VOLUME 32 ● ISSUE 03 ● Pages 99 – 149
August 1, 2017
Environmental Management Commission – Public Notice...... 99
Building Code Council – Notice of Rule Making Proceedings and
Public Hearing...... 100 – 109
Public Safety, Department of
Private Protective Services Board...... 110 – 113
Alarm Systems Licensing Board...... 113 – 114
Transportation, Department of
Department...... 114 – 117
III. APPROVED RULES...... 118 – 133
Health and Human Services, Department of
Medical Care Commission
Mental Health, Commission for
Insurance, Department of
Insurance, Commissioner of
Manufactured Housing Board
Justice, Department of
Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission
Environmental Quality, Department of
Coastal Resources Commission
Environmental Management Commission
Secretary of State, Department of
Transportation, Department of
Occupational Licensing Boards and Commissions
Medical Board
Real Estate Commission
Index to ALJ Decisions...... 146 – 149
The Office of Administrative Hearings
Rules DivisionJulian Mann III, Director
6714 Mail Service CenterMolly Masich, Codifier of Rules
Raleigh, NC 27699-6714Dana Vojtko, Publications Coordinator
Telephone (919) 431-3000Lindsay Woy, Editorial Assistant
Fax (919) 431-3104
Contact List for Rulemaking Questions or Concerns
For questions or concerns regarding the Administrative Procedure Act or any of its components, consult with the agencies below. The bolded headings are typical issues which the given agency can address, but are not inclusive.
Rule Notices, Filings, Register, Deadlines, Copies of Proposed Rules, etc.
Office of Administrative Hearings
Rules Division
1711 New Hope Church Road(919) 431-3000
Raleigh, North Carolina27609(919) 431-3104 FAX
contact: Molly Masich, Codifier of (919) 431-3071
Dana Vojtko, Publications Coordinator (919) 431-3075
Lindsay Woy, Editorial (919) 431-3078
Rule Review and Legal Issues
Rules Review Commission
1711 New Hope Church Road(919) 431-3000
Raleigh, North Carolina27609(919) 431-3104 FAX
contact:Abigail Hammond, Commission (919) 431-3076
Amber Cronk May, Commission (919) 431-3074
Amanda Reeder, Commission (919) 431-3079
Jason Thomas, Commission (919) 431-3081
Alexander Burgos, (919) 431-3080
Julie Brincefield, Administrative Assistant (919) 431-3073
Fiscal Notes & Economic Analysis and Governor's Review
Office of State Budget and Management
116 West Jones Street(919) 807-4700
Raleigh, North Carolina27603-8005(919) 733-0640 FAX
Contact: Anca Grozav, Economic (919) 807-4740
Carrie Hollis, Economic (919) 807-4757
NC Association of CountyCommissioners
215 North Dawson Street(919) 715-2893
Raleigh, North Carolina27603
contact: Amy
NC League of Municipalities(919) 715-4000
215 North Dawson Street
Raleigh, North Carolina27603
contact: Sarah
Legislative Process Concerning Rule-making
545 Legislative Office Building
300 North Salisbury Street(919) 733-2578
Raleigh, North Carolina27611(919) 715-5460 FAX
Karen Cochrane-Brown, Director/Legislative Analysis
Jeff Hudson, Staff
Publication Schedule for January 2017 – December 2017
FILING DEADLINES / NOTICE OF TEXT / PERMANENT RULE / TEMPORARY RULESVolume & issue number / Issue date / Last day for filing / Earliest date for public hearing / End of required comment
Period / Deadline to submit to RRC
for review at
next meeting / Earliest Eff.
Date of
Permanent Rule / Delayed Eff. Date of
Permanent Rule
31st legislative day of the session beginning: / 270th day from publication in the Register
31:13 / 01/03/17 / 12/07/16 / 01/18/17 / 03/06/17 / 03/20/17 / 05/01/17 / 05/2018 / 09/30/17
31:14 / 01/17/17 / 12/20/16 / 02/01/17 / 03/20/17 / 04/20/17 / 06/01/17 / 05/2018 / 10/14/17
31:15 / 02/01/17 / 01/10/17 / 02/16/17 / 04/03/17 / 04/20/17 / 06/01/17 / 05/2018 / 10/29/17
31:16 / 02/15/17 / 01/25/17 / 03/02/17 / 04/17/17 / 04/20/17 / 06/01/17 / 05/2018 / 11/12/17
31:17 / 03/01/17 / 02/08/17 / 03/16/17 / 05/01/17 / 05/22/17 / 07/01/17 / 05/2018 / 11/26/17
31:18 / 03/15/17 / 02/22/17 / 03/30/17 / 05/15/17 / 05/22/17 / 07/01/17 / 05/2018 / 12/10/17
31:19 / 04/03/17 / 03/13/17 / 04/18/17 / 06/02/17 / 06/20/17 / 08/01/17 / 05/2018 / 12/29/17
31:20 / 04/17/17 / 03/24/17 / 05/02/17 / 06/16/17 / 06/20/17 / 08/01/17 / 05/2018 / 01/12/18
31:21 / 05/01/17 / 04/07/17 / 05/16/17 / 06/30/17 / 07/20/17 / 09/01/17 / 05/2018 / 01/26/18
31:22 / 05/15/17 / 04/24/17 / 05/30/17 / 07/14/17 / 07/20/17 / 09/01/17 / 05/2018 / 02/09/18
31:23 / 06/01/17 / 05/10/17 / 06/16/17 / 07/31/17 / 08/21/17 / 10/01/17 / 05/2018 / 02/26/18
31:24 / 06/15/17 / 05/24/17 / 06/30/17 / 08/14/17 / 08/21/17 / 10/01/17 / 05/2018 / 03/12/18
32:01 / 07/03/17 / 06/12/17 / 07/18/17 / 09/01/17 / 09/20/17 / 11/01/17 / 05/2018 / 03/30/18
32:02 / 07/17/17 / 06/23/17 / 08/01/17 / 09/15/17 / 09/20/17 / 11/01/17 / 05/2018 / 04/13/18
32:03 / 08/01/17 / 07/11/17 / 08/16/17 / 10/02/17 / 10/20/17 / 12/01/17 / 05/2018 / 04/28/18
32:04 / 08/15/17 / 07/25/17 / 08/30/17 / 10/16/17 / 10/20/17 / 12/01/17 / 05/2018 / 05/12/18
32:05 / 09/01/17 / 08/11/17 / 09/16/17 / 10/31/17 / 11/20/17 / 01/01/18 / 05/2018 / 05/29/18
32:06 / 09/15/17 / 08/24/17 / 09/30/17 / 11/14/17 / 11/20/17 / 01/01/18 / 05/2018 / 06/12/18
32:07 / 10/02/17 / 09/11/17 / 10/17/17 / 12/01/17 / 12/20/17 / 02/01/18 / 05/2018 / 06/29/18
32:08 / 10/16/17 / 09/25/17 / 10/31/17 / 12/15/17 / 12/20/17 / 02/01/18 / 05/2018 / 07/13/18
32:09 / 11/01/17 / 10/11/17 / 11/16/17 / 01/02/18 / 01/22/18 / 03/01/18 / 05/2018 / 07/29/18
32:10 / 11/15/17 / 10/24/17 / 11/30/17 / 01/16/18 / 01/22/18 / 03/01/18 / 05/2018 / 08/12/18
32:11 / 12/01/17 / 11/07/17 / 12/16/17 / 01/30/18 / 02/20/18 / 04/01/18 / 05/2018 / 08/28/18
32:12 / 12/15/17 / 11/22/17 / 12/30/17 / 02/13/18 / 02/20/18 / 04/01/18 / 05/2018 / 09/11/18
This document is prepared by the Office of Administrative Hearings as a public service and is not to be deemed binding or controlling.
This Publication Schedule is prepared by the Office of Administrative Hearings as a public service and the computation of time periods are not to be deemed binding or controlling. Time is computed according to 26 NCAC 2C .0302 and the Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 6.
The North Carolina Register shall be published twice a month and contains the following information submitted for publication by a state agency:
(1)temporary rules;
(2)text of proposed rules;
(3)text of permanent rules approved by the Rules Review Commission;
(4)emergency rules
(5)Executive Orders of the Governor;
(6)final decision letters from the U.S. Attorney General concerning changes in laws affecting voting in a jurisdiction subject of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as required by G.S. 120-30.9H; and
(7)other information the Codifier of Rules determines to be helpful to the public.
COMPUTING TIME: In computing time in the schedule, the day of publication of the North Carolina Register is not included. The last day of the period so computed is included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or State holiday, in which event the period runs until the preceding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or State holiday.
ISSUE DATE: The Register is published on the first and fifteen of each month if the first or fifteenth of the month is not a Saturday, Sunday, or State holiday for employees mandated by the State Personnel Commission. If the first or fifteenth of any month is a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday for State employees, the North Carolina Register issue for that day will be published on the day of that month after the first or fifteenth that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday for State employees.
LAST DAY FOR FILING: The last day for filing for any issue is 15 days before the issue date excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays for State employees.
EARLIEST DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING: The hearing date shall be at least 15 days after the date a notice of the hearing is published.
An agency shall accept comments on the text of a proposed rule for at least 60 days after the text is published or until the date of any public hearings held on the proposed rule, whichever is longer.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT TO THE RULES REVIEW COMMISSION: The Commission shall review a rule submitted to it on or before the twentieth of a month by the last day of the next month.
FIRST LEGISLATIVE DAY OF THE NEXT REGULAR SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: This date is the first legislative day of the next regular session of the General Assembly following approval of the rule by the Rules Review Commission. See G.S. 150B-21.3, Effective date.
TheDivisionof Energy,MineralandLandResources(DEMLR)invitespublic commenton,orobjectionsto,thepermittingactionslistedbelow. Personswishingtocommentorobjectmaysubmitwrittencomments to the address below by the due dates indicated. All comments received prior to the dates willbe considered in the final determinations regarding permit issuance. Public comments may result inchanges to the proposed permitting actions. All comments should reference the specific permitting actionslisted below and the permit number. DEMLR intends to re-issue the following NPDES industrialGeneral Permits. Please note that for some permits below multiple actions are proposed for the samepermit over two separate commentperiods.
NCG240000 for Compost Facilities: to be revised and re-issued with proposed re-issuance date–
09/30/2017; public comment period ends9/15/2017.
The General Permits and Fact Sheets may be viewed 45 days in advance of the scheduledre-issuance dates noted aboveat:
Please direct comments or objectionsto: Stormwater Program
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and LandResources
512 N. Salisbury St.
1612 Mail ServiceCenter
Raleigh, NC27699-1612
Telephone Number: (919)807-6369
Notice of Rule-making Proceedings is hereby given by NC Building Code Council in accordance with G.S. 150B-21.5(d).
Citation to Existing Rule Affected by this Rule-Making: North Carolina Administrative, Building, Electrical, Energy Conservation, Existing Building, Plumbing, and Residential Code amendments.
Authority for Rule-making: G.S. 143-136; 143-138.
Reason for Proposed Action: To incorporate changes in the NC State Building Codes as a result of rulemaking petitions filed with the NC Building Code Council and to incorporate changes proposed by the Council.
Public Hearing: Tuesday,September 12, 2017, 9:00AM, Albemarle Building, 325 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603, 2nd Floor Training Room 245. Comments on both the proposed rule and any fiscal impact will be accepted.
Comment Procedures: Written comments may be sent to Barry Gupton, Secretary, NC Building Code Council, NC Department of Insurance, 1202 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1202. Comments on both the proposed rule and any fiscal impact will be accepted. Comment period expires on October 16, 2017.
Statement of Subject Matter:
1. Request by the NC Building Code Council, Electrical Committee, to adopt the 2017 North Carolina Electrical Code. The Base Document for the 2017 NC Electrical Code is the 2017National Electrical Code.
The 2017 NC Committee amendments are posted at the link below and are replacements to the Articles printed in the Base Documents.
The 2017 National Electrical Code is available at the link below for purchase or for public access.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is April 1, 2018.
Reason Given –This purpose of this adoption is to update the NC Electrical Code to the 2017 NEC.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to have a substantial economic impact. A fiscal note has been approved and posted at the link below.
2. Request by Daniel Priest, NC Building Code Council and Appendix B Ad-Hoc Committee Chair to amend the 2012/2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies, Section 204.3.4 as follows:
204.3.4 Information Required. A permit application shall be filed with the Inspection Department on a form furnished for that purpose. The Inspection Department shall make available a list of information which must be submitted with the building permit application, including a complete building code summary (see Appendix B) and a permit application information sheet (see Appendix A). The Inspection Department’s building code summary shall be in the exact format as, and contain only the information in, Appendix B of the Administrative Code and Policies. The Inspection Department shall only modify its building code summary as set forth in section 103.5 Modifications, or as necessary to reflect any changes by the Building Code Council to Appendix B of the Administrative Code and Policies.
The 2018 Appendix B - Building Code Summary is available at the link below for public access.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given – This purpose of this amendment is to streamline the permit application process by providing a statewide Appendix B building code summary.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with no net decrease/increase in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
3. Request by the NC Building Code Council in response to SL2017-10 (H131) to amend the 2012 NC Building Code, Section 1301.1.1 as follows:
1301.1.1 Criteria. Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code.
Exception: Per G.S 143-138 (b18), no energy conservation code provisions shall apply to any structure for which the primary occupancy classification is Group F, S, or U. This exclusion shall apply to the entire building area.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given –SL2017-10 (H131)directed the NC Building Code Council to revise the 2012 NC Building Code, and any subsequent amendments to the Building Code, to exempt certain building code occupancy classifications from energy efficiency requirements.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with a minimal decrease in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
4. Request by the NC Building Code Council in response to SL2017-10 (H131) to amend the 2012 NC Energy Conservation Code, Section 101.2 as follows:
101.2 Scope. This code applies to residential and commercial buildings.
Exception: Per G.S 143-138 (b18), no energy conservation code provisions shall apply to any structure for which the primary occupancy classification is Group F, S, or U pursuant to Chapter 3 of the 2012 North Carolina Building Code. This exclusion shall apply to the entire building area.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given –SL2017-10 (H131)directed the NC Building Code Council to revise the 2012 NC Building Code, and any subsequent amendments to the Building Code, to exempt certain building code occupancy classifications from energy efficiency requirements.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with a minimal decrease in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
5. Request by the NC Building Code Council in response to SL2017-10 (H131) to amend the 2015 NC Existing Building Code, Section 101.12 as follows:
101.12 Energy conservation.
Per G.S 143-138 (b18), no energy conservation code provisions shall apply to any structure for which the primary occupancy classification is Group F, S or U. This exclusion shall apply to the entire building area.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given –SL2017-10 (H131)directed the NC Building Code Council to revise the 2012 NC Building Code, and any subsequent amendments to the Building Code, to exempt certain building code occupancy classifications from energy efficiency requirements.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with a minimal decrease in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
6. Request by the NC Building Code Council in response to SL2017-10 (H131) to amend the 2018 NC Building Code, Section 1301.1.1 as follows:
1301.1.1 Criteria. Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code.
Exception: Per G.S 143-138 (b18), no energy conservation code provisions shall apply to any structure for which the primary occupancy classification is Group F, S, or U. This exclusion shall apply to the entire building area.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given –SL2017-10 (H131)directed the NC Building Code Council to revise the 2012 NC Building Code, and any subsequent amendments to the Building Code, to exempt certain building code occupancy classifications from energy efficiency requirements.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with a minimal decrease in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
7. Request by the NC Building Code Council in response to SL2017-10 (H131) to amend the 2018 NC Energy Conservation Code, Section C101.2 as follows:
C101.2 Scope.
This code applies to commercialbuildings and the buildings’ sites and associated systems and equipment.
1. Energy expended in support of process energy applications does not invoke energy conservation code requirements or building thermal envelope requirements unless otherwise required in specific sections of this code.
2. Per G.S 143-138 (b18), no energy conservation code provisions shall apply to any structure for which the primary occupancy classification is Group F, S, or U pursuant to Chapter 3 of the 2018 North Carolina Building Code. This exclusion shall apply to the entire building area.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given –SL2017-10 (H131)directed the NC Building Code Council to revise the 2012 NC Building Code, and any subsequent amendments to the Building Code, to exempt certain building code occupancy classifications from energy efficiency requirements.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with a minimal decrease in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
8. Request by the NC Building Code Council in response to SL2017-10 (H131) to amend the 2018 NC Existing Building Code, Section 101.12 as follows:
101.12 Energy conservation.
Per G.S 143-138 (b18), no energy conservation code provisions shall apply to any structure for which the primary occupancy classification is Group F, S or U. This exclusion shall apply to the entire building area.
Motion/Second/Approved – The request was granted.The proposed effective date of this rule is March 1, 2018 (earliest through RRC), unless the BCC assigns a delayed effective date (January 1, 2019).
Reason Given –SL2017-10 (H131)directed the NC Building Code Council to revise the 2012 NC Building Code, and any subsequent amendments to the Building Code, to exempt certain building code occupancy classifications from energy efficiency requirements.
Fiscal Statement – This rule is anticipated to provide equivalent compliance with a minimal decrease in cost. This rule is not expected to either have a substantial economic impact or increase local and state funds. A fiscal note has not been prepared.
9. Request by Robert Privott, NCHBA and Buddy Hughes, LOGIX to amend the 2012 NC Residential Code, Section R404. as follows:
R404. Stay-in-place forms. Stay-in-place concrete forms shall comply with this section.
1.Surface burning characteristics. The flame-spread index and smoke developed index of forming material, other than foam plastic, left exposed on the interior shall comply with Section R302. The surface burning characteristics of foam plastic used in insulating concrete forms shall comply with Section R316.3.
2. Interior covering. Stay-in-place forms constructed of rigid foam plastic shall be protected on the interior of the building as required by Section R316. Where gypsum board is used to protect the foam plastic, it shall be installed with a mechanical fastening system. Use of adhesives in addition to mechanical fasteners is permitted.
3. Exterior wall covering. Stay-in-place forms constructed of rigid foam plastics shall be protected from sunlight and physical damage by the application of an approved exterior wall covering complying with this code. Exterior surfaces of other stay-in-place forming systems shall be protected in accordance with this code.