Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report

Course Assessment

Division: Health Sciences Discipline/Program: Nursing

Course Number and Name: Nursing 301 A – Success Strategies for Nursing

Program Contact Person: _Carole Stevenson______Phone: _310-233-4520______

Reviewed by: Lora Lane, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: December 2011

Please note this course was last offered Fall 2010

Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
1 / 1. Describe the role and responsibilities of the RN and the nursing student. / Means: Quiz with 10 multiple choice questions plus an essay.
Criteria: 80% of all students will achieve a C or better on the questions and the essay. / Fall 2010
Quiz was given to 42 students face to face. There is one section only.
Results: 93% of students have achieved a “C” or better from this test.
The breakdown:
A= 45%
D= 5%
F=2% / The quiz is 10 questions which is a very small sampling of the material. In the nursing program a student must achieve a C+ or 75% to stay in the program. That being said, only 69% of the students would have continued in the program.
1 / 2. Identify the criteria for a profession and describe how nursing is a profession. / Means: A two page essay on professionalism.
Criteria: 80% of all students will achieve a C or better. / Fall 2010
41 students used criteria for professional to write a 2 page essay.
Results: 95% of student have achieved a “C” or better.
A= 88%
D=2% / The paper required specific criteria and the evaluation of how the criteria apply to nursing.
ESL influenced grammar, sentence structure and understanding directions.
A notebook with excellent “Professionalism” papers is now available to students for reference at the nursing resource center.
3 / 3. Evaluate a nursing Internet site. / Means: Students will write a group paper using established criteria for Internet evaluation.
Criteria: 80% of students will achieve a C or better. / Fall 2010
41 students, divided into groups of 4-5, evaluated a nursing web site of their choice.
Results: 93% achieved a “C” or better.
D= 7% / Each group had six questions they were to answer as a group. The format for the assignment was in the syllabus. The means was left to the discretion of the students.
One group was disorganized, unable to meet as a group, failed to communicate and the project was very incomplete.
2 / 4. Translate conventional time into military time, accurately compute basic drug doses, and convert metric apothecary and household measurements. / Means: Quiz with 30 math questions, matching and fill in the blank questions.
Criteria: 80% of students will achieve a C 75% or better. / Fall 2010
41 students took the 30 question math test in the classroom.
Results: 92% achieved a grade of 80% or better.
A= 63%
B= 29%
F=2% / Students were given a math assessment 2 weeks prior to the math test. Any student who achieved a C or lower was encouraged to go to the learning lab for math tutoring. The book, “Dosage Calculations” was also recommended and a copy is in the nursing resource center.
5 / 5. Understand the roles, duties, challenges, and rewards of the professional nurse. / Means: The student will interview a RN or student RN who is currently working in the profession.
Criteria: 80% of students will achieve a C or better. / Fall 2010
40 students interviewed an RN or student RN using preset criteria set forth in the syllabus.
Results: 98% achieved a C or better.
A= 88%
D=2% / Students interviewed a nurse and some gave quick, incomplete answers. A notebook with excellent interviews has been put together and is in the nursing resource center as a reference.
ESL influences the grammar and sentence structure.
5 / 6. Identify student’s own learning style and personal learning strategies. / Means: Self assessment 4.1, 4.2, 4.5
Criteria: 80% will achieve 80% or better. / Fall 2010
40 students participated in this exercise from the syllabus.
Results: 95% achieved an 80 % or better.
A=92 %
B= 3%
F= 3%% / Students were given directions from the syllabus. Those achieving C or F submitted incomplete work. A notebook with examples of quality work is now available for reference in the Nursing Resource Center.
5 / 7. Identify three methods that assist in managing time and develop a personal time management and study plan. / Means: Complete time management worksheet, pretest, log and analysis.
Criteria: 80% will achieve 80% or better. / Fall 2010
41 students participated in this exercise with worksheets from the syllabus. Students kept a time management log for one week.
Results: 100% achieved
a perfect grade.
A=100% / Students were able to evaluate how they spend their time using one week as a guide. Changes in their schedule can now be made to allow more study and preparation time.