Dr. Shao

Spring 2013


College of Business Administration

HROB 101: Management of Contemporary Organizations

Spring 2013

Lecture Professor: Tyra Ping Shao, Ph.D.

Office Location: Tahoe 2037


Course Website: Access via SacCT 9.1

Lecture Time: Section 12: Web on-line

Office Hours: In office or chat through SacCT 9.1

Monday: 13:30 p.m. – 14:00 p.m.; and 15:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.

Wednesday: 13:30 p.m. – 15:00 p.m.

As I often communicate via email (Sac Send), please make sure you have a current email registered with the University / MySacState

Required Text

There is one required textbook for this class: Organizational Behavior. By ROBBINS & JUDGE © 2013.

You have three options:

(1) Buy from the Bookstore: Organizational Behavior, Student Value Edition Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson eText Access Card Package, 15/E


(2) Buy the book at the place of your choice, such as the In addition to the textbook, you need to purchase the NEW MyManagementLab Access Card (without eText access); buy the access card from Pearson website: Click “Sign In”, Click the “Pay or use an access code now” link under the course for which you want to pay. Or

(3) Buy the eTextbook NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson eText Access Card from either the Bookstore or Pearson website

You need to have the textbook and access to SacCT 9.1 and MyManagement Lab by the first week of classes.

Other materials may be distributed on SacCT9.1; some are listed in the syllabus, others are announced on SacCT9.1 or via email. You are responsible for checking SacCT9.1 for readings and announcements.

Course Description

"Once upon a time everything in life was lovely, but that was before I had to deal with people."

Harry Stack Sullivan

Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study that draws from several disciplines including sociology, social psychology, and management. The primary purpose of academic study in OB is to understand, explain, and improve human behavior in organizations.

This course will introduce you to the key concepts and principles of the field of Organizational Behavior, which broadly focuses on the attitudes, actions, and decisions of people in the workplace. We will begin the term by examining these issues at the individual level, focusing on topics such as personality, values, motivation, and perception. Because the relationships that people form with co-workers, subordinates, supervisors, clients, and customers are an important and ever present part of work life, we will then examine groups and relationships in organizations, addressing topics such as leadership, teamwork, and organizational culture.

Course Objectives

Students are expected to achieve:

·  An understanding of concepts that influence human behavior in organizations, and how these concepts can be used to enhance your ability to work with others.

·  Discuss the importance of individual differences such as intelligence, personality traits, and values.

·  Define various types of employee attitudes, and discuss their importance.

·  Compare and contrast various perspectives on work motivation.

·  Compare and contrast various perspectives on organizational leadership.

·  Identify factors that contributed to effective teamwork.

·  Describe the elements of organizational structure, and culture.

·  Describe different approaches to understanding business ethics, and identify ethical issues in organizational behavior.

Course Requirements

This is an online class, which requires:

-  Internet access

-  access to SacCT9.1

-  access to MyManagementLab

-  a SacLink account

-  access to an up-to-date computer.

Course Structure

This course will be delivered entirely online through the course management system SacCT9.1 and Pearson’s MyManagementLab. You will use your Saclink account to login to the course from the SacCT9.1 login page (, and the MyManagementLab access code to login to the cours from the MyManagementLab login page (

In SacCT9.1, you will access announcements, online lessons and class/group-paced activities using discussion forums, chat, and blogs. In MyManagementLab, you will access mini-simulations, individual online activities, quizzes, exams and grades.

Technology Requirements

All technological requirements for the successful completion of this course are the responsibility of the student, including access to a working computer with reliable Internet connection. The student is responsible for all technological problems not related to Sac State or MyManagementLab, including but not limited to equipment failures, power outages, and Internet breakdowns. Students are also responsible for all necessary technical and operational skills for completing this course, and for being familiar with SacCT 9.1 both in a general sense and in a specific sense as pertaining to this course and any materials stored within.

The professor is not responsible for any technical matters related to the computer you use, your internet connection, SacCT 9.1 or MyManagementLab.

SacCT 9.1

Online lessons and class/group-paced activities are available on the Internet using SacCT 9.1, including announcements.

You will use your Saclink account to log into the course from the SacCT 9.1 Login page ( If you do not have a Saclink account yet, please refer to the Setting Up a Saclink Account webpage ( to create a saclink account online.

To get started using a SacCT 9.1 course please visit the Student Resources webpage ( where you can access Online Tutorials, Frequently Asked Questions, and other help resources.

SacCT 9.1 technical supports

To access a course on SacCT 9.1 you will need access to the Internet and an internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.).

For help or to report a problem with SacCT 9.1 you can:

• Visit the Student SacCT FAQ’s webpage (

• Submit a SacCT Problem Form (

• Contact the University Help Desk at 916- 278-7337; Location: AIRC 2005

• E-mail:

MyManagementLab (MML)

Mini-simulations, individual online activities, writing assignments, exams and grades are all posted on MML.

To register for HROB101 Spring 2013:

1. Go to

2. Under Register, click Student.

3. Enter your instructor’s course ID: shao61688, and click Continue.

4. Sign in with an existing Pearson account or create an account:

·  If you have used a Pearson website (for example, MyITLab, Mastering, MyMathLab, or MyPsychLab), enter your Pearson username and password.

·  Click Sign In.

·  If you do not have a Pearson account, click Create. Write down your new Pearson username and password to help you remember them.

5. Select an option to access your instructor’s online course:

·  Use the access code that came with your textbook or that you purchased separately from the bookstore.

·  Buy access using a credit card or PayPal.

·  If available, get 17 days of temporary access. (Look for a link near the bottom of the page.)

6. Click Go To Your Course on the Confirmation page. Under MyLab / Mastering New Design on the left, click HROB101 Spring 2013 to start your work.

To sign in later:

1. Go to

2. Click Sign In.

3. Enter your Pearson account username and password. Click Sign In.

4. Under MyLab / Mastering New Design on the left, click HROB101 Spring 2013 to start your work.

Additional Information

See Students > Get Started on the website for detailed instructions on registering with an access code, credit card, PayPal, or temporary access.

MML technical supports

Technical customer support for MML from Pearson is available at:

·  Phone: 1-800-677-6337

·  24/7 Chat

·  24/7 Email

All the MML related issues should be reported to MML. If you are on a timed assignment, you need to make sure you speak to them to assess your problem before the deadline is up (most of the time, they will troubleshoot with you on the spot and solve your problem). If the deadline passes, and your issue was not a MML issue, you will not receive special considerations of your situation. Furthermore, make sure you get a case number from MML. That way, I can fairly assess your problem.

Missed deadlines for any exam, quiz, etc due to unsubstantiated “technical” or “Internet” problems will not be extended – be proactive and submit with plenty of time before the deadline.

Lastly, I encourage you to make sure that your computer is well maintained. Make sure you periodically defragment it, clear cookies/caches, clean your hard drive and occasionally restart it (versus leaving it on all the time). Other maintenance issues include making sure your antivirus/spyware and OS are up to date. You should have at least two internet browsers on your computer (e.g., firefox, safari, chrome). Also, make sure you have the latest java and flash installed. For additional computer and technical help, contact helpdesk.


SacCT 9.1

You should use SacCT9.1 and email for all the communications. On the SacCT 9.1 course website you will find:

·  Announcements: Changes in the syllabus, schedule, reminders, clarifications, etc.

·  General course-related discussion threads: To be used for 1) class-related questions and 2) concept-related questions. Before you post questions on these discussion threads, first check the syllabus, the FAQ documents and the announcements.

1)  If you have any class-related questions (e.g., questions about quizzes, exams, grading policies, etc): On the Course Management Q/A Discussion Thread, check course syllabus, announcements, and previous postings to see if the question has already been handled. If your concern isn’t already posted, post your question on the discussion board to the class as a whole.

2)  If you have any concept-related questions (e.g., you would like a concept or theory clarified, you would like additional information about a concept), visit the discussion thread for the corresponding chapter. If your question has not already been addressed, post your inquiry here for your classmates to answer.

3)  As this online forum is meant to be a learning community, you are all expected to participate here and take care of each other by answering each other’s questions. Please be sure to be respectful in your comments and questions.

·  Private Study Groups. You’re encouraged to set up with private study groups using the groups tool on SacCT9.1. I will go through how to set up the groups in the introduction class.

Learning Methodology

To be successful in this class, you must read the chapters and other assigned readings carefully. The textbook covers significantly more detail than we are able to cover during lecture. As such, it is imperative that you read and study the assigned readings if you desire to do well in this course. I have provided the audio recorded power point slides (available on SacCT9.1). You can use these slides as a study guide (by using the slides as an outline in which you fill out the relevant information). Quizzes and exams may include materials not found in the assigned readings.

This course includes online learning and activities. Online classes consist of online lectures and online activities. Online lectures are available on SacCT9.1 as downloadable recordings and PDF format powerpoint slides. Online activities are designed to reinforce the materials through application, and are available on MML. You will engage in web exercises, self assessments, and other application activities which relate to the materials. These online activities are not “at your own pace” activities, but have firm deadlines. See MML for online activities and deadlines.

On SacCT9.1, for each lesson, please go to “Course Document”, and follow:

1.  Lesson Objectives

2.  Lesson Checklist - Every lesson has a prescribed checklist of activities required to successfully complete the lesson. Follow this checklist, in the specified order, to complete each lesson.

3.  Lecture presentation recording

4.  Downloadable PDF format lecture powerpoint slides

5.  Class discussion forum topic. For each of the topic chapters covered, I will open one or two guided discussion board and/or a general discussion board thread on SacCT9.1. Here, our learning community (you) will answer questions anybody might have about the lecture materials, clarify any misunderstandings, and post any supplemental materials for those who are interested in learning more about topics covered. As a student of this class, in addition to asking questions, you are expected to engage in these discussions and add your insights and answers. As such, if you have any questions on the materials after reading the assigned readings and coming to class, you should make use of these discussion threads. I encourage an open conversation about your thoughts and opinions about the materials. I expect you to use these forums to become active participants in this course.

On MML, for each lesson, you will find:

Individual assignment (please refer to the Tentative Lecture Itinerary).

MML also includes two mid-term exams and one final-exam.

Course Requirements

Mid-Term Exams and Final Exam

There are two midterm exams; each midterm exam is non-cumulative. Exams will cover all materials up to the exam (since the last exam). Midterm exams are open book/open note (but no talking, emailing, texting etc allowed). Exam questions and answer choices are drawn at random, so that no two people will be taking the exact same exam at the same time. There will be 50 multiple choice and true/false questions. I reserve the right to change either of the exam dates. Any such changes will be announced on SacCT9.1 or via Email. Only your higher midterm exam score will count towards your final grade. That is, only one out of two midterm exams will be included in your final grade. You will have 75 minutes to complete each exam. Please note that a MML exam may not be paused to resume at a later point. Once you start the exam, the timer will count down until the allotted time is up.

The final exam is comprehensive. There will be 80 multiple choice and true/false questions. This exam is mandatory and will not be given at an alternate time. You will have two hours to complete the final exam.

Online class discussions

On SacCT9.1, each lesson includes a class discussion topic. You may also post your own questions and reply to your classmates. Your assignment here is to discuss it with your classmates. At the end of the semester you will have had to submit at least five (5) posts with at least 25 words each AND at least two (2) of those posts will have had to be responses to two other comments. That means that I do not want you to wait until the last day and just post ten messages. You will earn between 0 and 25 points. The online discussions will be available Weeks 1-13.