Dr. Richard Cobb - College of Commerce and Business Admin - Room 216 Merrill Phone 782-5503 , JSU Homepage – General Info: Dept. – CCBA
A. CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION: MGT 491: Management Seminar (3)
Prerequisite: Senior Standing:
A topical seminar which includes selected readings in current management literature combined with classroom lectures and discussions. Includes supervised and independent student research. Fall and Spring.
B. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Management Seminar (MGT491) is a three credit-hour, senior level course, taught in a seminar format that is a required management course for students that are Management Majors. As an upper-level, senior management course, the students should have completed all of the CBA Business Core courses (with the possible exception of CBA 469: Business Policy and Strategy) and a majority of the Management Major required courses, thus having already developed a basic foundation of management knowledge, (especially in the areas of basic management concepts, functions, terms and theories).
No formal textbook is required for this course. Appropriate and relevant learning resources (Academic journals, magazines, newspapers, articles, papers, reports, films, videos, internet web sites, etc.) will be identified or provided by the instructor during the semester.
Learning objectives will be accomplished through a variety of methods, techniques and sources, including: lectures, class discussions, participation in-class activities and exercises, readings from academic journal articles, papers, magazines, newspapers and internet sources, along with the viewing
of films/movies/videos, and doing homework assignments.
1. Identify, analyze, comprehend, compare, contrast, discuss, critically evaluate, summarize and report various management approaches, concepts, events, issues, problems, theories etc., and research current articles, papers, readings etc. concerning various management related events, issues, policies, problems, theories, etc.
2. Identify, analyze, comprehend, compare, contrast, discuss and critically evaluate various management approaches, concepts, events, functions, influences, issues, philosophies, problems, roles, theories, etc. by viewing films, movies (or selected scenes) and videos.
3. Apply various management approaches, concepts, events, issues, policies, problems, theories, etc. by participating in class activities, discussions and exercises.
III. Course Policies and Procedures
1. The student is responsible for all material discussed or presented in class.
Since much of the learning comes from class discussion and participation,
attendance is important in this course.
2. Unless it was assigned as a group project, all work submitted for credit is
expected to be the work of the individual student. Complete academic
honesty is expected.
3. The academic misconduct policy of the university will be followed.
4. Any individual who qualifies for reasonable accommodations under The
Americans With Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 should contact the instructor.
5. Cell phones should be in the off position and put away during class time.
6. Electronic translators and cell phone calculators are not allowed for tests.
IV. Grade - The final grade will be based on your written analysis and presentation
of five (5) selected topics (current management issues ). Each will be
scored separately for a total of 10 scores (5 analysis and
5 presentations). If you complete more than the required number, then
the top 5 of each will be counted.
MGT 491 Spring 13
V. Tentative Course Outline
Class Date Topic
1 Jan 8 Introduction
2 10 Topical review
3 15 Topical review
4 17 Topical review
5 22 Topical review
6 24 Topical review
7 29 Topic 1 Global Focus - Discussion
8 31 Topic 1 Discussion/Presentation
9 Feb 5 Topic 2 Communications - Discussion
10 7 Topic 2 Discussion/Presentation
11 12 Topic 3 Production and Operations - Discussion
12 14 Topic 3 Discussion/Presentation
13 19 Topic 4 Transportation Issues - Discussion
14 21 Topic 4 Discussion/Presentation
15 26 Topic 5 Employee Benefits - Discussion
16 28 Topic 5 Discussion/Presentation
17 Mar 5 Topic 6 Energy Issues - Discussion
18 7 Topic 6 Discussion/Presentation
19 12 Topic 7 Marketing/Networking - Discussion
20 14 Topic 7 Discussion/Presentation
21 19 Topic 8 Employee Education and Training - Discussion
22 21 Topic 8 Discussion/Presentation
23 Apr 2 Topic 9 Changing Technology - Discussion
24 4 Topic 9 Discussion/Presentation
25 9 Topic 10 Supply Chain Issues - Discussion
26 11 Topic 10 Discussion/Presentation
27 16 Final