“My Favorite Chaperone”

pages 22 - 23 (through top 4 lines on page 24)

1.  As you read pages 22 - 23 (through top 4 lines on page 24) in “My Favorite Chaperone,” take notes about the characters, setting, and developing plot in the left hand column. Leave a space between each idea.

2.  After you have taken notes, work with a partner to write a question in the right hand column that might match the note in the left hand column. (Do not share your work via Google Docs.)

3.  When you have completed the columns at the top, write a summary for this portion of the text.

Topic/Objective: Think about all the complications that prevented Maya from even asking her parents to sign the permission slip prior to this point of the story.
Essential Question: How does the conflict begin to be resolved in pages 22 - 23? How have the characters changed from the beginning of the story?
Note #1
Note #2
Note #3 / Questions:
Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
20 Word Summary:

“My Favorite Chaperone” Independent

pages 24 (from Shannon and I met... - through 26)

1.  As you read pages 24 - 26 in “My Favorite Chaperone,” take notes about the characters, setting, and developing plot in the left hand column. Leave a space between each idea.

2.  After you have taken notes, work with a partner to write a question in the right hand column that might match the note in the left hand column. (Do not share your work via Google Docs.)

3.  When you have completed the columns at the top, write a summary for this portion of the text.

Topic/Objective: Dialogue marks a change in characters.
Essential Question: How is the problem resolved? How has Maya’s family begun to make adjustments to living in the United States?
Note #1
Note #2
Note #3 / Questions:
Question #1
Question #2
Questions #3
Summary: 20 Word or Regular Summary