Our Baby Unit is housed in a purpose built extension to the main nursery and opened on the 28th Sept ’98.

Our main aim is to provide a safe, loving and homely environment in which to care and nurture the youngest members of our nursery.

These information sheets are designed to answer your initial questions.


These will be the same as the main nursery which is 7 am till 6pm


We are registered to take 6 under 1 year olds at any one time.


The unit has its own staff and the staff: child ratio is 1: 3.

The Baby Unit Supervisor’s are Alice White and Laura Johnsonwho are established and experienced nursery nurse’s at Sunnybank.


The extension consists of a large playroom with a sleep area, milk kitchen and changing room.

The room is brightly decorated and well equipped.


The unit has its own entrance which is security locked.

The interior adheres to all safety recommendations.


Parents are asked to supply their own brand of formula milk that should be an unopened tin/carton and within the best before date.

All formula milk is to be made up on the premises; parents can bring their own bottles for feeds to be made up into if they wish.

There are facilities to store breast milk.

Once weaning has begun we use frozen cubes of fruit and vegetables and our nursery cook prepares fresh meals for the babies. Meat is introduced once desired or appropriate.

Should parents prefer dried or tinned baby food, they are welcome to supply them from home.


Staff will ensure that all policies and procedures are adhered to and that correct techniques are strictly employed.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised April 17


As with Main Nursery, nappies are provided and parents receive a bill every three months.

The brand is ‘Pampers’.


Accurate records are kept and learning journals are completed daily for parents to read at home.


Fees remain the same as the Main Nursery


Babies and (mummy’s and Daddy’s!) all have very individual needs and these will be discussed when you visit Sunnybank.

‘Settling – in’ sessions are advised as they give everyone the chance to get to know each other. How many and how frequent depends on the individual but we are more than happy to accommodate peoples needs.


Once your child becomes ready to move on in the Nursery, sessions will be arranged with the RabbitsGroup in order to make a steady and gentle transition.

If you are interested in a placement in the Baby Unit, please feel free to ring and discuss your requirements.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised April 17


Once initial contact has been made, a Nursery Brochure should be sent out to the perspective parents if not already viewed.

A first visit can be arranged and the Manager informed (if not already aware)

Once a place is requested, written confirmation is required by first parents and then the Nursery. Places are secured with a deposit.

Booking must be checked with the Management in order to ensure availability prior to written confirmation.

Parents are to be contacted approx one month prior to start date with a view to offering and encouraging settling - in sessions.

Registration forms are ideally to be completed by the Key Person and parent together.

Parents are welcome to visit the Unit at any time during the day.

Individual needs and expectations must be considered.

A nursery file will be kept on each baby for record keeping purposes. This file will contain the Baby Registration forms, Information sheets and Developmental charts.

Parents will be given a Menu Plan each week and a log in sent via email for our online journals.

Whilst the Baby Unit is a ‘separate’ area to the Main Nursery, every attempt should be made to prevent a feeling of isolation and parents will receive all the advise and handouts that are distributed in the Main Nursery.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised April 17


To provide a safe, secure, loving and homely environment in which to care and nurture the youngest members of our nursery.

To work with parents as a team in order to ensure the babies in our care are happy content and thriving.

To ensure good communication is maintained at all times. Written daily reports and verbal communications are paramount.

To ensure all admission and daily documentation is completed and maintained to a high standard.

To monitor and observe individual progress and feedback information appropriately.

With the permission of parents, to maintain as closely as possible liaison with the Health visitor.

In conjunction with the main nursery, ensure that policies on Hygiene, Health and Safety are adhered to correctly.

To ensure that parents are aware of Nursery Policies regarding sickness and cross infection.

To maintain a close liaison policy between parents, Baby Unit staff and the Nursery cook with regard to nutrition and diet.

To keep abreast of current issues relating to Baby Care.

To ensure that appropriate Training opportunities are available.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised June 16


  • All staff should observe strict hygiene procedures particularly with regard to personal hygiene.

These procedures are designed to protect everyone.

  • Staff must be aware of the principles of prevention and cross – infection.
  • Staff must ensure that our strict code of practice is understood and adhered to by all parents, visitors and students whilst in the Baby Unit.

Specific to Nappy – Changing

  1. Nappy changing should be carried out in the area provided.
  2. Disposable gloves are provided and should be worn whilst changing nappies.
  3. The changing area should be cleaned after EACH use, with suitable anti – bacterial liquid.
  4. Babies’ bottoms should be cleaned with either cotton wool and water or a disposable hypo – allergenic wipe.
  5. Nappies are to be disposed of hygienically in the Sangenic Unit provided.
  6. The Sangenic should be emptied at the end of each day.
  7. Hand washing is essential to prevent cross – infection.
  8. Disposable towels should be used to dry hands and then discarded appropriately.
  9. Any loose or abnormal stool should be noted, monitored and the parents of the baby informed.

Specific to feeding

  1. Bottles and milk feeds only should be prepared in the milk kitchen.
  2. All Bottles should be sterilised in the steriliser provided.

All feeding utensils (i.e. bowls, spoons e.t.c) must be sterilised up to the age of six months.

Over the age of six months in accordance with parental wishes.

  1. Each baby should have its own feeding bottle, appropriately marked.
  2. Hand washing is essential to prevent cross – infection.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised June 16


Specific to safety

  1. Children are not allowed in the Milk Kitchen and the safety gates should remain closed at all times.
  2. Staff should be aware of the correct usage of equipment.

Electrical equipment should undergo regular checks as per the Main Nursery. Any concerns should be conveyed immediately to the manager and usage ceased.

Specific to Hygiene

  1. There are Cleaning and Anti – Bacterial agents stored appropriately in this area and are used as appropriate during the day.
  2. Work surfaces should be cleaned with a suitable anti – Bacterial agent prior to food handling and bottle making.
  3. The general cleaning rota is to be adhered to and the overall responsibility is that of the Baby Unit Supervisor.

Hand washing is essential to prevent cross – infection.

Specific to Food storage

  1. The majority of the food will be stored in the Main kitchen where it will be prepared.
  2. Food specific to the Baby Unit i.e. powdered milk, dried packet food, will be stored as the packaging recommends. Purchase and use by dates will be monitored.
  3. Breast milk can be frozen for up to 3 months but ideally used within 1 month.
  4. Fruit and vegetables can be kept frozen for up to 3 months. They must be labelled and dated appropriately.
  5. Fridge and freezer temperatures should be checked and recorded in the morning and afternoon. This is the responsibility of the Baby Unit Supervisor.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised June 16


  1. Ensure all utensils are sterilised.
  2. Wash hands
  3. Boil the water and leave to cool until hand warm.
  4. Measure the required amount of water into the sterilised bottle.
  5. Use the correct scoop for the brand of powdered milk and add the correct number of scoops. Do not press or heap the powder on the scoop. Use the back of a clean knife to level off the scoop or the scoop leveller on the packet if available.
  6. Cap the bottle and shake well to dissolve the powder.
  7. Place a sterilised teat on the bottle.
  8. Always check the temperature of the milk before feeding.
  9. Cool prepared feeds in jugs of cold water.

Bottles should be made as and when needed and discarded after half an hour.

Important notes

  • Do not use artificially softened water or repeatedly boiled water.
  • Always use the correct number of scoops.
  • Discard unfinished feeds.
  • Infants must always be supervised during feeds.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised June 16


Feeding should be an enjoyable time for all concerned.

Always wash your hands – and baby’s if appropriate – before handling food.

Bottle- Feeding

For those young babies who rely on milk feeds for their total nutrition, this should be a calm, gentle and pleasant experience.

Feeding should be regular and planned in order to prevent a baby becoming distressed whilst hungry.

The quality and quantity of the milk should be under regular review in order to ensure the baby’s needs are met as they change.

Close liaison with parents is essential.

Breast – Feeding

Every effort should be made to accommodate any mother wishing to breast feed during the day.

Facilities are available for the storage of breast milk and the staff should advise and support accordingly.


Weaning generally begins around 6 months depending on the individual baby and latest guidance.

Staff will work closely with the parents in gradually introducing more solid food.

Only one ‘new’ food should be introduced at any one time in order to monitor baby’s likes/dislikes and reactions.

As the diet becomes more established and milk feeds become less frequent the introduction of other drinks i.e. cooled boiled water can begin.

General guidelines provided and promoted by the health visitors will be followed to ensure continuity of advice and so reduce the likelihood of confusion for the parents.

The nursery is committed to promoting a healthy balanced nutrition using fresh produce as much as possible.

Salt and sugar should not be added to food.

Finger foods can be introduced when appropriate.

Feeding at all stages must be supervised.

Weekly diet plans are to be used and handed to parents the week prior.

All unfinished foods must be discarded at once.

All frozen meals should be defrosted according to food hygiene guidelines and cooked/heated to the recommended temperature.

No milk should be re – heated at any time. This can be very dangerous.

Sunnybank Nursery

Revised June 16