Revision codes para las composiciones:

Missing a word

AGAgreement (gender, number, or both)

ARTArticle (definite or indefinite)

BvBBien vs. Buen/o/a/os/as (think about agreement)


CV: verb Conjugate the infinitive provided

INFUse the infinitive. (Do not conjugate.)

IRRIrregular verb form

NCMNot chapter material (Use only vocab and grammar material from the current or prior chapters.)

MvMMuy vs. Mucho/o/a/os/as (think about agreement)

PPunctuation (punctuation / capitalize / don’t capitalize / etc.)

PREPNeed a preposition / wrong preposition (de / a / en / para / etc.)

PRONeed a pronoun / wrong pronoun

PvPPor vs. Para

REFShould or should not be reflexive

SPSpelling (spelling, accent, or tilde)


TTense (present, imperfect vs. preterit, etc.)

TR / OHTranslator used or outside help. NO CREDIT

VA verb is necessary

VOCRevisit our current (or prior) vocab list for word or phrase

WOWord order

WVWrong verb

WWWrong Word

#Pluralize or un-pluralize

σOmit accent

¿?(underlined w/ squiggles) Confusing. Rewrite sentence/idea.


EXPECTATION: Write a composition using only your text and your own brain. No outside help is necessary to show me that you learned the chapter vocab and grammar. If you don’t know specific individual words, use a dictionary to look it up. If you find yourself looking up more than 3-4 words, revisit the chapter vocab and grammar structures to shape your composition.


*Read through all of the pasos (steps) in your text before you start. (See syllabus for page numbers and word minimums.)

*Make sure to follow each paso.

*Avoid writing it out in English first and then “translating.” (This is some students’ inclination but it really gets much more complicated that way. Instead, try to use the language you have been exposed to in class and in your text to form your composición. It will render a much more natural product.)


Double space, and use size 14 font, which leaves me enough space to write in revision codes.


I will collect your rough draft on the due date. The next class you will receive your composición back with revision codes. Do your best to fix the errors (use the REVISION CODE sheet) and you’ll hand it in the next class meeting. There shouldn’t be MAJOR changes, only the revisions that I have marked are necessary.

Please staple your final draft on top of your rough draft (with my revision marks).