I. Name of the Institution:RVSCOLLEGE OF COMPUTER
II. Name andAddress of thePrincipal: Dr.K. ARTHI
RVSCollege of Computer Application
Kumaran Kottam Campus,
Kannampalayam (Post),
Coimbatore – 641 402.
Phone Number : 0422 - 2688077
Fax Number: 0422 - 2680047
E-mail ID:
III. Name of the affiliating University:ANNAUNIVERSITYCHENNAI
IV. Governance
Composition of Governing Council
01. / Dr.K.V.Kupusamy / Chairman02. / Shri.K.Senthil Ganesh / Managing Trustee
03. / Mr.P.K.Natarajan Chief Executive / Member
04 / Dr.K.Karunakaran VC, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore / Member
05 / Dr.B.Ramamurthy Professor, IIT Chennai / Member
06. / Prof.M.Guruswamy Former Principal, CIT, Coimbatore / Member
07. / Dr.V.Chelladurai Principal, CIT / Member
08. / Mr.A.V.Varadharajan Chairman, SANFITS Foundry / Member
09. / Mr.K.Ilango Past President, CODISSIA / Member
10. / Mr.P.Gopalakrishnan MD, Aswin Associates / Member
11. / Dr.K.M.Karuppannan Dean, R&D / Member
12. / Dr.V.Gunaraj Principal, RVSCET/ Secretary / Member
13 / Dr.P.V.Prabha Director, RVSIMS / Member
14. / Dr.K.Arthi Director, RVSCCA / Member
a. Programmes Approved by AICTE
Sl. No. / Name of the Programme / First Approval Letter No. & Date01 / Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.) / TN-001 / MCA / 2008-09
b. Programme wise admission details
Programme / No. of Sanctioned Seats / Duration / Cutoff Marks / Fee / No. of students placedMin / Max
Batch 2008, 2009
MCA / 60 / 3 Years / 10 / 20 / As per State Govt. norms / 80%
VI. FACULTY- Department of Computer Applications
Sl.No. / Name of Staff Member / Designation / Qualification / Total Exp.
(Years) / Date of Joining the institution
1. / Dr. K. ARTHI / Director / MCA Mphil PhD / 14 years / 20.05.2011
2. / Mrs.N.LAVANYA / Asst. Professor / M.C.A / 4 yrs 5 months / 16.06.2008
3. / Mr.K. SOMASUNDARAM / Asst. Professor / MCA., (PhD) / 4 Years 6 months / 24.07.2009
4. / Mrs.D.MANICKAVALLI / Asst. Professor / M.C.A. / 6years and 10months / 02.06.2010
5. / Mr.K.K.SHYAM SHANKAR / Asst. Professor / MCA(PhD) / 7yrs 6months / 01.06.2011
6. / Mr. S.DEEPANKUMAR / Asst. Professor / M.C.A. / 5 YEARS / 01.06.2011
7. / Mr.R.RAMKUMAR / Asst. Professor / M.C.A.,M.Phil,(Ph.D) / 6.3 Years / 06.02.2012
8 / Mr.M.RAJESH KUMAR / Asst. Professor / MCA / 1.7 yrs / 18.05.2012
b. Number of faculty employed and left during last three years
Year / Discipline / Available at start of year / Joined / Left2008-2009 / M.C.A. / 8 / 8 / 1
2009-2010 / M.C.A. / 7 / 4 / 2
2010-2011 / M.C.A. / 10 / 3 / 1
2011-2012 / M.C.A. / 12 / 3 / 3
2012-2013 / M.C.A. / 12 / - / -
- Name of the Director:Dr. K. Arthi
- Date of Birth & Age:03/05/1976 & 37 Years
- Qualification: M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Degree / Programme / Specilization / Class Obtained / Year of Passing / University
Ph.D / Computer Science / 2010 / Anna University, Chennai
M.C.A. / Computer Applications / Ist Class / 1999 / Bharathidasan University
B.Sc. / Statistics / Ist Class / 1996 / MaduraiKamarajUniversity
- a. Years of Total Experience:14 Years
b. Details of Experience:
Designation / TeachingFrom / To
Associate Professor / 2001 / 2011
Asst prof / 1999 / 2001
TOTAL / 14 Years
5 a. Papers Published in National / International Conferences
- “Data Mining – Web Mining A Web Analyst Overview “ at UGC Sponsored National Conference on Distributed Database & Computing conducted by Dept of Computer Science at Gobi Arts & Science College, Gobichettipalayam on 28 & 29th Mar 2004
- “Data Warehousing Framework” at UGC Sponsored National Conference on Distributed Database & Computing conducted by Dept of Computer Science at Gobi Arts & Science College, Gobichettipalayam on 28 & 29th Mar 2004
- “A framework of fruition of CPN over Process Modeling” at UGC Sponsored National Conference on Networking & Multi Agent Systems conducted by Dept of Computer Science at Gobi Arts & Science College, Gobichettipalayam on 25th & 26th Sep 2004.
- “Data Structures for Spatial Databases” at UGC Sponsored National Conference on Networking & Multi Agent Systems conducted by Dept of Computer Science at Gobi Arts & Science College, Gobichettipalayam on
25th & 26th Sep 2004.
- “An Approach to diagnose Autistic Spectrum Disorders Using Neuro Fuzzy Model” at UGC Sponsored National Conference on Distributed Networks conducted by Dept of Computer Science at Gobi Arts & Science College, Gobichettipalayam on 26th & 27th March 2005.
- “Feature RDBMS” National Conference on " Recent Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology ", at Government College of Technology on 8-9, March 2007
- “A Fruition of EM Algorithm in Soft Clustered Distributed Environment” at National level conference conducted by Bharathiar University on Feb 2007.
- “A fruition of EM Algorithm in Soft clustered Distributed environment “National seminar held at the University on 6th and 7th Mar 2007.
- “Link status monitoring using simple network management protocol for leased line circuit “in the National seminar held at the University on 6th and 7th Mar 2007.
- “NETSPY” National conference on soft computing ,Image Processing, Network and Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2009.
- “Cross Platform Integration tool for Access monitoring and control of linux and windows through JAVA “ National conference on soft computing ,Image Processing, Network and Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2009.
- “Intelligent Phishing website detection system using fuzzy techniques.” National conference on soft computing ,Image Processing, Network and Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2009.
- “A study on Neural Network and K Nearest Neighbour Techniques in Classification “ National Conference on Cloud Computing,Image Processing and Network Management held during 25-26th Mar2010
- “Steganography for Audio,Video Images using MD5 Algorithm” National conference on Soft computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 27th -28th Mar 2008.
- “A review of Intelligent agents in civilizing the Fruition of ANN” National conference on Soft computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 27th -28th Mar 2008
- “Enhancing search performance in Unstructured P2P Networks” National conference on cloud computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2010.
- “Watermarking relational databases using optimization based techniques “ National conference on cloud computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2010.
- “Personnel Authentication using Iris Texture Analysis” National conference on cloud computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2010.
- “IMINE : Index support for Itemset mining” National conference on cloud computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2010.
- “A study on Neural Network and K Nearest Neighbour Techniques in Classification” National conference on cloud computing ,Image Processing and Network Management held during 25th -26th Mar 2010.
- “A Neuro Fuzzy Model Based Approach to Diagnose Neurological Disorders” International Conference on Resource Utilization and Intelligent Systems at Kongu Engineering College Erode on Jan 4-6th 2006
- “PROCON – A Protocol Converter” at International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering on February 6-7, 2009.
- “A Review Study about Fuzzy Cognitive Maps applications“ International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI 2010) conducted at Kongu Engineering College, Erode during Dec 2010.
b. Papers published in International Journals
- “Prediction of autistic disorder using neuro fuzzy system by applying ANN technique” International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience,Elsevier Publications, Vol.26, No.7, pp.699-704,2008(Impact Factor 2.418).
- “A Hybrid Fuzzy model in prediction of ADHD using Artificial Neural Networks” International Journal of Information technology and Knowledge Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 209-215, 2009.
- “An Approach to Diagnose Neurological Disorder Using Neuro Fuzzy Model”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol .2, Issue 3, pp. 601 -607, 2008.
- “Enhancing performance of K-NN and Neural classifiers in classifying autistic disorder using fuzzy membership values “National Journal of Technology , Vol 5,No 3,pp.39-46,Sep 2009.
- “A comparison of Neural Network and k-Nearest Neighbour Techniques in classifyingBottom of Form autistic disorder” International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing pp.109-115,Vol4,No 1, Jan-June 2010.
- “Analyzing the performance of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with non linear hebbian learning algorithm in predicting autistic disorder”,International Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, (Impact Factor 2.908).Volume 38, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 1282-1292.
- “Fuzzy Cognitive Map ensemble learning paradigm to solve classification problems: application to autism identification” (in press) Available online from April 2012 Applied soft computing Journal Elsevier Publications (IF=2.612)
- “A comparative analysis on prediction capabilities of Hebbian-based, evolutionary-based and hybrid methods for learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps - Application to autistic disorder problem”, under minor revision in IEEE Trans on SMC Part C (IF=2.016)
- ”Bagged Nonlinear Hebbian Learning Algorithm for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Working on Classification Tasks”. Proceedings ofArtificial Intelligence: Theories and Applications - 7th Hellenic Conference on AI, SETN 2012, Lamia, Greece, May 28-31, 2012.
- Book chapter in Artificial Intelligence: Theories and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science7297 Springer 2012, volume 7297/2012, pages 157-164,DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-30448-4_20, ISBN 978-3-642-30447-7.
- “Neural Networks and its Applications in medical field “ International Journal of Embedded Systems and Computer Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, July-December 2011.
6. List of Conferences, Short-term Courses etc., participated / organized
a.Conferences Participated:
Sl. No / Name of the Program / Organized by / Date1. / the International seminar on Computational Intelligence / Bharathiar University / 30th December 2008
- Details of fee as approved by State fee committee, for the institution.
As per Tamil Nadu Government Norms.
- Time schedule for payment of fee for the entire programme.
As per Tamil Nadu Government Norms.
Number of scholarship offered by the institute, duration and amount.
Year / No. of Students received scholarship from Government of Tamil Nadu2012 - 2013 / 2011- 2012 / 2010 - 2011
M.C.A. / 24 / 15 / 12
- Criteria for fee waivers / scholarship.
The criteria are fixed by the state government for the scholarships given by TamilNadu
For fee waivers by the college trust, the performance of student, economic background of the student etc. will be considered while sanctioning a fee waiver.
- Estimated cost of boarding and Lodging in Hostels.
Rs.2500/- per month per student
- Number of seats sanctioned & students admitted during last three years
AICTE Approved Intake during last 4 years
Courses / 1st Year of approval by AICTE / 2012-2013 / 2011-2012 / 2010-2011
Sanctioned intake / Actual admissions / Sanctioned intake / Actual admissions / Sanctioned intake / Actual admissions
(FT) / MCA / TN-001 / MCA / 2008-09
27-6-2008 / 60 / 22 / 60 / 58 / 60 / 50
- Number of applications received during last two years for admission under Management Quota and number admitted:
Year / No. of Applications Received / No. of Students Admitted
2012-2013 / 35 / 20
2011-2012 / 65 / 45
- Number of Students admitted under various categories each year in the last three years:
Branch / OC / BC / MBC / SC / ST / Total
MCA(2008) / 5 / 30 / 4 / 1 / - / 40
MCA(2009) / 6 / 40 / 5 / 1 / - / 52
MCA(2010) / 14 / 28 / 5 / - / - / 47
- Admissions under Government Quota are made by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Tamil Nadu based on the TANCET Marks.
Admissions under Management Quota is made by the college based on the test conducted by the common entrance exam ‘Consortium of Self-Financing Professional, Arts and ScienceColleges in Tamil Nadu, Chennai’ (CET).
- No of Seats allotted to different test qualified candidates
The college follows a seat sharing with Tamil Nadu Government on the basis of 50:50. Hence, 50% of students will be admitted by TN Government based on U.G. Degree Marks and Cos through counseling and single window system and the rest is by management based on CET.
- Calendar for admission against Management / Vacant seats.
As per Government Norms
Application forms for admission is available at for download.
Normally hosted in the college web site.
Will be hosted in the college web site.
a. Laboratory / Workshop
- Computer Lab
Sl.No. / Name of the laboratory / Workshop / Total Area of Lab/Workshop
1. / Computer Lab / 290
b. Computing Facilities
Sl.No. / Particulars / Availability
1. / No of Computer terminals / 108 Nos.
2. / No. of Computer Servers / 02 Nos.
3. / Hardware Specification / Dual core Processor - 108 Nos.
4. / No of terminals of LAN / WAN / LAN: 108 Nos.
5. / Relevant Legal Software / Application / MSDN Microsoft Academic Alliance License
MS Office 2007, C & C++,
Oracle 10G,
Visual Studio 2008
Microsoft NET 2003,
Microsoft Tools SDKs and DDKs,
Operating System / Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server
Microsoft Windows XP
6. / Peripheral(s)/ Printers / Dot Matrix: 3 Nos.
Inkjet: --
Laser:6 Nos.
7. / Internet Accessibility / 2Mbps
Software Available
Sl.No. / Software description
01 / MSDN Microsoft Academic Alliance License
02 / Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, 2008 Server, Microsoft Advanced Server
03 / Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista
04 / Oracle 10G Processor License
05 / Visual Studio 2005
06 / Visual Studio Net 2003
07 / Microsoft Office 2007
08 / C, C++, Java
09 / NET Enterprise Application Servers (Biz Talk, Commerce Server, ISA Server, Mobile Information Server)
10 / Microsoft Tools SDKs and DDKs
11 / MSDN Library Microsoft E - Learning Library
12 / Rational Rose Enterprise Edition
13 / Kaspersky Business space security
- Library
- Total area of the library-270 Sq.m.
- Seating Capacity of the library-120
- Reprographic Facility-YES
- Working Hours of Library
(i)Week Days - 08.00 am to 08.00 pm
(ii)Holidays -10.00 am to 02.00 pm
- Library Networking facility-YES
- Details of books available
S.No. / Course(s) / Number of titles of the books / Number of volumes / Journals
National / International
1. / M.C.A. / 1439 / 3339 / 12 / 12
TOTAL / 1439 / 3339 / 12 / 12
- Area Details of Class rooms / Library / Workshop
Particulars / Number of rooms Available in the institution / Carpet area of each room Available in the Institution (Sq.m)
Class Rooms / 3 / 83each X 3 = 250
Tutorial Hall / 2 / 150 each X 2 = 300
Computer Centre / 1 / 290 each
Library / 1 / 270 each
Total / 8 / 1360
e. Central Amenities
Backup Power Supply (in KW) for /
Computer Centre / a)23.4 KVA generator for College
b)63.5 KVA generator for Hostel
Lecture Rooms
Canteen /
Language Laboratory /
Open air-theater / Auditorium /
Transport /
Common Room (Men Students) /
Common Room (Women Students) /
Medical facilities /
Seminar Hall with LCD Projector and Quality Audio System with 150 seating capacity. / 2 Nos. (A/c.)
4 Nos. OHPS
Transport Facility / Available
Reprographic Facility / Xerox Machine
S.No. / Parameter / Availability
1 / All Weather Approach Road (Bitumen Road) / YES
2 / Potable Water Supply System - Own bore well (3 Nos.) / YES
3 / Electrical Generator – 110 KVA & 63.5 KVA / YES
4 / Students’ Canteen / YES
5 / Students’ Common Room (Boys / Girls) / YES
6 / Hostel / Boys / YES
Girls / YES
7 / Digital Library / YES
8 / Parking facilities / YES
9 / Medical facilities (full time) / YES
10 / Telephone booth / YES
11 / Gymnasium /indoor / outdoor stadium / YES
12 / Rainwater-harvesting facilities are available / YES
13 / Transport facility for day scholars / YES
14 / Reprographic facilities in the Institutions. / YES