UC Berkeley - Film Studies Dept.
Gary Handman
Week One
Class 1 (Jan 18): Introduction to course: Course overview, class mechanics
Reading for next class:
- Nichols: chapters 2 and 6;
- Barbash & Taylor. "Documentary Styles" (available online)
- Eitzen, Dirk. "When Is a Documentary?"(available online - via UCB proxy or in the library)
- Godmilow and Shapiro. "How Real is the Reality in Documentary Film? (available online)
Class 2 (Jan 20): From Real to Reel: What and Why is Documentary Film?
Reading for next class:
- Barnow, 3-30
- Nichols, 82-87
Week Two
Class 3 (Jan 25): Cinema sur le Vif (Real Life Cinema): The Beginnings of Motion Pictures and the Prehistory of Documentary Film
- Muybridge sequence photograhy,
- Lumiere Brothers (First Films)
- Edison shorts
Reading for next class:
- Barnow, 33-50;
- Rothman. "The Filmmaker as Hunter" (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
- Ruby, "Re-examinition of the Early Career of Robert J. Flaherty" (Quarterly Review of Film Studies, Fall 1980) (available online)
Class 4 (Jan 27): A Lens on World: Documentary and the Romance of Exploration and Travel
- Clips: Melies, Porter
- Clips: Dawn of the Eye (about early newsreels) (10 min.)
- Clips: Savage Acts (1904 St. Louis World's Fair) (5 min.)
- Clips: The Shadow Catcher : Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian (12 min.)
- Clips from: 90 Degrees South (Herbert Ponting, 1916-1933) (5 min.)
- Clips: Congorilla (Martin and Asa Johnson, 1932) (8 min.)
- Nanook of the North (Robert J. Flaherty, 1922) (69 min.)
View in discussion section (Jan 26):
- Nanook Revisited (55 min.)
Reading for next class:
- Ruby, "Speaking for, Speaking About, Speaking With, or Speaking Alongside: An Anthropological and Documentary Dilemma." (Quarterly Review of Film Studies, Fall 1980 -- available online)
- Nichols, chapter 1
Week Three
Class 5 (Feb 1): A Lens on World: Films of Exploration and Travel (continued)
- Nanook of the North (Robert Flaherty) (continued)
Discussion Lead by Group 1 (Nanook)
Class 6 (Feb 3):
Part I: Researching Documentary Film/Discussion of Assignment I
(To prepare for your forthcoming assignments, read Nichols, chapter 8)
Part II: Kino Pravda (Cinema Truth): Early Soviet Documentary
- Clips: Constructivism/Soviet Avant Garde (Shock of the New)(6 min.)
- Clips: Kino Pravda (Dziga Vertov, 1922-1925)
Reading for next class:
- Feldman, "Peace Between Man and Machine" (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
- Barnow, 51-71
- "Kino Eyes and Agit Trains" (Imagining Reality) (reader)
- Nichols, 94-98
Week Four
Class 7 (Feb 8): Kino Pravda (Cinema Truth): Early Soviet Documentary (guest lecturer: Professor Ann Nesbit)
- Man with a Movie Camera (Chelovek s kinoapparatom) (Dziga Vertov, 1929) (68 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 2 (Man with a Movie Camera)
Reading for next class:
- Barnow, 71-81;
- Nichols, chapter 3; pp. 88-90; review pp. 102-105 (Poetic Mode)
- Gaughan. "Ruttmann's Berlin: Filming in a "Hollow Space." (Screening the City) (reader)
- Filmnotes to Berlin, Symphomy of a Great City (available online)
Class 8 (Feb 10): The Poetics of Modernity: City Films and other Documentary Experiments of the 1920's
- Clips: Shock of the New (Dada and Surrealism)(4 min.)
- Clips from: Rhythmus 21 (Hans Richer, 1921); Ghosts Before Breakfast (Vormitagsspuk) (Hans Richer, 1928); Emak Bakia (Man Ray, 1926); Ballet Mechanique (Ferdnand Leger, 1924) (6 min.)
- Berlin, Symphony of a Great City (Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Grossstadt) (Walter Ruttmann, 1927) (72 min.)
Discussion Lead by: Group 3 (Berlin)
View in discussion section (Feb 9):
- Manhatta (Ralph Steiner, Charles Sheeler, 1921) (10 min.)
- Rain (Regen) (Joris Ivens, Mannus Franken,1929) (12 min.)
Required individual viewing before the end of next week:
- Grierson (Media Resources Center Video/C 9412)
Reading for next class:
- John Grierson: First Principle of Documentary) (Grierson on Documentary) (reader)
- Barnow, 85-100
- Nichols, pp: 13-19; 139-148; review pp. 105-109 (Expository Mode)
- Corner, John. "Coalface and Housing Problems" (Art of Record) (reader)
Week 5:
Class 9 (Feb 15): The World on the Doorstep: John Grierson and the British Documentary Movement
- Clips: The Drifters (John Grierson, 1929)
- Coalface (Alberto Cavalcanti, 1935) (12 min.)
- Night Mail (Harry Watt, Basil Wright, 1939) (24 min.)
- Housing Problems (Edgar Anstey, 1935) (15 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 4 (Night Mail)
Reading for next class:
- Barnow, 112-126
- Nichols, 61-81
- Davidson. "Depression America and the Rise of the Social Documentary Film." (Chicago Review, 34 no. 1, Summer 1983) (reader)
Surf for next class:
- "New Frontiers in American Documentary Film" (available online)
Assignment 1 Due (February 15)
Class 10 (Feb 17): American Documentary and the Great Depression
- Great Depression overview (11 min.)
- Plow That Broke the Plains (Pare Lorentz, 1936) (26 min.)
- Clips: Dawn of the Eye (1930's newsreels) (9 min.)
- Clips: Native Land (Leo Hurwitz, Paul Strand, 1942) (14 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 5 (Plow that Broke the Plains)
Reading for next class:
- "Reaping the Golden Harvest: Pare Lorentz, Poet and Filmmaker" (available online)
- Waugh. "Men Cannot Act Before the Camera in the Presence of Death" (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
Week Six:
Class 11 (Feb 22): Hard Times: American Documentary and the Great Depression
- The River (Pare Lorentz, 1938) (30 min.)
- Spanish Civil War newsreel/doc (5 min.)
- Spanish Earth (Joris Ivens, 1937) (52 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 6 (The Spanish Earth)
Reading for next class:
- Barnow, 134-136; 144-149; 154-164
- Austin. "A Battle of Wills" (Artistic Strategy and the Rhetoric of Power) (reader)
Class 12 (Feb. 24): Documentary Goes to War
- Listen to Britain (Humphrey Jennings, Stewart McAllister, 1942) (19 min.)
- Clips: Target for Tonight (Harry Watt, 1941) (15 min.)
- Clips: Why We Fight (Prelude to War) (Frank Capra, 1943) (40 min.)
- Clip: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Frank Capra, 1939)
Discussion Lead by Group 7 (Why We Fight)
Required individual viewing before the end of next week:
- The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstal (Media Resources Center DVD 176)
Reading for next class:
- Sontag. "Fascinating Fascism" (available online)
- Tomasulo. "Mass Psychology of Fascist Cinema" (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
Week Seven:
Class 13 (March 1): Documentary Goes to War (Guest Lecturer: Professor Anton Kaes)
- Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens) (Leni Rienfenstahl, 1934) (120 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 8 (Triumph of the Will)
Reading for next class:
- Flitterman-Lewis. "Documenting the Ineffable: Terror and Memory in Night and Fog." (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
- Barnow, 180-182; 221-228
- Ellis. "Free Cinema." (available online)
Class 14: (March 3) Post-War Documentary
- Clip from Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Karl Reisz, 1960) (6 min.)
- Clip from The Bicycle Thief (Ladri di Biciclette) (Vittorio De Sica, 1949) (10 min.)
- Clips from Atomic Café (10 min.)
- Clips from Harvest of Shame (David Lowe, CBS TV, 1960) (15 min.)
- Night and Fog (Nuit et Brouillard) (Alain Resnais, 1955) (32 min.)
Discussion lead by Group 9 (Night and Fog)
Required individual viewing before the end of next week:
- Cinema Verité: Defining the Moment (Media Center VIDEO/C 7004)
Reading for next class:
- Barnow, 229-262
- Review Nichols, pp. 109-115
- Morin. "Chronicle of a Film" (Visual Communication, Winter 1985) (reader)
- Callison. "Truth in Cinema: Comparing Direct Cinema and Cinema" Verite) (available online)
Week Eight:
Class 15 (March 8): The Observers: Cinema Verité / Direct Cinema
- Chronicle of a Summer(Chronique d'un ete) (Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin, 1960) (90 min.)
Discussion lead by Group 10 (Chronicle of a Summer)
Screen in Section:
- Direct Cinema (interview with Al and David Maysles) (52 min.) (Media Center VIDEO/C 5966)
Reading for next class:
- Nichols, 148-167
- "Eternal Verites" (Beyond Document) (reader)
- Pryluck: "Ultimately We Are All Outsiders" (New Challenges for Documentary) (reader)
Surf for next class:
- Daniel Zwerling Interviews Al Maysles
Class 16 (March 10):Cinema Verité / Direct Cinema (continued)
- Clips from Primary (Drew Associates, 1960) (10 min.)
- Salesman (Albert and David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin, 1968) (90 min.)
Optional but highly recommended viewing:
- Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967) (90 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 11 (Salesman)
Read for next class:
- Nichols, chapter 7; review pp. 115-123 (Participatory Mode)
- Barnow, pp 268-293
- Grosser. "We Aren't on the Wrong Side, We Are the Wrong Side." (From Hanoi to Hollywood) (reader)
- Wilder. "Hearts and Minds Redux." (available online)
Surf for next class:
- Background on the Columbia University 1968 Student Uprising
- Chronology of the War in Vietnam
Week Nine:
Class 17 (March 15): Up Against the Wall and On the Battlements:
60's and 70s Documentary Activism
- Hearts and Minds(Peter Davis, 1974) (112 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 12 (Hearts and Minds)
View in discussion section (Mar 16):
- Clips: A 15 minute, 22 second tour of the 60's
- Clips: Columbia Revolt (Newsreel, 1968) (15 min.)
Read for next class
- Rosenthal. "Harlan County USA." (reader) (The Documentary Conscsience)
- Kaplan. "Theory and Practice of the Realist Documentary Form in Harlan County U.S.A." (Show Us Life) (reader)
- Biskin. "Harlan County U.S.A." (Jump Cut no. 14, 1977, pp. 3-4) (available online)
- King. "Recent 'Political' Documentary: Notes on Union Maids and Harlan County USA" (Screen, 22, no. 2 1981) (reader)
Class 18 (March 17): Up Against the Wall and On the Battlements: The 60's and 70s Filmmaker as Activist/Participant
- Harlan County, USA (Barbara Kopple, 1976) (103 min.)
Discussion Lead by Group 13 (Harlan County)
Read for next class:
- Waugh. "Walking on Tippy Toes: Lesbian and Gay Liberation Documentary of the Post Stonewall Period, 1969-84 (Between the Sheets, In the Streets) (reader)
- Atwell. "Word Is Out and Gay U.S.A." (New Challenges for Documentary) (reader)
- Silver. "Dear Video Diary." (re: Aka Don Bonus) U.S. News & World Report July 1, 1996 v121 (available online - via UCB proxy or in the library)
- "One Big Life": Asian American Documentarists Carve Out A Niche." Colorlines, April 20, 2000, issue 1 (available online - via UCB proxy or in the library)
Proposal for documentary video final project due (March 17) (for those opting for this type of project)
Week Ten:
Spring Break!!!
Week Eleven:
Class 19 (March 29): Voices from the Margins: "We Speak to You About Us"
- Clips: Word Is Out (Peter Adair, 1977)
- A.k.a. Don Bonus (Spencer Nakasako, Sokly Ny, 1995) (55 min)
Discussion Lead by Group 14 (A.k.a. Don Bonus)
View in discussion section (March 30):
- Clips: Eyes on the Prize (No Easy Walk, 1962-66)(Blackside Productions, 1986)
Assignment 2 Due (March 29)
Proposal for final paper topic due (March 29) (for those opting for this type of project)
Class 20 (March 31): Voices from the Margins: "We Speak to You About Us"
- Guests: Ray Telles; Loni Ding
Read for next class:
- Grant. "Man with a Movie Camera."(Fred Wiseman) (Voyages of Discovery) (reader)
- Grant. "Ethnography in the First Person." (Titicut Follies) (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
- Rapfogel. "The Birth, Life, and Death of a Nation:
A Portrait by Frederick Wiseman." (available online)
Class 21 (April 5): Reality Fictions: Frederick Wiseman
- Titicut Follies (Frederick Wiseman, 1967) (84 min.)
Read for next class:
- Discussion with Frederick Wiseman - part I (IndieWire) (available online)
- Discussion with Frederick Wiseman - part II (IndieWire) (available online)
Class 22 (April 7): Reality Fictions: Frederick Wiseman
- Guest speaker: Frederick Wiseman
Read for next class:
- Erens. "Women's Documentary Filmmaking: the Personal Is Political" (New Challenges for Documentary) (reader)
- Lesage. "The Political Aesthetics of the Feminist Documentary Film" (Issues in Feminist film Criticism) (reader)
Week Thirteen:
Class 23: (April 12): Feminist Documentary Comes of Age: Reclaiming History
- Clips: Women in the defense industry newsreel footage (3 min.)
- The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter(Connie Field, 1980) (65 min.)
Discussion Lead by: Group 15 (Rosie)
Discussion Sections (April 6): Guest speaker: B. Ruby Rich
Read for next class:
- Citron. "Fleeing from Documentary: Autobiographical Film/Video and the "Ethics of Responsibility." (Feminism and Documentary) (reader)
- Williams and Rich. "The Right of Re-Vision: Michelle Citron's Daughter Rite." (Movies and Methods) (reader)
Class 24: (April 14): Feminist Documentary Comes of Age: Identity and Power
- Clips: Interviews with Julie Reichert and Michelle Citron (Women of Vision) (12 min.)
- Clips: Growing Up Female (Julie Reichert, James Klein, 1971) (15 min.)
- Daughter Rite(Michelle Citron, 1979) (53 min.)
Discussion Lead by: Group 16 (Daughter Rite)
Read for Next Section:
- Aufderheide. "Public Intimacy: The Development of First-person Documentary" Afterimage July-August 1997 v25 n1 p16
(available online - via UCB proxy or in the library)
- Lucia. "When the Personal Becomes Political: An Interview with Ross McElwee"Cineaste, Spring 1993 v20 n2 p32 (available online - via UCB proxy or in the library)
- Fischer. "Documentary Film and the Discourse of Hysterical/Historical Narrative." (Sherman's March) (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
Week Fourteen:
Class 25 (April 19): The Camera I: First-person Narratives, Family Narratives, and the Performance of Self
- Sherman's March (Ross McElwee, 1986) (155 min.)
Discussion Lead by: Group 17 (Sherman's March)
Read for Next Section:
- Interview withMarlon Riggs (from Jump Cut, no 3. 1991) (available online)
- Petty. "Silence and Its Opposite" (Documenting the Documentary) (reader)
- Review Nichols, pp: 130-137 (Performative Mode)
Class 26 (April 21): The Camera I: First-person Narratives, Family Narratives, and the Performance of Self
- Tongues Untied (Marlon Riggs, 1989) (55 min.)
- Films of Sadie Benning
Discussion Lead by: Group 18 (Tongues Untied)
Read for next class:
- Renov. "New Subjectivities: Documentary and Self-Representation in the Post-Verite Age." (available online)
Week Fifteen:
Class 27 (April 26): The Camera I: First-person Narratives, Family Narratives, and the Performance of Self
- Intimate Stranger(Alan Berliner, 1991) (60 min.)
Discussion Lead by: Group 19 (Intimate Stranger)
Read for next class:
- Ruby. "The Image Mirrored" (New Challenges for Documentry) (reader)
- Williams. "Mirrors without Memories: Truth, History, and the New Documentary" (Film Quarterly, 46 no 3, Spring 1993) (reader)
- Review Nichols, pp. 125-130 (Reflexive Mode)
Class 28 (April 28): ): The Image Mirrored: The Reflexive Documentary
- Thin Blue Line (Errol Morris, 1988) (101 min.)
- Discussion Lead by: Group 20 (Thin Blue Line)
Read for next class:
- Bernstein, Matthew. "'Roger and Me': Documentaphobia and Mixed Modes." (Journal of Film and Video v46, n1 Spring, 1994) (Documenting the Documentary)
- "Michael & Me." (Film Comment v25, n6 Nov-Dec, 1989) (reader)
Week Sixteen:
Class 29 (May 3): The Image Mirrored: The Reflexive Documentary
- Roger and Me (Michael Moore, 1989) (90 min.)
Class 30 (May 5): Mixed Messages: The Mixed Mode Documentary
- Halving the Bones (Ruth Ozeki, 1995) (72 min.)
Read for next class:
- "Roscoe and Hight. "A Cousin for the Drama-Documentary: Situating the Mock-Documentary"(excerpt) (Faking It) (reader)
- "Roscoe and Hight. "Building a Mock-Documentary Schema." (Faking It) (reader)
Surf for next class:
- Mock-Documentary: The Subversion of Reality (available online)
Week Seventeen:
Class 30 (May 7): Mock-Docs, Docudramas, & Other Appropriations
- Clips: David Holzman's Diary (Jim McBride, 1967)
- Clips: Homicide: Life on the Streets: The Documentary (Barbara Kopple)
- Mao, The Real Man (Szilveszter Siklosi, 1994) (54 min.)