisms in place and have capacity to implement policies and or legislation on child protection, participation and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities
§  A systematic evidence base exists and informs advocacy with the institution of governments on child protection violation is evidence based
§  Quality legal, judicial and law enforcement services are child friendly.
§  Quality adolescent friendly services for enhanced child protection, participation and HIV/AIDS are provided.
§  The quality and coverage of media services is improved with regards to the rights of women and children.
§  Service providers gain skills and competency in child protection, communication and HIV/AIDS prevention.
§  A system for the provision of psychosocial care and support is functional. / §  X communities have adequate capacity and take specific action to improve participation, protection and reduce HIV risks and vulnerabilities during emergencies
§  X authorities, X civil society specifically advocate for protection and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities
§  X women demonstrate correct knowledge and skills to improve participation, protection, and reduce HIV risks and vulnerabilities
§  Improved child protection and reduced child mortality through adequate emergency preparedness and response
§  Appropriate and technical support for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme provided


Allotment Amount
(in US $) / PBA No. / Expiry Date (DD/MM/YY) / Donor Name
Regular Resources:
Other PBAs (SM, XI, etc.):
Total funded:
Estimated Budget:

Signed by : USSC Head of Section Resident Project Officer Senior Programme Officer

Signature ______

Name: Wendy Carson Grace Kyeyune Siddharth Chatterjee

No / Activity Description / PIDB Code / Planned Output / Plan
Deliv Date / Quarter / Estimated Budget ($US) / Funded Amount
($US) / Source of Funds
(PBA & donor) / Req Type / Implement
Partner / Geo Area / Support Activity or Task
I / II / III / IV
1. / Build community capacity to improve social development and protection / 261 / 1) 130 vulnerable/IDP communities take action on at least 1 child protection issue
2) At least 14 communities demonstrate capacity in human rights and improved health and hygiene practices / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No. / Task description
1.1 / Mobilize vulnerable and IDP communities to take action on child protection (PIDB 4159) / 130 vulnerable/IDP communities are mobilised on the eight elements required for a protective environment for children / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / 200,000 / 1 / TAC, DCT / GG / CSZ
Facilitate National Review for community mobilization / Community mobilization strategies are reviewed with suggestions for improvement / 31/03 / X / national / TAC DCT / Consultant
Provide inputs to the development of a comprehensive set of IEC materials (including MRE, FGM etc) / Quality IEC materials are developed and printed / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / National
Support and train 10 IDP outreach focal persons in larger IDP camps / 10 IDP outreach focal points are empowered / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / 24,000 / TAC DTC / GG / CSZ
1.2 / Promote community capacity in human rights, democracy, health and hygiene in 14 communities through community empowerment model (PIDB 4142) / 14 communities complete 3 modules of community empowerment programme / 31/12 / DCT / TOSTAN / CSZ
1.3 / Monitor, report and document lessons learned / Monitoring framework used to report progress on improved social development and protection / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / TAC / Consultant / CSZ
No / Activity Description / PIDB Code / Planned Output / Plan
Deliv Date / Quarter / Estimated Budget ($US) / Funded Amount
($US) / Source of Funds
(PBA & donor) / Req Type / Implement
Partner / Geo Area / Support Activity or Task
I / II / III / IV
2. / Advocate among leadership for improved social development, protection and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities / 234 / 1) X political, religious and community leaders have skills to effectively advocate for improved social development, child protection and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities
2) 30 PLWHA actively advocate for HIV/AIDS prevention care, support and treatment / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No. / Task description
2.1 / Strengthen awareness, capacity and advocacy skills among local governance, religious and community leaders to advocate for HIV prevention care and support (PIDB 4145) / X local governance, religious and community leaders are reached though forums, articles and Friday prayers advocating for greater HIV prevention care and support for at risk adolescents and vulnerable women / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / DCT / HIV/AIDS RWG / CSZ
2.2 / Strengthen awareness, capacity and advocacy skills among political, religious and community leaders to advocate for improved child protection practices
(PIDB 4192) / 1000 political, religious and community leaders are reached though at least 3 advocacy modalities on improving child protection / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / 40,000 / DCT / Peaceline, / CSZ
Ensure timely and appropriate support is given to advocacy initiatives, including via radio, on CP in emergencies issues and specifically Child recruitment / Advocacy on issues of CP in emergencies (eg, child recruitment) is carried out with parties to conflict and authorities / 31/12 / x / X / X / X / 15,000 / DCT / Peace Line / Mogadishu, Baidoa
Provide support for awareness raising and advocacy initiatives by the Child Protection Networks through monthly meetings and event days with a special emphasis on Back to School Campaign / Awareness raising and advocacy initiatives by CPN supported / 31/12 / x / X / X / X / 15,000 / DTC / CPNs / Mogadishu, Merca, Baidoa, Beledweyne, Jowhar and Dhusamareb
Support the establishment of child protection networks in Kismayo / Effective child protection network established / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / 5,000 / DTC / Staff / Kismayo
2.3 / Strengthen systems for child protection monitoring and reporting (PIDB 4132) / 7 evidence based reports produced and disseminated for advocacy among national and international duty bearers / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / National / DTC / NOVIB, CP networks / CSZ
Monitor and provide support to the training of 4 new partners on monitoring and reporting of child protection violations / 4 new partners are competent to monitor and report on child protections violations / 31/03 / X / National / DTC / NOVIB, CP networks / CSZ
Ensure the production of violation reports by partners, and support their utilization for advocacy and response by CPNs / Reports on child protection violations inform joint action and advocacy by CPNs / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / National / DTC / NOVIB, CP networks / CSZ
Support the training of 9 media partners on reporting of child rights violations / Media partners become a more reliable source of information on child protection violations / 31/12 / X / X / National / DTC / NOVIB, CP networks / CSZ
2.4 / Monitor, report and document lessons learned / Monitoring tools developed, and used to monitor project. / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No / Activity Description / PIDB Code / Planned Output / Plan
Deliv Date / Quarter / Estimated Budget ($US) / Funded Amount
($US) / Source of Funds
(PBA & donor) / Req Type / Implement
Partner / Geo Area / Support Activity or Task
I / II / III / IV
3 / Build skills among adolescents and women and create an enabling environment to apply those skills / 228 / 1) 8,000 women and adolescent girls have improved knowledge and skills in HIV prevention care and support / 31/12
No. / Task description
3.1 / Improve knowledge and skills among vulnerable women and adolescent girls in HIV prevention, care and support
(PIDB 4115) / 15,000 vulnerable women and adolescent girls completed women peer education sessions and participate in outreach on HIV prevention, care and support / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / DCT / IIDA, COGWO / CSZ
3.2 / Monitor, report and document lessons learned / Monitoring framework used to report progress / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / TAC / Consultant / CSZ
No / Activity Description / PIDB Code / Planned Output / Plan
Deliv Date / Quarter / Estimated Budget ($US) / Funded Amount
($US) / Source of Funds
(PBA & donor) / Req Type / Implement
Partner / Geo Area / Support Activity or Task
I / II / III / IV
4 / Implement multi-media communication around improved participation protection, and reduction of HIV risks and vulnerabilities / 228 / 1) X communication channels actively used to influence behaviour and policy change and development
2) 4,000 adolescents, women and children reportedly reached through multi media channels / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No. / Task description
4.1 / Initiate mass media programmes on children and AIDS issues, including orphans and vulnerable children. (PIDB 4115) / At least 300 mass media programmes on children and AIDS produced and aired / 31/12 / X / X / X / TAC / Consultant / CSZ
4.2 / Monitor, report and document lessons learned / Appropriate monitoring tools developed, applied and used to monitor project. / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No / Activity Description / PIDB Code / Planned Output / Plan
Deliv Date / Quarter / Estimated Budget ($US) / Funded Amount
($US) / Source of Funds
(PBA & donor) / Req Type / Implement
Partner / Geo Area / Support Activity or Task
I / II / III / IV
5. / Prepare and integrate emergency social mobilisation and communication into emergency response interventions / 211 / Emergency response interventions are fully supported by social mobilisation and communication / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No. / Task description
5.1 / Prepare and mobilise multi media and interpersonal communication channels around specifically identified behaviour change / Identified risk behaviour addressed through multi media and interpersonal communication channels (e.g. sanitation, malaria, nutrition, protection) / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / DCT / CSZ
5.2 / Increase community participation in emergency preparedness and response / Community participation in emergency response increased / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / DCT / CSZ
5.3 / Monitor, report and document lessons learned / Appropriate monitoring tools developed, applied and used to monitor emergency response / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No / Activity Description / PIDB Code / Planned Output / Plan
Deliv Date / Quarter / Estimated Budget ($US) / Funded Amount
($US) / Source of Funds
(PBA & donor) / Req Type / Implement
Partner / Geo Area / Support Activity or Task
I / II / III / IV
6.0 / Establish systems to protect vulnerable children and reduce HIV risks and vulnerabilities during emergencies / 248 / Established systems are compliant with UNICEF’s CCCs in child protection and HIV/AIDS / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
No. / Task description
6.1 / Establish and implement a system for identifying and reuniting separated and unaccompanied minors (PIDB 4163) / Separated and unaccompanied minors are systematically identified and reunited with families / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / 50,000 / TAC, DCT / GG, KANAVA, HAPO Child / CSZ
Support Raid Assessment on family separation in communities affected by floods and conflict / Accurate information about the extent of family separation problem obtained / 31/03 / X / 15,000 / DTC / GG / CSZ
Provide support for the training of 50 youth members on prevention of family separation / Youth skills on mobilizing communities on prevention of family separation enhanced / 30/06 / X / X / 20,000 / DTC / GG, KANAVA, HAPO Child / CSZ
Support mobilization on prevention of family separation in communities affected by the disasters / Increased awareness by the communities about prevention of family separation / 30/05 / X / X / 30,000 / DTC / GG, KANAVA, HAPO Child
6.2 / Provide psychosocial care and support during emergencies (PIDB 4164) / Children, families and communities have access to emergency psychosocial care and support services / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
Facilitate provision of psychosocial support through the establishment of child psychosocial centers in worst affected communities / Children from affected communities have access to psychosocial support / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / 80,000 / DTC / TPO and local partners
6.3 / Prevent sexual and gender based violence during emergencies through mobilization (PIDB 4144) / Fewer incidents of gender based violence occur in emergency settings / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / GG / CSZ
Ensure appropriate responses are offered to GBV survivors mainly psychosocial support during emergency / GBV survivors are able to cope with traumatic experience / 31/12/ / X / X / X / X / DTC / GG, TPO partners / CSZ
Link GBV survivors with W-to-W initiative of HIV/AIDS / GBV survivors are further supported / 31/12 / X / X / X / X / DTC / COGWO, IIDA / CSZ
6.4 / Support the coordination of MRE and dissemination of pubic information through me through media, specific messages and community discussion forums / Public are aware of risks associated with mines/explosives / 31/12 / X / X / X / 25,000 / DTC / Peace Line,
Provide MRE training and education to 30 persons from partners in all regions in CSZ / Trainees acquired knowledge and practice related to MRE / 31/03 / X / 10,000 / DTC / HandCap, Peace Line / CSZ
6.5 / Promote awareness and access to services for HIV/AIDS prevention care and support (PIDB 4125) / Women and adolescents have greater awareness and access to services related to HIV prevention care and support / 31/12 / X / X / X / X
6.6 / Monitor, report and document lessons learned / Monitoring tools developed, applied and used to monitor emergency response / 31/12 / X / X / X / X