Celal Bayar University
School of Applied Sciences
Erasmus Information Handbook
Manisa, TURKEY
CONTENTS- The Erasmus Exchange Programme in Celal Bayar University......
- The School of Applied Sciences......
- Administration ......
- Department of International Trade......
Academic Staff …………………………………………………………. / 7
- Department of Banking and Finance......
Academic Staff …………………………………………………………. / 9
- The Erasmus Exchange Programme at Celal Bayar University School of Applied Sciences......
- Incoming Students to Department of International Trade ......
- Outgoing Students of Department of International Trade to Fachhochschule Ingolstadt in Germany......
- Incoming Lecturers ......
- Outgoing Lecturers from Department of International Trade......
- Outgoing Personnel of School of Applied Sciences …………………......
- Courses Thought in English in the Department of International Trade......
- Course Descriptions ......
- About Manisa ......
- Social and Cultural Facilities at Celal Bayar University ......
- Cultural Facilities ......
- Student Dormitories ......
- Student Clubs ......
- Culture and Sports Club ......
- Health Services ......
- Food Services ......
- Transportation and Cost of Living in Manisa ......
- Sports Services ......
- Mevlevihane ......
- Darüşşifa ......
- 2014-2015Academic Calendar ......
- Contact Information ......
- The Erasmus Exchange Program in Celal Bayar University
Erasmus has become a driver in the modernization of higher education in Europe and inspired the establishment of the Bologna process. The general aim of the program is to create a European Higher Education Area and foster innovation throughout Europe[1].
Erasmus became part of the EU's Lifelong Learning Program in 2007 and expanded to cover new areas such as student placements in enterprises (transferred from the Leonardo da Vinci program), university staff training and teaching for enterprise staff. The program seeks to expand its mobility actions even further in coming years, with the target of 3 million Erasmus students by 2012[2].
In Erasmus Exchange Programme, Celal Bayar University had agreements with 15 universities from 9 European Union countries between 2007 and 2011. With these agreements:
29 students benefited from learning mobility,
17 academic staff benefited from teaching mobility,
9 administrative staff benefited from training mobility.
Quotasfunded bythe National Agency / 2010 - 2011 / 2011 - 2012Student Learning Mobility / 13 / 23
Student Internship Mobility / 5 / 12
Staff Teaching Mobility / 3 / 5 (+4)
Staff Learning Mobility / 4 / 4 (+2)
The number ofAgreements by Celal BayarUniversity in Erasmus Exchange Programmeby the years:
2 in 2008,
3 in 2009,
9 in 2011.
2007-2008 / 2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012The number of students gone abroad for learning mobility with our Erasmus agreements / 3 / 9 / 10 / 10 / 23
The number of students benefited from internship mobility / - / - / - / 3 / 10
The number of staff benefited from administrative staff mobility in Erasmus Program / - / 1 / 2 / 1 / 6
The number of staff benefited from academic personnel mobility in Erasmus Program / 1 / 1 / 6 / 7 / 9
The number of staff came from abroad in Erasmus Program for lecturing and training / 1 / - / 1 / 6 / 4
The number of students came from abroad to our university for internship mobility in Erasmus Program / - / - / - / 1 / 3
What makes Celal Bayar University different and why should you apply?
Qualified and experienced academic personnel
Beautiful and safe environment: the city, mountains, sun and river
Kybele, Weeping Rock, Sardes and Thyatira Ancient Cities
Kula Natural Historical Park
Colorful social life, strong friendship and delicious food
Only 25 km from Izmir, the third biggest city in Turkey.
Celal Bayar University serves over thirty thousand of young people and is the third biggest university in the Aegean Region.
That Manisa is a fast-growing city with its developing infrastructure and high-quality work force has made Celal Bayar University to be a preferable institution by thousands of young people. Celal Bayar University has accepted students from the upper percentiles of the preferences at the university entrance exams in recent years. In addition, the other significant point is the increasing quality of the students due to the good education being provided. These improvements in the quality of the students have been increasing the quality of the scientific performances and socio-educational activities of the university.
The first advantage of the university candidates who prefer Celal Bayar University is its high-quality scientific educational opportunities. The students will find a wide range of activities from scientific conferences, music, climbing, swimming, folk dancing, and handcrafts to student clubs. Manisa is a city of history and natural beauty. It is an ideal city for the students wishing to further their education by being away from the chaos of a big city and at the same time having the advantages of cinema, theater, and part-time job opportunities. In addition, İzmir, a 25 km distance city and the neighboring towns like Çeşme, Foça, Kuşadası are the attractive sites for students.
About Celal Bayar University
The aims of the university with its nearly 1300 academic and administrative staff and approximately 30 thousand students are to provide high quality education opportunities to the students, to conduct researches to contribute to development of scientific knowledge and to service to the industries and community in general. The University fosters the exchange programs throughout the world to strategically position itself as an internatinal university.
With its academic departments, lecturers, phsical capacity and with its cultural and sports opportunities, Celal Bayar University is an academic institution of high quality. There are 10faculties, 5 colleges, 15 vocational schools, 3 institutions, 22 research and application centers and a research hospital.
Celal Bayar University has also a positive effect in the development of Manisa and its districts with its campuses in Uncubozköy, Muradiye, Demirci and with its vocational schools in nearly all of its towns. More than a thousand of lecturers, having both national and international experiences, have been working at Celal Bayar University.
2. The School of Applied Sciences
Celal Bayar University School of Applied Sciences was first established on May 30, 1997 under the name of “Akhisar School of Applied Sciences” which is legitimated by the House of Ministers. The department of International Trade at the School of Applied Sciences started education in 1999 with 40 students at its building in Manisa city center. The department of Banking and Finance was established in 2002 with 50 students and expanded its education with a night school in 2005. Within the same year, the name of the school was changed to School of Applied Sciences.
Today, the School of Applied Sciences, located at the Muradiye Campus in Manisa, consists of two departments: Department of Banking and Finance with 535 students, night school with 462 students; and Department of International Trade with 454 students. All in all, today the School of Applied Sciences has 1461 students and 32 academic staff for the 2014-2015 academic year.
- Administration
Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza GÖKBUNAR
Associate Director: Assist. Prof. Dr. Metin ÖNER
Associate Director: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hürriyet BİLGE
School Secretary: Serpil ATA
Picture: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza GÖKBUNAR
Department of International Trade Department of Banking and Finance
Head Head
Picture: Assoc. Prof. Dr. O. Murat KOÇTÜRK Picture : Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu GEDİZ ORAL
(Contact Info: , (Contact Info: ,
Tel: +90-236-2012977) Tel: +90-236-2012975)
- Department of International Trade
Department of International Trade was established within the School of Applied Sciences in 1999. The aim of the department is to meet the demand of international trade firms for human resources who are expected to know about the World’s and Turkey’s economies with their contemporary issues, developments and sophistication. Satisfying the needs of specialists in export and import firms will help businesses to have international trade relations by finding new markets and/or expanding the existing ones.
When the current economical developments are considered, the Department of International Trade is gaining importance. International trade constitutes a significant portion of GDP for many countries. The demand for sophisticated and qualified employees in international trade is increasing day by day. The graduates of our department can be employed in both industrial and service firms within the export and import departments. Moreover, at least 30% of the courses are given in English and this significantly contributes to the training of the graduates who can communicate more easily at the companies they would work for and who can follow economic developments in the world.Besides, the students of International Trade can apply to a double major program in Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
The courses are blended with theory and practice and are taught in the light of current events by our qualified academicians. Furthermore, the city of Manisa has a distinguished place as it has a highly exportation oriented industry, and is close to one of Turkey’s biggest ports in the city of Izmir. The advantage of its location provides various job opportunities to the graduates.
For more information about Cirruculum of Department of International Trade,
Please visit:
Why Department of International Trade?
a)We give theoretical and practical knowledge related to
-the establishment and operation of the firms in international trade.
-global economies, international common markets and international organizations.
-political forces and legal regulations in the international environment.
-accounting in global trade.
-current economic issues in national and international environment.
-social responsibility and professional ethics standards.
b)Our graduates are able to
-perform the necessary procedural operations in import, export and customs work.
-conduct the logistics and supply chain operations in an international arena.
-present new and creative solutions in the field of international marketing for a company.
-evaluate the risks that the foreign trade firms may come across and manage these risks.
-use the resources efficiently to collect and analyze the data, and make correct inferences from the findings.
Academic Staff
Assoc. Prof. Dr. O. Murat KOÇTÜRK1995: Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
Ege University, Izmir. Turkey / Prof. Dr. Meltem ONAY
2000: Ph.D. in Business Administration (Management and Organization)
Adnan Menderes University, Aydın. Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine YILMAZER
2002: Ph.D. in Economics
Adnan Menderes University, Aydın. Turkey / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bernur AÇIKGÖZ
2006: Ph.D. in Public Finance
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir. Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil ERDEMİR
2003: Ph.D. in International Relations,
University of Wales Swansea, UK. / Assist. Prof. Dr. Emre KARAA
2010: Ph.D. in Business Administration (Finance).
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge AYAN
2008: Ph.D. in Law
Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir. Turkey. / Assist. Prof. Dr. Bahar YALÇIN
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey.
Lecturer Müslüm GÜLEL
2013 - …….: M.S. Candidate in Business Administration
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey. / Research Assistant Dr.
2014: Ph.D. in Business Administration (Accounting and Finance)
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon. Turkey
Research Assistant Dr.
Abidin Ozan ONAĞ
2009 – 2014 : Ph.D. in Business Administration (Strategic Management)
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey. / Research Assistant Afet Ayçe ONAĞ
2013 – …..: Ph.D. Candidate in Management,
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey.
Research Assistant Funda ERTAN
2006 – …..: Ph.D. Candidate in Public Relations and Promotion,
Ege University, İzmir. Turkey. / Research Assistant Hakan ATLI
2007 - ….: Ph.D. Candidate in Business Administration,
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey.
Research Assistant Tuğçe DANACI
2014 - ….. :M.S. Candidate in International Relations,
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey. / Research Assistant Hatice Handan ÖZTEMİZ
2014 - ….. :M.S. Candidate in International Relations,
Celal Bayar University, Manisa. Turkey.
- Department of Banking and Finance
The department of Banking and Finance was established within the School of Applied Sciences in 2002. The aim of the department is to educate the qualified staff, whom the rapidly growing financial markets need. The department educates students who are specialists in their field and find creative solutions to the problems in the competitive business world.
The department offers four-year undergraduate degree in banking and finance and the graduates of the department of Banking and Finance are qualified to work in various institutions including Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK), Capital Markets Board of Turkey (SPK), Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST), Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (Merkez Bankasi), state and private banks, financial mediator organizations and in the accounting and finance departments of the firms.
The organizations which need banking and finance specialists can employ our graduates, who have specific and current applied knowledge in their field, without giving any other extensive orientation programs. The program of Banking and Finance has up to date and diverse curriculum and course contents so that the graduates could keep abreast of the current events in global financial markets. In this program, students can apply to a double major program in Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
For more information about Cirruculum of Department of Banking and Finance,
Please visit:
– Why Department of Banking and Finance?
a)The four-year undergraduate program in the area of Banking and Finance aims to educate its students with the information about the financial markets and institutions.
b)Our students will have management skills and professional ethical values for specializing in the field of finance and banking business.
c)Our students will be proficient on the banking, accounting, finance, economics, business and law subject areas.
d)Our graduates will be well-prepared for using financial analysis softwares and for having knowledge about the innovations in the field of computer and communication technologies.
e)Our students become self-reliant in using budget and tax planning in financial decisions.
f)Their knowledge enables to learn and interpret the current developments in national and international financial markets.
g)The qualifications of graduates include the skills such as analytical thinking, oral and written communication at least in one foreign language and being a team player.
h)Our students will consistently apply the principles such as quality, efficiency and effectiveness in their profession.
Academic Staff
Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu GEDİZ ORAL2009: Ph.D. in Public Finance, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza GÖKBUNAR
1998: Ph.D. in Public Finance, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir. Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
2009: Ph.D. in Business and Administration, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey. / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güneş ÇETİN GERGER
2010: Ph.D. in Public Finance, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
Assist. Prof. Dr. Metin ÖNER
1994: Ph.D. in Production Management, Istanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey. / Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülşen GERŞİL
1997: Ph.D. in Labor Economics, Dokuz Eylul University. Izmir, Turkey.
Assist. Prof. Dr.
2000: Ph.D. in Money and Bank, Istanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey. / Assist. Prof. Dr. Hürriyet BİLGE
2010: Ph.D. in Business and Administration, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tayfun DENİZ KUĞU
2011: Ph.D. in Business and Administration, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey. / Assist. Prof. Dr. Vedat BAL
2010: Ph.D. in Business and Administration S.Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihan AYTEKİN
2010: Ph.D. in Public Relations, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey. / Research Assistant Dr. Serkan ÇINAR
2013: Ph.D. in Economic Theory, Celal Bayar University. Manisa, Turkey.
Research Assistant Dr.
2014: Ph.D. in Econometrics, Dokuz Eylul University. Izmir, Turkey. / Research Assistant
2008-….. Ph.D. Candidate in Advertising, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey.
Research Assistant
2008-….. Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Celal Bayar University. Manisa, Turkey. / Research Assistant Selim DURAMAZ
2013-….. Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Celal Bayar University. Manisa, Turkey.
Research Assistant Tuna Can GÜLEÇ
2014-….. Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Celal Bayar University. Manisa, Turkey. / Research Assistant Ayhan YATBAZ
2012: M.S. in Finance. Gazi University, Ankara. Turkey.
6. The Erasmus Exchange Programme at Celal Bayar University School of Applied Sciences
The School of Applied Sciences has participated in this program since 2008. Our school sent 33 students, 4 academicians and 2 administrative employees to European Universities. 3 lecturers and 3 students had visited our school. The School of Applied Sciences has two departments: Department of Banking and Finance and Department of International Trade. School of Applied Sciences has 1461 Students. Our academic staffs are composed of 1 Professor, 7 Associate Professors, 11 Assistant Professors, 1 Lecturer and 14 Research Assistants.
- Incoming Students to Department of International Trade
University / Country / Incoming Student / Term / Class
Fachhochschule Ingolstadt / Germany / Tobias Stegmeir / 2011/12 Spring / 3
Thomas Patrick Mieben / 2011/12 Spring / 3
Manuel Merk / 2011/12 Spring / 3
- Outgoing Students of Department of International Trade to Fachhochschule Ingolstadt in Germany
Outgoing Student / Term / Class
1 / Fatma TAYFUR / 2008-09 Fall / 3
2 / Erdal ÇAYIRCI / 2008-09 Fall / 3
3 / Aytekin YILDIZ / 2008-09 Spring / 3
4 / Gözde AYDEMIR / 2008-09 Spring / 3
5 / Mustafa ARAS / 2008-09 Spring / 3
6 / Bekir Sıtkı ERKÖSEOĞLU / 2009-10 Fall / 3
7 / Ata KAHVECI / 2009-10 Fall / 2
8 / Akif DÖLDÖŞ / 2009-10 Spring / 2
9 / Bensu SATIR / 2009-10 Spring / 2
10 / Levent YILDIRIM / 2009-10 Spring / 2
11 / Havva ÇAVUŞOĞLU / 2010-11 Fall / 3
12 / Seçil ÇEVIK / 2010-11 Fall / 3
13 / Özgecan ERAYDIN / 2010-11 Fall / 3
14 / Şahan YAYLACI / 2010-11 Spring / 3
15 / Bilge TÜRKYILMAZ / 2010-11 Spring / 3
16 / Gökhan DEMIR / 2011-12 Fall&Spring / 3
17 / Yunus BEYAZIT / 2011-12 Fall&Spring / 3
18 / Gülistan OTUK / 2011-12 Fall / 3
19 / Keziban ARDUÇ / 2011-12 Fall / 3
20 / Muharrem YAYLACI / 2011-12 Spring / 3
21 / Ahmet Yusuf SARUHAN / 2012-13 Fall / 3
22 / Zeynep POYRAZ / 2012-13 Fall / 3
23 / Semiha ŞAHIN / 2012-13 Fall Spring / 3
24 / Hatice KARDAŞ / 2012-13 Fall Spring / 3
25 / Tuğba BORAZAN / 2012-13 Fall Spring / 3
26 / Burcu POYRAZ / 2013-14 Fall & Spring / 3
27 / Orçun GÜNEY / 2013-14 Fall & Spring / 3
28 / Semih ÖZSU / 2013-14 Fall & Spring / 3
29 / Samet KIZILKAYA / 2013-14 Spring / 3
30 / Deniz GÜVENAL / 2013-14 Spring / 3
31 / Berivan ALTINDAĞ / 2014-2015 Fall / 4
32 / Hatice GÜRKAŞ / 2014-2015 Fall / 3
33 / Emmanuel Kofi AMAKO / 2014-2015 Fall / 4
- Incoming Lecturers
University / Country / Term / Incoming Lecturer / Department
Dunărea de Jos” University Galaţi, / Romania / 2010-2011 Spring / Assist. Prof. Dr. Vîrlănuţă Florina Oana / Economic Sciences
Fachhochschule Ingolstadt / Germany / 2010-2011 Spring / Prof. Dr. Thomas Vogler / Retail Management
Universita Degli Studi Di Enna “Kore” / Italy / 2010-2011 Spring / Gevisa La Rocca
Researcher / Sociology
Dunărea de Jos” University Galaţi, / Romania / 2011-2012 Spring / Assist. Prof. Dr. Vîrlănuţă Florina Oana / Economic Sciences
Prof. Dr. Thomas VOGLER was a guest of our former president Professor PAKDEMIRLI. Former Dean of School of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Mustafa TEPECİ, our Former Vice-Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. O. Murat KOÇTÜRK, our Erasmus school coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Güneş ÇETİN GERGER, Erasmus Institutional Former Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ersel OBUZ and Erasmus Administrative Officer Bülent AKKAYA attended this meeting. Professor VOGLER shared his good impressions about our university and Manisa.
Prof. Dr. Thomas VOGLER visited our school in May and he stayed in our university’s guest house. He lectured on balanced scorecard. Most of our students and our lecturers attended this lecture. In his lecture Professor VOGLER gave some information about his school Fachhochschule Ingolstadt. Then explained the term of Balanced Scorecard and gave two examples from two big companies - IKEA and MediaMarkt. This lecture of Professor VOGLER aroused the students' interest very much. Our students asked some questions about Balanced Scorecard and his school. Beside this lecture, we organized some social and cultural activities for Professor VOGLER to introduce our historical places in Manisa and in Izmir. In his last day of visit, he was a guest of our former president Professor PAKDEMİRLİ. Our president presented plaque of our school to Professor VOGLER.