Commission Chairman Ronald Winterton; Commissioner Ken Burdick, Commissioner Greg Todd, Deputy County Attorney Jared Tingey, Troy Ostler with Civco Engineering, Justin Robb with CKC Asphalt, Uintah Basin Standard Reporter Brenda Fisher, Public Works Director Ben Henderson, Greg Miles and Commission Assistant BobbiJo Casper taking minutes of the meeting.
Public Works Department Update
Director Henderson stated that he attended road school last week along with two other employees. They had break-out sessions that were really good. They are trying to get organized at the shop working with Kendra to get it done. The bridge in Antelope will be installed this week or next.
Opening & Consideration Of Bids For The Road Department Crack Seal Project
Procurement Officer Michael Weldon joined the meeting at 9:21 A.M…
Commissioners opened the bids and read them aloud (see attached sheet). Chairman Winterton suggested that Director Henderson and Mr. Ostler review the bids. Director Henderson stated that he has $130,000 in his budget and they could ask Special Service District #2 for the rest.
Consideration Of An Annual Road Maintenance Plan For 2017 With The Forest Service
Director Henderson stated that the amount was $300,000 but some of that was used on the guard rails. Commissioner Burdick motioned to accept the Road Maintenance Agreement as presented. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of A Proclamation Declaring The Month Of May As Building Safety Month In Duchesne County
Building Official Karl Mott joined the meeting at 9:35 A.M… Director Henderson, Mr. Ostler, Officer Weldon & Mr. Robb excused themselves…
Chairman Winterton stated that it looks like the Governor has declared it for the state of Utah. Official Mott stated that he will have a booth both Friday and Saturday at the Spring Round-Up at the Event Center promoting this. He has ordered shirts for employees that will come out of the 1% that they get back from permits. Our permits for April are down 20% and 26% down on evaluations from last year.
Building Safety Month — May, 2017
Whereas, Duchesne County, Utah is committed to recognizing our growth and strength depends on the safety and economic value of the homes, buildings and infrastructure that serve our citizens, both in everyday life and in times of natural disaster, and;
Whereas, our confidence in the structural integrity of these buildings that make up our community is achieved through the devotion of vigilant guardians––building safety and fire prevention officials, architects, engineers, builders, tradespeople, design professionals, laborers and others in the construction industry––who work year-round to ensure the safe construction of buildings, and;
Whereas, these guardians are dedicated members of the International Code Council, a U.S. based organization, that brings together local, state and federal officials that are experts in the built environment to create and implement the highest-quality codes to protect us in the buildings where we live, learn, work, worship, play, and;
Whereas, our nation benefits economically and technologically from using the International Codes® that are developed by a national, voluntary consensus codes and standards developing organization, our government is able to avoid the high cost and complexity of developing and maintaining these codes, which are the most widely adopted building safety and fire prevention codes in the nation; these modern building codes include safeguards to protect the public from natural disasters such as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wildland fires, floods and earthquake; and;
Whereas, Building Safety Month is sponsored by the International Code Council to remind the public about the critical role of our communities’ largely unknown guardians of public safety––our local code officials––who assure us of safe, efficient and livable buildings that are essential to keep America great, and;
Whereas, “Code Officials—Partners in Community Safety and Economic Growth” the theme for Building Safety Month 2017, encourages all Americans to raise awareness of the importance of building safe and resilient construction; fire prevention; disaster mitigation, and new technologies in the construction industry. Building Safety Month 2017 encourages appropriate steps everyone can take to ensure that the places where we live, learn, work, worship and play are safe, and recognizes that countless lives have been saved due to the implementation of safety codes by local and state agencies, and,
Whereas, each year, in observance of Building Safety Month, Americans are asked to consider the commitment to improve building safety and economic investment at home and in the community, and to acknowledge the essential service provided to all of us by local and state building departments, fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property.
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the County Commission of the Duchesne County, of the State of Utah do hereby proclaim the month of May 2017 as
Building Safety Month in Duchesne County.
Accordingly, we encourage our citizens to join with their communities in participation in Building Safety Month activities.
Commissioner Ronald Winterton Commissioner Ken Burdick Commissioner Gregory Todd
Commissioner Burdick motioned to adopt the Proclamation as presented. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of Electronic Plan Review For Building Inspections
IT Department Director Matt Yergensen & Database Administrator Cristina Neilson joined the meeting at 9:41 A.M… Assessor Greg Garff joined at 9:56 A.M…
Director Yergensen stated that the configuration and times were twice as much as the module. We felt that they were making us buy something that we didn’t need. The hourly cost has been reduced and the hours have been taken down to 55 from 300. If we do them together we will get a $4,000 discount. Currently, the annual maintenance cost is $13,695.16 and this would add $7,150.00 to that amount. Administrator Neilson stated that they can track everything done in OnBase along with subscriptions. This is how they keep track of what to charge in the Recorder’s Office. Chairman Winterton asked if it’s being tracked in the Assessor’s Office because he was told that the office is giving information for free and we need to prevent that. Administrator Neilson stated that they can track it and make it so only one person in that office can print out documents. Assessor Garff stated that public access is a free site, but there is very little that his office gives out. Chairman Winterton stated that as long as people have a subscription and the information is being given he doesn’t have a problem with; it’s the information that is given to those who don’t have a subscription that he has a problem with. Assessor Garff stated that some appraisers and realtors have a problem paying the amount that we charge for the subscription. Administrator Neilson stated that they have more than 60 subscribers though the Recorder’s Office. Director Yergensen stated that they will assign a lot of the tasks to Administrator Neilson so it will reduce the costs; he is comfortable with this due to that fact. Chairman Winterton stated that it doesn’t change the contract, it just add an amount. Commissioner Todd motioned to accept the revised contract amount. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Continued - Consideration Of Bids For The Road Department Crack Seal Project
Director Henderson, Mr. Ostler & Officer Weldon re-joined the meeting at 10:08 A.M…
Director Henderson stated that after reviewing the bids, it is their recommendation to award the bid to Superior out of Magna, Utah. Local bids weren’t even close even with the discount. Commissioner Burdick motioned to award the crack seal project to Superior in the amount of two hundred five thousand two hundred eighty dollars. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Discussion Of A Draft Letter Regarding The North Fork Pipeline And Siphon Replacement Project
County/Community Planning Administrator Mike Hyde joined the meeting at 10:14 A.M… Officer Weldon was excused.
Administrator Hyde stated that there have been 600 failures or loss of service since 1955. Central Utah Water Conservancy District is asking for our comments or concerns. We agree that the replacement is needed to ensure pipeline safety and continued operations. Chairman Winterton suggested adding language about repairing damage to roads that are impacted from Highway 35 up.
Discussion Of A Draft Letter Regarding Section 106 Consultation – December 2017 Oil & Gas Lease Sale
Administrator Hyde stated that the Bureau of Land Management invited us to be a consulting party for the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 consultation. The proposed undertaking is offering for lease of 63 parcels that may lead to oil and gas development. There are nineteen of the proposed lease parcels that lie partially or totally within the boundaries of Duchesne County. The proposed leasing of these lands is consistent with the Duchesne County general plan, which supports oil and has activities on BLM lands so we accept the invitation. He will be the point of contact and we want to support and implement it. Commissioners authorized that the letters be sent out on their behalf.
Consideration Of An Agreement With Aerial Integrated Mapping
Attorney Tingey stated that this agreement is with Stoney Monks to get maps and aerial images in the Fruitland area for the Assessor’s Office. He’s not sure about the insurance Officer Weldon was going check on it.
Officer Weldon re-joined the meeting at 10:36 A.M…
Officer Weldon stated that he hasn’t received proof of insurance from Mr. Monks. Attorney Tingey stated that insurance is to protect third parties from suing us. We have an indemnity clause, but we need proof of insurance for one million per occurrence and two million in aggregate. Commissioner Todd motioned to enter into an agreement with Aerial Integrated Mapping pending proof of insurance as discussed. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of Utah Association Of Counties (UAC) Centrally Assessed Agreement
Chairman Winterton stated that UAC is creating a committee and he feels that Attorney Tingey would be the most qualified. The amount that we pay is based on assessed value which would be $2,000. Commissioner Todd stated that the group looks at Attorney Tingey for his perspective and knowledge. Attorney Tingey stated that he is fine going forward on this. He feels that it would be more beneficial for him to be on the sub-committee. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the agreement with UAC and to appoint Attorney Tingey as appointee to the sub-committee. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of Two Appointments To The Duchesne County Fair Board Executive Committee To Serve As Vice Chairman And Secretary
Assistant Casper stated that we had only two apply Marilyn Winn and Kristi Sorensen. The terms are up at the end of the year. Commissioner Burdick motioned to appoint Kristi Sorensen as Secretary and Marilyn Winn as Vice Chairman to the Fair Board. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Tax Deferrals
Treasurer Stephen Potter joined the meeting at 10:51 A.M…
Treasurer Potter stated that Mike and Shelly Enterprises sold their property of 40 acres and the new owners are requesting a deferral on the last day before the tax sale if it doesn’t get paid by the prior owners. Commissioner Todd motioned to allow a deferral if needed. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Treasurer Potter also stated that Albert and Nancy Bradshaw have two pieces in Tabby where they are divorced and each one pays for five years but Albert has been incarcerated and unable to pay so they are asking for a 6 month deferral for the $2,500 that’s owed.
Treasurer Potter also stated that Diane Peck from Fruitland has been making payments and she can have it paid by the end of the year. Chairman Winterton stated that he is inclined to be more companionate and willing to help since she has been making an effort to get it paid. Commissioner Todd motioned to allow the deferral as requested. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Treasurer Potter also stated that George Starky is deceased and there is a statutory lien on the property. His daughter is Cris Hardinger who would like to try to keep it. $5,100 is owed. Commissioners agreed to let it run its course and go through the tax sale.
Treasurer Potter stated that there is a cabin on top of Indian Canyon owned by Mark Hernandez who claims that he lives in it. It was escaped property and the Assessor’s Office isn’t willing to change the status. He owes almost $10,000. Commissioner Burdick stated that he isn’t in favor of allowing a deferral, it doesn’t meet the requirements.
Consideration Of Vouchers
Deputy Clerk Auditor Connie Sweat joined the meeting at 11:20 A.M…
The commission reviewed vouchers #138629 through 138696 dated April 17, 2017 in the amount of one hundred eleven thousand five hundred ninety two dollars and sixty three cents ($111,592.63) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. The commission also reviewed vouchers #138697 through 138758 dated April 24, 2017 in the amount of two hundred eighty four thousand two hundred thirty four dollars and seven cents ($284,234.07) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. The commission also reviewed voucher #138759 dated April 26, 2017 in the amount of one hundred twenty three thousand seven hundred ninety four dollars and forty cents ($123,794.40) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. The commission also reviewed vouchers #138760 through 138808 dated May 02, 2017 in the amount of one hundred ninety one thousand three hundred seventy nine dollars and thirty nine cents ($191,379.39) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the vouchers as presented. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of Business Licenses For Blue Fox Willow, P&R Food Services & Red Roots Boutique LLC