All percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number



  • Male: 54%
  • Female: 46%
  • Percentage with children in WKMHA: 100%
  • Respondents with more than one child in WKMHA: 30
  • Respondents previously registered in another association: 17%
  • Respondents are/have been coaches in WKMHA: 27%
  • Respondents are/have been safety/trainers in WKMHA: 13%
  • Respondents are/have been managers in WKMHA: 19%
  • Respondents are/have been division managers in WKMHA: 6%
  • Respondents are/have been WKMHA Steering Committee/Executive Members: 8%

  • Respondents self-described as high-level hockey experience: 30%
  • Respondents self-described with mid-level hockey experience: 35%
  • Respondents self-described with little to no hockey experience: 34%


  • Girls: 12
  • Boys: 146
  • Total Initiation players: 13
  • Total Novice Players: 12
  • Total Atom Players: 35
  • Total Peewee Players: 43
  • Total Bantam Players: 26
  • Total Midget Players 27

  • Total Development/Rep players: 57
  • Total Rec players: 84


Overall Performance

Satisfied / Disatisfied
Membership Cost / 97% / 3%
Administration / 93% / 7%
Quality of Facilities / 92% / 8%
Communication (Players/Parents) / 88% / 12%
Overall Experience With Association / 87% / 13%
Number of Games Per Season / 86% / 14%
Games/Practice Schedules / 84% / 16%
Practice Structure / 78% / 22%
Quality of Coaches / 76% / 24%
Accessibility To Input/Feedback / 75% / 25%
Effectiveness of WKMHA Executive / 67% / 33%
Evaluation Process / 50% / 50%

Membership Fees & Additional Services

The following questions focused on fee thresholds for various additional services.

Respondents would like to see surplus money spent on:

More training resources / 28%
More paid coaches / 18%
Paid independent evaluators / 14%
More ice time / 12%
Dedicated league tournament coordinator / 11%
Other (see below) / 7%
Apparel for kids / 6%
More administrative support / 3%

A number of other suggestions for the surplus dollars were offered, including:

  • Allocating funds for kids who can’t afford to play (a couple of people suggested this)
  • Full ice practices for Atom
  • Buy the OIC training facility for exclusive WKMHA use

Respondents would be prepared to pay extra for the following:

(NOTE: I have grouped the individual dollar increments in this summary into three categories: $5-$10, $15-$20, $25+. The $0 reflects members not wishing to pay any extra for these additional services)

$0 / $5 - $10 / $15 - $20 / $25+
More paid coaches / 36% / 24% / 10% / 21%
More ice time / 26% / 39% / 18% / 19%
More administrative staff / 57% / 34% / 5% / 2%
Paid evaluators / 37% / 37% / 10% / 18%
More training resources / 21% / 51% / 8% / 20%
Dedicated tournament Coordinator / 39% / 48% / 6% / 9%

WMHA Hockey Policy Questions

Are members comfortable with the existing Fair Play policy?

Yes / 73%
No / 27%

Should rec parents be able to request their child be placed on a friend(s)’ team?

Yes / 70%
No / 30%

> Should members of the WKMHA Executive be permitted to:

Yes / No
Head Coach / 34% / 66%
Assistant Coach / 56% / 44%
Manage (Team) / 63% / 37%
Manage (Division) / 60% / 40%

> How many tournaments should teams participate in each season, including the home tourney?

1 / 2 / 3 or more / As many as a team wants
Rep / 0% / 4% / 54% / 42%
Recreation / 4% / 13% / 55% / 28%

> When would you prefer to hold your home tourney?

Christmas Break / 9%
March Break / 11%
Holiday Weekend (ie. Family Day) / 24%
Any time other than a holiday / 56%

WKMHA Sponsor Policy

> For the various products and services paid for by WKMHA, assuming costs are comparable and the supplier for the given product exists in West Kelowna, should the WKMHA make it a policy whenever possible to:

Give priority to local West Kelowna suppliers over suppliers in other communities. / 51%
Give priority to West Kelowna suppliers over other suppliers in other communities, only if the local supplier is a paid sponsor of the association. / 23%
Give priority to any suppliers who sponsor the association, over other local West Kelowna suppliers. / 15%
Give priority to any suppliers who sponsor the association, over other local West Kelowna suppliers. / 10%