SAES 10.6.2015

Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES)

Documents in Adherence to Standards (v.6.15)

Documents Compliance Checklist

This checklist indicates whether or not the school is in compliance with the required document.

Section / # / Name of Document
/ Applicant Schools ONLY submit upon approval of accreditation application / Applicant Schools seeking initial accreditation AND Schools seeking reaccreditation as part of reaccreditation process / Document compliance (✔). If incomplete or missing, provide brief explanation. /
A. Mission / 1 / The published mission of the School / x / x /
/ 2 / School philosophy/core values / x /
B. Episcopal Identity, School Climate & Culture / 1 / Chapel service schedule and order of service with age group(s)/school division(s) indicated / x / x /
/ 2 / Programs from graduations and other ceremonial events / x /
/ 3 / Evidence of statements of Episcopal Identity in school publications / x /
/ 4 / Copy of the diocesan canons that pertain to the school / x / x /
/ 5 / Copy of religion education curriculum. / x /
/ 6 / Evidence that satisfactory background checks have been made on all employees and regular volunteers, including those involved with extended day care and summer programs, who work with students and that they have participated in Safeguarding God’s Children/People or comparable training in accordance with diocesan requirements (if applicable). [also in Facilities & Safety section] / x /
/ 7 / A copy of the school/church shared use agreement (if applicable), together with description of how costs are allocated between church and school. [also in Fiscal Responsibility section] / x /
/ 8 / If the school is separately incorporated, evidence of (501c(3)) status. If the school is not separately incorporated, provide evidence that the school is by charter affiliated with a legally constituted not-for-profit church. / x / x /
C. Governance / 1 / Evidence of the school’s charter, constitution, bylaws, articles of incorporation/Certificate of Formation (if applicable), non-profit status [IRS 501(c)(3)] (if the school is NOT separately incorporated, show evidence that the school is, by charter, affiliated with a legally constituted not-for-profit church) / x / x /
/ 2 / A copy of the board’s current calendar (including board committees' meetings), board training and development for the past three years with a summary of content and dates, and involvement in life of the school / x /
/ 3 / Board finance committee minutes for the last school year. / x /
/ 4 / A copy of the board policies, including but not limited to
·  whistleblower
·  conflict of interest
·  grievance/conflict resolution
·  confidentiality that all trustees sign annually
·  anti-bullying and anti-hazing
·  anti-harassment that includes those procedures for sexual harassment/sexual assault
·  the location and accessibility of essential records in the event of the permanent closure of the school (specifically, employment records and student records for 8th – 12th graders)
·  if an endowment fund exists, provide evidence of board policies for investment and spending, and minutes of recent board meetings pertaining to the endowment / x / x /
/ 5 / The school’s most recent strategic plan and related strategic financial plan, together with status noting which objectives have been completed and which are on-going. / x / x /
/ 6 / Board minutes indicating that the audited or reviewed financial statements have been presented to, and approved by, the Board. / x /
/ 7 / Copy of the Board’s self-evaluation instrument, both corporate and individual / x / x /
/ 8 / Copy of the instrument used for the Board’s head of school evaluation / x / x /
/ 9 / Board minutes or bylaws or written policy demonstrating that compensation of the head of school is set by the Board, and minutes that note annual compliance with IRS Code 4958 concerning avoidance of Intermediate Sanctions using “Rebuttable Presumption Checklist” (this does not apply to persons compensated $85,000 or less) / x / x /
/ 10 / Copy of head of school’s contract with remuneration included. Place in sealed envelope with signature across the seal to be made available only to the Team Leader of the Visiting Team. / x /
D. Organization Administration / 1 / Published statement regarding the school’s non-discrimination/inclusivity policy / x / x /
/ 2 / Sample employment contract or letter of agreement for professional staff / x /
/ 3 / Sample student application and admission/marketing publications such as print or digital viewbook/school brochures/catalogs, and tuition/fee schedule / x / x /
/ 4 / Tuition assistance application / x /
/ 5 / Sample enrollment contract / x /
/ 6 / Student enrollment history by grade or level for the past 3 (applicant school)/5 (re-accredited school) years; and an accounting of total enrollment for the past 3/5 years, showing enrollment figures for students of color—see Self-Study Appendix D / x / x /
/ 7 / Chart of the school’s administrative organization (head of school, assistant head, department heads, etc.) and designations for academic levels (PS, LS, MS, HS, etc.) / x /
/ 8 / Titles of all instructional and non-instructional administrators (business manager, development director, bookkeeper, secretary, nurse, facilities manager, etc., as applicable) and indication of how long each has held his/her position / x
(5 Years) /
/ 9 / Job description and qualifications required for each employee position at the school / x /
/ 10 / Copies of related documents for performance evaluation processes for administrators and staff / x / x /
/ 11 / Student-parent handbook / x / x /
/ 12 / Employee handbook [also in Teaching and Learning and Facilities & Safety sections] / x / x /
/ 13 / Extended school closure protocols / x /
/ 14 / Anti-bullying/anti-hazing policy / x / x /
/ 15 / Anti-harassment (including sexual misconduct and sexual assault) / x / x /
/ 16 / Copy of previous accreditation team On-Site Visiting Team Report and most recent interim reports, if seeking re-accreditation / x /
/ 17 / Samples of communications with graduates / x /
/ 18 / Recent capital campaign and/or major fundraising initiative communications / x /
/ 19 / Parent organization by-laws / x / x /
E. Teaching & Learning / 1 / Academic Subject Assessment (see Self-Study Appendix G) / x /
/ 2 / Curriculum (including scope and sequence, content, student assessment, timeline, and resources needed) / X
(scope and sequence only) / x /
/ 3 / Program materials prepared for parent and public information / x /
/ 4 / Discipline policies/student code of conduct / x / x /
/ 5 / Copy of e-learning or online course webpage describing the course and indicating the provider’s accreditation agency / x /
/ 6 / Sample report cards, interim reports, conference forms, etc. / x /
/ 7 / Standardized tests results by grade for the last five years (omit student names) / x /
/ 8 / Technology Plan and Acceptable Use Policies / x /
/ 9 / A list of the school’s college acceptances for the past three (5) years, if applicable / x /
/ 10 / College counseling “fact sheet” or school/student profile. / x /
/ 11 / Residential Life/Boarding handbook, if applicable / x /
/ 12 / Residential life education/curriculum, if applicable / x /
/ 13 / Residential life staff training manual or appropriate sections of existing handbooks, if applicable / x /
/ 14 / Copies of residential life permission forms, activity schedules, logs, etc., if applicable / x /
/ 15 / Evidence of SEVIS certification by the Department of Homeland Security (if applicable- Needed if the school, either day or boarding, enrolls international, non-immigrant students.) / x / x /
/ 16 / Homestay host family and/or placement agency contract, if applicable / x /
/ 17 / Homestay instructions/handbook for supervisors and students, if applicable / x /
/ 18 / Evidence of, at a minimum, Safeguarding God’s Children/People in accordance with diocesan requirements, for homestay host families, if applicable / x / x /
/ 19 / Assessment tool(s) used for evaluation of homestay program, if applicable / x /
/ 20 / Copy of agreement with other schools, if the school is involved in a boarding program that uses shared dormitory facilities / x /
/ 21 / Copy of contractual documents with outside agency/consultant involved with bringing international students to the school, if applicable / x /
/ 22 / Copy of certificate of insurance from any outside agency/consultant involved with bringing international students to the school, if applicable / x / x /
/ 23 / Copies of promotional materials and other information regarding summer programs that is sent to parents. Include copies of enrollment contracts or registration forms required for participation. / x /
/ 24 / Staff Information forms for each faculty and staff person (see Self-Study Appendix F) / x /
/ 25 / Faculty/Staff Profile (see Self-Study Appendix E) / x /
/ 26 / Employee handbook [also in Organization & Administration and Facilities & Safety sections] / x /
/ 27 / Faculty/Staff survey with results (see Self-Study Appendix B) / x /
/ 28 / Alphabetical list of faculty and staff, their titles, and weekly schedule for each / x /
F. Fiscal Responsibility / 1 / Most recently completed fiscal year (applicant school)/last five years’ (school seeking re-accreditation) audited financial statements, together with auditor's management letter(s). / x / x /
/ 2 / Verification and summary schedule of the school’s insurance coverages: fire and theft, auto loss or damage from owned or non-owned vehicle, general liability/accident or injury, umbrella excess liability, property and casualty, scheduled property, errors or omissions or professional liability, directors/ liability, workers’ compensation, other (such as student supplemental medical coverage, flood, business interruption, special events coverage) / x / x /
/ 3 / Current budget and actuals year-to-date / x / x /
/ 4 / Last five years’ faculty salary scales, and median faculty salaries and lowest faculty salaries paid each year / x /
/ 5 / Description of employee benefit plan(s) / x / x /
/ 6 / If the school has bank or mortgage debt, or has issued bonds, a list of the lender covenants and the school’s evidence of compliance with covenants. / x /
/ 7 / Chart of accounts / x / x /
/ 8 / Federal 990 tax returns for the last five years / x /
/ 9 / Verification that no separate bank accounts are open by affiliated organizations (PTA, booster club, etc.) unless the school’s business officer has signatory responsibility. / x /
/ 10 / Evidence of a recent annual financial report to the school’s constituents / x / x /
/ 11 / Multi-year strategic financial plan / x /
/ 12 / Financial records retention and destruction policy / x /
/ 13 / Previous and upcoming summer program budget / x /
/ 14 / School/church shared use agreement (if applicable), together with description of how costs are allocated between church and school [also in Episcopal Identity, School Climate & Culture section] / x / x /
/ 15 / Loan agreement documentation, if loans are outstanding (if applicable) / x /
/ 16 / Last ten years enrollment, by grade / x / x /
/ 17 / Last five years tuition and fee schedules / x / x /
/ 18 / Policies for funds management, collection, recording, and reporting / x /
H. Facilities & Safety / 1 / Copies of safety inspection licenses and certificates / x
(1 year) / x
(5 years) /
/ 2 / Evidence of satisfactory response to lead paint and asbestos hazards, if applicable / x / x /
/ 3 / Evidence of satisfactory response to radon, water quality, and other inspections, if applicable / x / x /
/ 4 / Copies of day care and program licensing, if applicable / x / x /
/ 5 / Occupancy certificates/permits for buildings constructed after last on-site visit / x / x /
/ 6 / Copy of insurance coverage and appropriate liability waivers and hold-harmless provisions for third party groups and/or summer programs / x /
/ 77 / Verification of the school’s risk management plan that includes safety policies: vehicle safety, requirements for bus or van driver qualification; chemical handling and storage (cleaning and science/art/other classroom materials); preventative maintenance and inspections; review of risk management assessment for field trips, sports programs, hazardous activities, summer programs and camps, outside contractors, construction, use of facilities by external groups; legal review of Employee Handbook that contains all employment policies and procedures; school records retention and destruction policies and procedures; verification of staff training in workplace sexual harassment policies and situations involving child sexual abuse. / x /
/ 8 / Evidence that school meets all applicable fire, safety, and health requirements for the local municipality/state/county/parish in which it is located. / x /
/ 9 / Master site plan, if applicable / x /
/ 10 / Plans, if any, to address major plant replacement, renovations, additions, together with Provisions for Plant Replacement Renewal and Special Maintenance (PPRRSM) account figure / x /
/ 11 / Copy of the school’s crisis/emergency response plan / x / x /
/ 12 / Log of school safety drills, including but not limited to fire, lock-down and severe weather drills, for the last three years / x /
/ 13 / Copies of contracts with third-party contractors who provide services outside the school day/year / x /
/ 14 / Safety/security incident log / x /
/ 15 / Hold Harmless Agreement / x / x /
/ 16 / Evidence that satisfactory background checks have been made on all employees and frequent volunteers, including third party providers and others working in programs that operate outside of the school day/year (such as before and after school care, weekend and summer programs. Include evidence that anyone working with students on a regular basis, within or outside the school day/year, has been certified/re-certified in Safeguarding God’s Children/People or comparable training, in accordance with diocesan requirements (if applicable) [also in Episcopal Identity, School Climate & Culture section] / X
(only description of process for ensuring these background checks) / x /
/ 17 / Employee handbook [also in Organization & Administration and Teaching and Learning sections] / x / x /

Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools