PO Box 45017 EPUNI Phone (04) 567 6912 Fax (04) 567 2988 E-mail:

MINUTES OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Held On Monday 7th August 06 starting 7.30PM

Present: Brendon Smith, Les Stewart, Kevin McGlinchey, James Murphy, Wayne Dahlberg, Brian Haymes, Barry Yandle

Apologies: Ross Bisley - overseas

Minutes of previous committee meeting of the 3rd July 06 being circulated earlier were taken as read. Stewart/Dahlberg -Carried

Matters Arising. Nil

The chair was then vacated and a new chairperson sought for the incoming committee.

Brendon Smith was sole nomination – Yandle/McGlinchey – and carried unanimously.

Correspondence: Inward.

Tennis NZ - 8/7 Admin & Club Volunteer Awards; 6/7 CV Coach Applicant; 6/7 TNZ constitution; 7/7 Operations Manager on Leave; 14/7 SGM & AGM notices; 17/7 Re AGM Notice of Motion; 17/7 SGM & AGM; 21/7 ITF Doping Suspension; 24/7 Financial Projections; 26/7 SGM & AGM notices; 28/7 Re Canterbury notice of motion.

Wellington Tennis – (Nicola Hay) 6/7 Regional Report; 8/7 Regional forum on 3 Aug; 8/7 Regional Interclub forum; (Kevin Wilson) 14/7 Coachforce Officer appointed for Central Region.

Junior Regional Tennis – (Jen Burridge) 7/7 Junior Interclub Meeting; 17/7 Rep fixtures & training availability; 17/7 JTWR season information; Re Bob Brown dates; 19/7 re Winter tournament; 17/7 Wairarapa Junior Open.

North Harbour (Celia Patrick) – 17/7 Re TNZ SGM & AGM moving forward.

Wanganui Ass’n (John Williams)- 25/7 Re TNZ affiliation increase proposal.


19/7 – JTWR, accepting date change for Bob Brown

5/8 – To auditor, Keith McKenzie –Thanking for last audit and his acceptance of this position for the oncoming year.


As the treasurer, Ross Bisley, is overseas until the middle of the month no financial report was issued.

On the matter of the Squash reconciliation that was subject of expressed concern at the HVT AGM – a detailed summary has been created, gleaned from past records, covering the last decade and reaffirming the figures presented in the annual accounts –this information has been given over to Squash management.

Complex Managers Report

Report shows a quieter period for the pro-shop as it gears up for the incoming tennis season - long periods of wet weather severely curtailing court usage –- community workers continue to be used.


Complex Maintenance

The replacement parts for the court floodlights have yet to arrive from the USA. Repairs and painting of the men’s changing rooms and sun room have been completed as has the roof leak into the tournament control room. Further investigation of roof areas will be undertaken when weather improves. Costs for a core maintenance programme of the courts area surrounds is to be sought (Stewart) with the view to implementing a small budgeted service.

Function allocations for management committee.

Regional Committee: Wayne Dahlberg, James Murphy. Senior Interclub: Kevin McGlinchey, Wayne Dahlberg, James Murphy. Midweek Ladies: Helen O’Hara. Junior Interclub: Brian Haymes, Kevin McGlinchey. Hutt Valley Open: Wayne Dahlberg, Dick Werry.

Junior & school Tournaments Mitchell Park: Brian Haymes, Kevin McGlinchey. Senior Representative: Jason Kane, Julie Scott . Junior Representative: Gene Ridgeway. (It was noted that some travel and accommodation costs would appear this year for some representative fixtures by reason of venue.)

Regional Interclub

Option two was chosen at the forum held on the 3rd Aug – B Smith, J Murphy, W Dahlberg attended representing HVT Inc. Competition to start the 7th of October.

Hutt Valley Interclub

It is intended that Hutt Valley Senior Interclub starts on the 7th of October – with the club convenors meeting to be held on Monday the 28th Aug – entries to close prior to the 3rd week in September. As no club has informed the association of any convenor changes all the club convenors for last year will be E-mailed with the details.

The Interclub rules are being reviewed and it is hoped to have them available, if not finalised but certainly in draft, for perusal at the convenors meeting.

Mitchell Park Development Committee

Notification from Hutt City Council has arrived advising of funding a joint working party feasibility study for Mitchell Park.

TennisNZ SGM & AGM

These are to be held on the 12th Aug – John Donaghy is the Hutt valley delegate, with Brendon Smith and Barry Yandle attending. HVT position is as stated at the HVT AGM and is unaffected by the late flurry of potential remits.


1.  Regional to be written to concerning the allocation of courts at Mitchell Park.

2.  Management committee reaffirmed position on court usage.

3.  The Junior Winter tournament was abandoned because of inclement weather – sponsor to be invited to participate in the Xmas tournament.

4.  Top Dog – it is not intended to introduce Top Dog into Hutt Valley Interclub this year.

5.  In order to refurbish/replace tennis court surfaces final and finite placement of drains, service ducting, etc must be settled with urgency. It is realised that the proposed building programmes are stretching forward time wise and such delays cannot hinder other areas in court replacement . Immediately all underground service workings are identified quotations are to be again sought and monies made available/sought for earliest possible start on the outer court replacement.

6.  A draft calendar is to be inserted on the HVT website.

Meeting Closed 9.23pm Next meeting 4th September 06. Mitchell Park 7.30pm


PO Box 45017 EPUNI Phone (04) 567 6912 Fax (04) 567 2988 E-mail:


Present: Brendon Smith, Brian Haymes, Les Stewart, Kevin McGlinchey, Wayne Dahlberg, James Murphy, Ross Bisley, Barry Yandle.

Apologies: Nil

Minutes of previous committee meeting of the 7th August 06, being circulated earlier, were taken as read. Murphy/Stewart Carried

Matters Arising: Nil.

Correspondence: Inward.

Tennis NZ - 3// Associations Secretaries update, 17/8 Sparc congrats letter on new constitution. 23/8 Affiliaton Fee Codes, Fees & schedule: 25/8 Implementation Bulletin..

Wellington Tennis – (Nicola Hay) 6/7 Regional Report; 8/7 Regional forum on 3 Aug; 8/7 Regional Interclub forum; (Kevin Wilson) 14/7 Coachforce Officer appointed for Central Region: 23/8 Re Mitchell Park usage & charge.

Junior Regional Tennis – (Jen Burridge) 2/8 Junior Interclub registration, rules, & Top dog.

Hutt City Council: 9/8Re Club Licence renewal. 10/8 Re Mitchell Park Lease inspection concerns.

Gene Ridgeway: 15/8 Re expenses of Junior Rep away tourneys.

Tennis Wanganui: Re spread of affiliation fees.


5/8 – Mr McKenzie Thanking for audit and standing again.

8/8 – Regional - Re regional play at Mitchell Park.

12/8 – All Clubs – re national affiliation increase.

14/8 – HCC – re inspection concerns.

14/8 – Hutt News – sponsorship.


Tennis A/c: June; 7 movements, value $6280 (IRD $3313, Shop Stock $2830). July; 43 movements, value$12,361( 22 movements tournament refunds, 9 complex related, shop stock $1813). August; 19 movements, value $20015 ( 8 complex related, shop stock $12155). Balance $56351.38

Executive A/c: June; 6 movement, value 6084.55 ( wages and services0. July; 6 movements, $5980 (wages and services). August; 6 movements, value 6216 (wages and services). Balance $17668.34 Bisley/Stewart Carried

Complex Maintenance

Venting from sauna diverted through shower block: 2 companies under review, with the prospect of a third for consideration to undertake basic maintenance of outside surrounds. Lighting Company still has not supplied the requisite parts promised – being chased up.

Regional Interclub

Further Rule changes under consideration. Outstanding default payments by Petone. Management Committee expressed its desire that committee reps bear in mind that play is the key not an overburdening list of ancillary duties on the team captains. Mitchell Park cost affirmed.

Hutt Valley Interclub

Successful meetings for both Senior and Junior convenors. Presidents grade has been given options on format which the convenors took back to their clubs for assessment and decision- the final format will be as expressed by the majority of the clubs to the Playing Committee. Senior weekend is to have 8 team grades, where possible (thus giving 7 rounds before and after Xmas). The additional play will mean some play on Friday evenings and Sundays. Team entries are to be received by the 22nd September.

Mitchell Park Development Committee

The funding from the Hutt City Council is to take the form of providing an assessment by third party, with a combined committee of interested parties.


There was discussion on progress of quotations for court refurbishment and the need to define future ducting, wiring and drainage requirements as quickly as possible so that physical progress can be made.

Meeting Closed 8.49pm Next meeting will be 2nd October 06 at Mitchell Park , starting 7.30pm


PO Box 45017 EPUNI Phone (04) 567 6912 Fax (04) 567 2988 E-mail:


Present: Brian Haymes, Kevin McGlinchey, Wayne Dahlberg (Chair), James Murphy, Ross Bisley, Barry Yandle, Brendon Smith (Late arrival)

Apologies: Les Stewart

The meeting was then introduced to Stefan Knap the new Coachforce Officer for Tennis in the Wellington Region (Wellington, Kapi-Mana,. Hutt Valley, and Wairarapa). Stefan explained his role was to the tennis community in general but has the aim to enhance the quality and quantity of tennis coaches in the region. Although he is based at Renouf he was at pains to point out that he was SPARC orientated, as one of three such appointments in the region. Stefan went on to describe his activities ti date and the proposed steps he had in mind to raise the level of coaches abilities by workshops, qualification courses of various levels, and specialist aspects together with providing a climate for the general club member interested in coaching to get some expertise.. The committee congratulated him on his appointment and assured him of the Association support in his endeavours which was recognised as of benefit to tennis in the Hutt Valley.

The committee meeting then continued:

Minutes of previous committee meeting of the 4th September 06 being circulated earlier were taken as read. Yandle/Mcglinchey.Carried

Matters Arising. Nil

Correspondence: Inward.

Tennis NZ - 7/9 –Re Neilson suspension

Wellington Regional Tennis – (Jen) 13/9 Referees Course.

Tennis Central Region – 14/9 Advice of progress.


6/9 – Regional - Re regional play at Mitchell Park (response to letter received).

27/9 – Tennis HB – re Junior Quad Tournament (letter of affirmation) Bisley/Murphy Carried


Tennis A/c:10 movements, value $11,073 (all but $725 being stock); bank balance 49167.68. Executive A/c: 18 movements, value $9,782, bank balance $ 25447.45. Still awaiting Executive minutes to progress Squash/Tennis transfer values.

A monthly profit and loss statement on Pro shop becoming a reality as computer programme is updated. Bisley/McGlinchey Carried

Complex Managers Report

Open day not the success of previous years, consequently sales are down; Business house to restart on Wednesday and Thursday next week; Community workers attending to hedge and fence holes; domain name Mitchellpark.org.nz to be discontinued supplier requested to this portion of direct charge.

Complex Maintenance

A complaint has been received concerning the showers extractor fans causing noise distraction on and around court 2; the suggested alternatives will be investigated. The repairs for the remaining floodlights is awaiting on parts and suitable weather for implementation. Quotations for surrounds upkeep still being received.

Regional Interclub

Interclub starts this coming weekend, some contention over the playing rules as yet unresolved; issues over constitution agreement.

Hutt Valley Interclub

Senior and Junior Interclub starts this coming weekend; in line with the interclub convenors meeting agreement every effort has been made to achieve more rounds of play. Draws are on huttvalleytennis website - Interclub rules and clubs contact data will also be included. Mitchell Park Development Committee

A meeting was held with Hutt City Councillors & Council Officers, the Development Committee, and the Chairman and Secretary of the Management Committee, with Global Leisure at Mitchell park on the 20th September wherein Global leisure outlined the evaluations and processes and time-span commitment that Global Leisure would be undertaking in their brief on the assessing of the development for the Hutt City Council. A report can be expected prior to Christmas


The committee welcomed Chuck and Mariska Swartz, the new resident coaches based on Mitchell Park. Chuck and Mariska spoke to the committee outlining their initial programme now that they are settled and based at Mitchell Park and gave the committee some idea of the similar successful work they had achieved in the Waikato. The committee thanked, congratulated and wished them every success.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm. Next meeting 6th Niovember 06. Mitchell Park 7.30pm


PO Box 45017 EPUNI Phone (04) 567 6912 Fax (04) 567 2988 E-mail:


Present:, Kevin McGlinchey, Wayne Dahlberg, James Murphy, Ross Bisley, , Brendon Smith (Chair)

Apologies: Brian Haymes Les Stewart, Barry Yandle

Minutes of previous committee meeting of the 2th October 06 being circulated earlier were taken as read. Murphy/Bisley.Carried

Matters Arising. Nil

Correspondence: Inward.

Tennis NZ – Affiliation Fees Notice received

Note: this invoice is for 80 % of Fees due based on last years membership numbers, final bill will be due in second half of the season, once current season numbers are known.

HVT Interclub Rules – Correspondence received from John Donaghy and Paddy Wells volunteering to help review and amend Interclub rules for various competitions: seniors, weekend and midweek ladies

Correspondence was received from clubs by interclub committee:

Division Three Wainui v Lower Hutt

Division Two Wainui v Upper Hutt : player played two places below last placing; ruled as default by IPC and point deducted.

Lower Hutt Mens Div One: Requested regrade for Dave Leesburg to play Mens Div One, IPC granted.

Outward. (To be advised at next meeting.)

Finance Tennis A/c: McGlinchey/ Murphy Carried Exec A/c:. McGlinchey/ Murphy Carried