Blair-Taylor FACSMrs. Lebakken
SAVE!! Helpful Information for Student Success
- Individual notebooks? YES! And you will need a folder to keep loose papers. Notes will be from class discussion and often will be taken from the marker board. If you are absent you need notes from the teacher or another student to know what you missed.
- Textbook? No, although we may use a text as a resource in the classroom. Students will be receiving handouts in class and bringing and using notes and printouts from their research.
- Discussion? YES! We will use class time to explore topics, share information after our research, to ask new questions, to listen to others, and to come to conclusions. Sharing information from online research is 30 pts.
- Projects? Students will show what they learn on performance task assessments due at the end of the unit. Unit projects include letters, posters, media presentations and service learning.
- Baby Think It Over Real Care Baby. Students in Family Issues will be asked to take responsibility for an electronic manikin for two days to simulate parenting responsibilities.
- Written answers to questions? Written answers use the Thinking KAP model. Do not use it, they, stuff, things or other general words. Remember the “must haves”… legibility, capital letters, punctuation, and paragraph form. Be specific and give examples from notes or from class discussion. Do not copy the question. Questions are 10 points each.
- Handing in work? All assignments need a heading that includes the student’s first and last names, a description of the assignment, and today’s date. Always use dark blue or black pen or pencil and turn in neat work. Written work is put in the wire IN basket at the beginning of class on the date the assignment is due.
- Late work? This is work completed after class begins on the due date. Late work is worth 50-90 % of the total points possible.