A. NAME: Jonathan D. Kent

B. ADDRESS: Metropolitan State University of Denver, Campus Box 28

Denver, CO 802173362

Telephone: (303) 5562933 (office)


C. CURRENT POSITION: Professor of Anthropology, Metropolitan State College of Denver (in rank since Fall semester, 2000)


9/745/82 Washington University PhD Anthropology

9/706/72 Case Western Reserve University MA Anthropology

9/646/69 Michigan State University BA Classical Studies


Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (2/96-4/96)--Profesor Vistante in post-graduate program in archaeology (Fulbright)

Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa (6/94)--Profesor Visitante in post-graduate program in archaeology

Museo Antropológico del Banco Central del Ecuador and Escuela Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) (3/90-8/90 and 5/91-7/91)--Fulbright lecturer/researcher in zooarchaeology.

University of California, Riverside (1/864/86)--parttime lecturer; research associate.

California State University, San Bernardino (9/826/84)--fulltime lecturer and Director, Museum Studies Program.

University of Missouri, St. Louis (9/798/81)--parttime instructor

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru; 7/77-4/78)--Lecturer in faunal collections (Fulbright)

Washington University, St. Louis (9/758/76)--graduate T.A. and summer course instructor

St. Mary's College of Maryland (9/7212/73)--parttime instructor


F.1. Publications

F.1.a. refereed journal articles

2013 Clarificando variables osteométricas para la primera falange de camélidos sud- americanos.Intersecciones en Antropología. In press. Accessible through

http://www.scielo.org.ar (Third author with Alejandra Gasco and Erik

J. Marsh).

2009 Strange Harvest: a Discussion of Sacrifice and Missing Body Parts on the North Coast

of Perú. Andean Past 9: 177 - 194 (3rd author with C. Gaither, J. Bethard, Victor

Vásquez S., Teresa Rosales T., and Richard Busch).

2008 Isótopos estables, dieta y movilidad de los pobladores de un conjunto residencial en Santa

Rita B, Valle de Chao, Perú. Revista de Bioarqueología “ARCHAEOBIOS” 2 (1): 19-27. ( 5th author with Jonathan D. Bethard, Catherine Gaither, Víctor F. Vásquez Sánchez, and

Teresa Rosales Tham).

2008 Mortuary Practices and Human Sacrifice in the Middle Chao Valley of Perú: Its Interpretation in the Context of Andean Mortuary Patterning. Latin American Antiquity 19 (2): 107-121. (second author with C. Gaither, V. Vásquez S. and T. Rosales T.)

2006 Análisis de pigmentos mediante EDAX (Análisis de Energía Dispersiva pro Rayos X) de contextos arqueológicos de Santa Rita "B", Valle de Chao-Costa Norte del Perú. Boletín de Lima, no. 143, vol. XXVIII: 49-61. (Primary author, with V. Vásquez. S., T. Rosales T. and Catherine Gaither).

2005 Francis Allen "Fritz" Riddell. Andean Past 7: 15-22.

2005 The Muralla Pircada--an ancient Andean debris flow retention dam, Santa Rita B

archaeological site, Chao Valley, Northern Perú. Landslides 2: 117-123. (Third author with W.E. Brooks, J,C. Willett, V. Vásquez S. and T. Rosales T.).

2004 Mineral, Energy, and Fertilizer Resources of the North Coast of Perú: Perspective from

the Santa Rita B Archaeological Site. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2004-1024. On-line publication of the U.S. Geological Survey accessible at web page:

http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2004/1024 (2nd author with WE Brooks and M. Fhon B).

2003 Complejo arqueológico Santa Rita "B", Valle de Chao. Revista Arqueológica SIAN, Año

8, Edición No. 14: 13-17. Trujillo, Perú. (2nd author with Teresa Rosales Tham and

Victor Vásquez Sánchez)

2001 Teaching Spanish and Archaeology. Peals (The Journal of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers), 38 (1): 8-9.

1998 Pastoreo y manejo de camélidos en la época Lambayeque: datos zooarqueológicos. Ciencias Sociales (Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales), No. 5: 281-290. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (senior author with Victor F. Vásquez Sánchez and Teresa Rosales Tham).

1994 The Cemetery at Tambo Viejo, Acarí Valley, Peru. Andean Past, no. 4: 109-140 (senior author with Makoto Kowta).

1984 Archaeology and Development: A Titicaca Basin Example. Revista Diálogo Andino 3: 5972. Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile.

F.1.b. refereed book chapters

2013 The Camelid Sacrifices of Santa Rita B: An Agropastoral Site in the Chao Valley, N

Coastal Perú. In Recent Anthropological Perspectives on Past and Present Andean

Pastoralism, edited by Jose Capriles and Nicolas Tripcevich. Draft ms. submitted to

volume editors. (1st author with Teresa Rosales Tham, Víctor Vásquez Sánchez,

Catherine M Gaither, and Jonathan D Bethard).

2013 Precious Gifts: Mortuary Patterns and the Shift from Animal to Human Sacrifice at Santa

Rita B in the Middle Chao Valley, Perú. In Human Sacrifice on the North Coast of

Peru: New Perspectives from Diachronic and Multidisciplinary Studies of Ancient Ritual

Killing, edited by Haagen Klaus. Draft ms. submitted to volume editor. (Second author

with Catherine Gaither, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Bethard, Victor Vásquez S, .and Teresa

Rosales T.)

2009 Gallinazo and Moche at the Santa Rita B Archaeological Complex, Middle Chao

Valley. In Gallinazo: An Early Cultural Tradition on the Peruvian North Coast, edited

by Jean-François Millaire, pp. 167-179. Cotsen Institute for Archaeology, UCLA Press).

(1st author with T.Rosales T., Victor Vásquez Sánchez, Richard A. Busch and Catherine

M. Gaither).

2000 Pastoreo y manejo de camélidos en la época Lambayeque: datos zooarqueológicos. In El uso de los camélidos a través del tiempo, ed. by Guillermo L. Mengoni Goñalons, Daniel E. Olivera and Hugo D. Yacobaccio, pp. 131-143. Grupo Zooarqueología de Camélidos (GZC) and International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ). Ediciones Del Tridente, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1st author with Victor F. Vásquez S. and Teresa Rosales T. [NOTE: Same as refereed journal article published in 1998, above].

1997 Archaeology. In Ecuador & Galápagos Handbook, edited by Alan Murphy, pp. 43-53. Footprint Handbooks Limited, London.

1988 Del cazador al pastor en los andes centrales. In Rituales y Fiestas de las Américas, Elizabeth Reichel D., compiladora, pp. 127145. Ediciones Uniandes, Bogotá.

1988 El más antiguo sur: una revisión de la domesticación de los camélidos andinos. In Colóquio V. Gordon Childe: estudios sobre la revolución neolítica y la revolución

urbana, Linda Manzanilla, editora, pp. 181197. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Série Monografías: 2, Universidad Nacional Autónomo de México, México, D.F. (Also published in Llamichos y Pacocheros: pastores de llamas y alpacas, ed. by Jorge Flores Ochoa, pp. 23-35. Cuzco).

1987 Periodic Aridity and Prehispanic Titicaca Basin Settlement Patterns. In Arid Land Use Strategies and Risk Management in the Andes, edited by David L. Browman, pp. 297314. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.

1987 The Most Ancient South: a Review of the Domestication of the Andean Camelids. In Studies in the Neolithic and Urban Revolutions, edited by Linda Manzanilla, pp. 169184. BAR International Series No. 349. Oxford, England.

1987 Botanical Remains from Riverside Chinatown. In Wong Ho Leun: An American Chinatown, Volume 2: Archaeology, edited by The Great Basin Foundation, pp. 145188. The Great Basin Foundation, San Diego, California. (with J. Dendy and K. Whalen).

1986 Introduction. In The Osteology of South American Camelids by V. R. Pacheco T., A. Altamirano E., and E. Guerra P. (Translated by Elsie Sandefur), pp. 12. Archaeological Research Tools, Vol 3, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. (Originally published in Spanish in 1979, this was a revised version).

1985 Faunal Remains from 10 Archaeological Sites in Tiefort Basin, Central Mojave Desert, California. In Flood, Sweat and Spears in the Valley of Death: Site Survey and Evalua tion in Tiefort Basin, Fort Irwin, California by Dennis L. Jenkins with contributions by K. A. Bergin, G. P. Davis, S. L. Day, et al. Appendix E., Fort Irwin Archaeological Project Research Report No. 17. Report submitted to Interagency Archaeological Services, National Park Service, Contract #801710034. WIRTH Environmental Services, A Division of Dames & Moore, San Diego.

1979 Introducción. to Guia osteológica de camélidos sudamericanos by Victor R. Pacheco, Alfredo J. Altamirano E., y Emma S. Guerra P. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Gabinete de Arqueología, Colegio Real, Série Investigaciones, Número 4. Lima, Perú.

F.1.c. refereed monographs

1982 The Domestication and Exploitation of the South American Camelids: Methods of Analysis and Their Application to Circumlacustrine Archaeological Sites in Bolivia and Peru. PhD dissertation, Washington University. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

1974 Archaeological Salvage and Survey of Point Lookout State Park, Maryland. Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore.

F.1.d. refereed book reviews

2013 Review of Exhuming Loss: Memory, Materiality and Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War by Layla Renshaw. 2011 Left Coast Press, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA. 259 pp. SAS BULLETIN, Bulletin of The Society for Archaeological Science 36 (1): 23 – 24. Accessible through both paper and on-line versions at http://www.socarchsci.org/pubs.html.

1989 Review of PreHispanic Agricultural Fields in the Andean Region. Proceedings 45th International Congress of Americanists, Bogota, Colombia, 1985, edited by Wm. M.

Denevan, Kent Mathewson, and Gregory Knapp. BAR International Series 359, Oxford, England (1987). American Antiquity 54: 668669.

1988 Review of Food and Culture Among Bolivian Aymara: Symbolic Expressions of Social Relations by Mick Johnsson. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 20: 323325. Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology, 7.

1977 Review of The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land by Loren McIntyre, 1976, National Geographic Society. American Anthropologist 79: 190.

F.1.e. non-refereed publications/reports

n.d. The Carter Lake Archaeological Project: Final Report. Ms. (in revision).

n.d. Informe de excavaciones arqueológicas del sitio Cerro Pucarachico, Complejo Arqueológico Santa Rita “B”, Temporada 2008. (in preparation)

n.d. Evidencias de granos de almidón antiguos de Oxalis tuberosa Mol. "oca" en fragmentos

de cerámica Chimú Temprano del sitio Santa Rita "B", valle de Chao, Perú. (third author

with V. Vásquez S. and T. Rosales T.) (ms. in possession of authors).

2011 "Notes on the Miller-Michaud Cache Inventory". Report submitted to the directors of the Plains Conservation Center, March, 2011. On File, office of the Plains Conservation Center, Aurora, CO.

2011 "Bradford-Perley House: A Tale of a Historic Preservation Partnership". All Points Bulletin, vol. 49 (3): 2-4. (Newsletter of the Denver Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society).

2010 "An Introduction to Archaeological Survey at West Bijou Creek". All Points Bulletin, vol. 48 (3): 1-2. (Newsletter of the Denver Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society).

2008 Informe Final: Proyecto manejo ecosustentable y desarrollo cultural del complejo arqueológico Santa Rita "B": Temporada 2007. Ms. on file with the Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Lima, Peru. (Second author, with T. Rosales T., V. Vásquez S., and J. Bethard).

2006 Informe Final: Proyecto manejo ecosustentable y desarrollo cultural del complejo arqueológico Santa Rita "B": Temporada 2006. Ms. on file with the Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Lima, Peru. (Primary author, with T. Rosales T., V. Vásquez S., and J. Bethard).

2006 Informe Final: Proyecto manejo ecosustentable y desarrollo cultural del complejo arqueológico Santa Rita "B": Temporada 2005. Ms. on file with the Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Lima, Peru. (Primary author, with T. Rosales T., V. Vásquez S., and C. Gaither).

2005 Informe Final: Proyecto manejo ecosustentable y desarrollo cultural del complejo arqueológico Santa Rita "B": Temporada 2004. Ms. on file with the Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Lima, Peru. (Primary author, with T. Rosales T., V. Vásquez S., and C. Gaither).

2005 Geophysical Remote Sensing Archaeological Assessment of the Area Surrounding the

Bradford-Perley House (5JF997), Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District, Jefferson

County, Colorado. Report prepared in compliance with the requirements of Colorado State Historic Fund Grant Project No. 2003-AS-007. On file at Colorado State Historic

Fund and the Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Denver, CO.

2005 Cultural Resource Monitoring Report for the Bradford-Perley House (5JF997), Ken-

Caryl Ranch, Colorado by Michelle Slaughter and prepared under the supervision of

Jonathan Kent (2005). Report prepared in compliance with the requirements of State

Historic Fund project number 2004-02-070 and on file at the office of the Ken-Caryl

Ranch Master Association, Littleton, CO and the Colorado Office of Archaeology and

Historic Preservation, Denver, CO.

2004 Llamas and their Kin in Ancient Peru. Museum Magazine, April-May 2004, pp. 4-5. Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

2003 Introduction to the Inca Empire. In Volunteer Training Manual for "Machu Picchu: Unveiling the Mystery of the Incas: 23-26. Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

2002 Informe Final: Proyecto manejo ecosustentable y desarrollo cultural del complejo arqueológico Santa Rita "B": Temporada 2001. Ms. on file with the Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Lima, Peru.

2002 Archaeological Investigations at the Bradford-Perley House, Ken-Caryl Ranch: 2001 Season (with an Appendix by Tiffany Tchakirides).. Ms. on file, Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association, Littleton, CO.

2001 Bradford-Perley House: 2000 Excavations. Ms. on file, Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association, Littleton, CO.

1999 1998 Archaeological Investigation at the Bradford-Perley House (5JF997), Ken-Caryl Ranch Metropolitan District, Jefferson County, Colorado. Ms. on file, Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association, Littleton, CO.

1998 Bradford-Perley House Investigations: 1997 Field Seasons. Ms. on file, Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association, Littleton, CO.

1997 Bradford House Archaeological Excavations: First Season Summary Report. Ms. on file, Ken-Caryl Ranch Master Association, Littleton, CO.

1996 A Brief Update on the Settlement Pattern Study of the Acari Valley. In CIPS News (Newsletter of the California Institute for Peruvian Studies), Vol. 5 [December, 1996], p. 8. Sacramento, CA.

1996 Análisis de restos orgánicos de entierros de la época Lambayeque--Huaca Cao Viejo (Informe del Proyecto) (with Victor Vásquez S., Teresa Rosales T. and Cathy Gaither).

Project report on file, Instituto Regional de Cultura, La Libertad, Trujillo.

1995/1996 Summary on the osteology collection at Salango, Ecuador (Untitled). Willay (Newsletter of the Andean Anthropological Research Group), Nos. 42/43: 11-13.

Carbondale, IL.

1994 Museo de Acarí y Arqueología. Ecos de Acarí, Año 1, No. 2: 4. Acarí, Peru.

1994 Acarí: Valle Arqueológico. Ecos de Acarí, Año 1, No. 1: 5. Acarí, Peru.

1993 Faunal Remains from Manachaqui Cave, Rio Abiseo National Park, Peru. Report submitted to Warren Church, principal investigator, Yale University.

199l Historical Archaeology at the Four Mile House, Denver, Colorado. Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Denver. (First season field report)

1984 An Archaeological Field Reconnaissance of the Proposed Naval Weapons Center Sea Site Security Zone Land Withdrawal, San Bernardino County, California. Report

prepared for Michael Brandman Associates, Costa Mesa, California (with P. Wilke).

1984 Biological and Archaeological Resources of Two Proposed Prison Localities in Blythe, California. Report prepared for the State of California Planning Department, Sacramento (with R. Wilson and others).