


Making changes

Key Stage Targets (KS2)

To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

-  to converse about feelings, interests, preferences, ideas, experiences and plans (E.D. b)

-  to participate with others in making choices and decisions for carrying out events (E.D. d)

-  to interpret and use given information through processes or activities such as explaining, predicting, drawing conclusions; and to follow instructions (K.D. b)

Programme Outline

Children in different circumstances want different things. If you ask them to make a wish, some children only want a toy racing car or a pet, nothing special. To those who live in a poor village, what they may want is simply to go to the school, something children who grow up in the city take for granted.

In this programme, you will meet Anne, Jack and Michael. They each have made a wish: Anne, “I want to learn how to play the violin. One day I want to be in a concert.”

Jack, “ I want to be the best basketball player in Hong Kong one day.”

Michael, “I want to read about everything new. One day I’ll be a famous scientist.”

All of a sudden, some magical power has transported them to another space, Caluna. Caluna belongs to Master Magician and two magicians, Uncle Ben and Aunt Lily. They live there happily with a lovely garden and a “green” boy looking after the garden. But they would like to have more people to share such a beautiful place. When Anne, Jack and Michael arrive in Caluna, Master Magician is not happy – he does not like the noise made by the children and he does not like Uncle Ben and Aunt Lily using magic in the presence of outsiders. He is going to make a lot of troubles for them but Anne, Michael and Jack are going to protect Caluna and help Uncle Ben and Aunt Lily! And how? When Master Magician comes out to see several children playing in Caluna, he is touched by their happiness. You know what? Master Magician is changed! At last, he welcomes everybody to share his magical land.

Communicative Functions

1.  Express preferences, ideas and plans

2.  Talk about future events, actions and processes

3.  Make predictions and refer to unplanned future actions

Suggested Activities

1.  Invite pupils to make a wish. The wish could be something ordinary, for example, to own something they like or a wish that is fantastic, for example, to be a singer. They can use this phrase, “I want to/to be…one day” to make their wish.

2.  Note down the wish each pupil has made. Draw up a “wish list” of the class. Select a few of their wish and go through with them how they can make their wish come true. You can ask them to write down questions such as “Are you ready to work hard?” “Where can you learn to play…?”

3.  Introduce the programme outline to the class. Read the instructions for “While-viewing Activities”. Ask the pupils to pay attention to the wish made by Anne, Michael and Jack.

4.  Direct them to do “While-viewing Activities” when they are watching the programme.

While-viewing Activities (COPYMASTER 1)

Suggested answers:

Part A.

1.  What does Anne like to do? Play the violin.

2.  What does Jack like to do? Play basketball.

3.  What does Michael like to do? Read about new things or science./Read.

Part B

1.  Anne wants to be a musician.

2.  Jack wants to be the best basketball player in Hong Kong one day.

3.  Michael wants to be a famous scientist one day.

4.  Uncle Ben is a magician.

Part C

Anne – Green Air

Michael – Magic Key

Jack – Green Room

Follow-up Activities (COPYMASTER 2)

A.  Pupils individually write a wish by using the structure “I want to…” or “I want to be…one day”

Optional Activity:

They can also write a short paragraph on how they can make their wish come true.

B.  Pupils can carry out an interview with their good friends. They can ask them to make a wish. After that they can write up a “wish list”: e.g. 1. To be the best student in school 2. Own a car…

Make a Wish

Read the following questions before you watch the programme.

While-viewing Activities

A. Answer the questions about Anne, Jack and Michael:
1.  What does Anne like to do?
2.  What does Jack like to do?
3.  What does Michael like to do?
B. Complete the blanks with these words:
magician, musician, scientist, player
1.  Anne wants to be a ______one day.
2.  Jack wants to be the best basketball ______in Hong Kong one day.
3.  Michael wants to be a famous ______one day.
4.  Uncle Ben is a ______.
C. Match the following: Three things are needed to save Caluna,
the Green Room, the Magic Key and the Green Air
Match the names to the three things to show who finds which of the three things:
l  Anne Green Room
Michael Magic Key
l  Jack Green Air
Make a Wish

Follow-up Activities

A.  Make your wish

What do you want to do? What do you want to be one day?

Write one or two sentences:

B.  Interview

1.  Interview five to six friends or classmates.

For example, ask them questions,

“Would you like to make a wish?

What do you want to do?

What do you want to be? ”

2.  After that write up “A Wish List”