SV Handles All Client Service Problems

Gorilla® Mini-Chart

Some offices are already in a situation where clients would not even think to ask for the Financial Advisor (FA) for service. Other offices are not there yet.

This mini-chart is designed to help the offices that are there stay there, and those not yet there to get there.

This task, especially in an office where clients are accustomed to calling the FA for service is certainly “easier said than done.” The Service Assistant (SV) must establish him or herself in the client’s mind as the sole source for handling service issues and questions. The SV’s reputation must be one of providing great service. Otherwise, the clients will try to get to the FA.

Great service is defined as: fast, friendly, effective, and with meticulous attention to detail and follow-up. Many elements go into this, not the least of which is the willingness of the FA to delegate 100% of the responsibility for service, and an assistant who accepts 100% responsibility for solving all client service problems.

Where the FA shares an assistant, the SV must accept responsibility for client service to the limits of the time available, and must schedule service calls the FA needs to handle in a time block specified by the FA.

Where some clients insist on the FA handling service, these are handled one client at a time with the “FA never handles service alone” procedure. See below.

FA has granted 100% of responsibility for service to SV and the entire team knows this.

SV has accepted 100% of responsibility for client service and the entire team knows this.

SV is trained to the point he or she can handle all client service problems.

In training a new SV, the FA should schedule regular time blocks in which the SV comes to the FA for training. These training sessions should be recorded, one issue per recording. A Service Issue Training Log, with date, time, and name of problem should be maintained so that a new service assistant can quickly learn how to handle service issues. When the FA must deal with a problem, the SV should be on the call or in the meeting, so the next time a similar problem arises, the SV can handle it effectively.

SV provides fast service.

“Fast” means today. Where this is not possible, some part of it must be solved today and the client must be notified by phone, email, or letter what has been done and what remains.

SV is friendly.

He or she greets the clients in a warm, friendly manner, uses the client’s name, and when ending a conversation, makes sure the client feels that his or her service request is very important no matter how large or small.

SV has studied and knows how to use Service Issues Speedbutton® Group.

In BGM University, Speedbutton section, SV should take the “Tracking Service Problems” tutorial. In addition, the SV should study the “Tracking Service Problems” policy in the Employee Handbook.

SV uses the Speedbuttons in the Service Issues Speedbutton Group to meticulously document all service issues.

While a service problem is still open, SV calls or emails the client frequently so client does not worry and call.

When encountering a service issue, other staff routinely refer it to the SV.

These referrals to the SV are part of the way the clients learn who to ask for.

SV name and title is on the FA’s business card or, if necessary, on a separate business card with the title “Client Service Manager” or other approved title with the word “service” in it.

A letter has been sent to introduce current SV and detailing his or her duties.

Search The Letters Library® for “Service-Introduction” to discover more than a dozen letters to introduce various staff to clients.

Phone is routinely answered by SV or, in the case of a larger office, by Service/Receptionist.

FA does not routinely give out cell number to clients and, if this has been done, gives his or her cell phone to SV during business hours.

SV or Service Receptionist routinely uses the SV Call Screening Script.

This script is in the document library. Its purpose is to deflect non-investment/non-advice calls to the SV.

FA has implemented the rule: The Advisor never handles service alone.

By always having the SV on a call or in a meeting about service issues, the FA can then hand off this problem to the SV. The SV then follows with the appropriate Speedbutton and assumes ownership of the problem.


© 2010 Bill Good Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved.