MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING – January 12, 2009

Central Administration Office Boardroom

Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication and/or posting in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the Agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceeding of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to attendance of the public.


At the beginning of this meeting, the chairperson announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meeting Act is posted on the West wall of the meeting room.

Dr. Kruse called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Central Administration Boardroom. Those members present: Steve Winter, Terry Cossel, Mitch Deines, Jon Zimmerman, Monte Lofing, Randy Coleman, Lisa Pieper, Tobias Tempelmeyer and Jim Spangler. Dr. Dale Kruse, Secretary of the Board was also present.


The Board of Education and those attending the meeting recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Dr. Kruse read the Oath of Office to Randy Coleman, Monte Lofing, Lisa Pieper, Tobias Tempelmeyer and Jon Zimmerman, the new board members. The members then took their places at the board table.


a. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the agenda be approved as submitted.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

b. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the minutes of the December 8, 2008 regular board meeting be approved as circulated.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

c. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the proposed accounts for payment be paid.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

d. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the budgetary receipts and expenditures be received and placed on file.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

e. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the committee minutes of the School and Community Committee be approved.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

f. Moved by Steve Winter, seconded by Terry Cossel that the following choice requests be approved - From Southern 08/09 – Brandon Sivadon – Gr. 9 – Jennifer Sivadon – Gr. 11 – Bryston White – Gr. 9 – From Southern 09/10 – Mallee Jones – Gr. 2 and Michael Jones – Gr. 4 – From Freeman 09/10 – Isaiah Friesen – Gr. 9 and To Fairbury 08/09– Megan Flanagan - Gr. 12 and Andrew Flanagan – Gr. 12

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried


a. Dr. Kruse asked for reorganization of the Board of Education for 2009.

Steve Winter nominated Mitch Deines for President of the Board of Education. Randy Coleman nominated Terry Cossel for President of the Board of Education. Dr. Kruse asked if there were any more nominations and seeing none, that nominations cease and ballots be cast for Mitch Deines or Terry Cossel. The ballots were tallied with six votes for Mitch Deines and three votes for Terry Cossel. Mitch Deines then took his seat at the table as President.

Mitch Deines, as elected President, continued the reorganization of the Board.

Monte Lofing nominated Jim Spangler for Vice-President of the Board of Education. Lisa Pieper nominated Tobias Tempelmeyer for Vice President. Jon Zimmerman nominated Randy Coleman for Vice President. Mitch asked if there were any more nominations and seeing none, that nominations cease and ballots be cast for Jim Spangler or Tobias Tempelmeyer or Randy Coleman. The ballots were tallied with four votes for Jim Spangler, three votes for Tobias Tempelmeyer and two votes for Randy Coleman. This was not a majority vote so ballots were cast again for the top two, Jim Spangler and Tobias Tempelmeyer. The ballots were tallied with six votes for Jim Spangler and three for Tobias Tempelmeyer. Jim Spangler then took his seat at the table as Vice President.

Steve Winter moved that Dr. Dale Kruse be appointed as Secretary of the Board of Education. Tobias Tempelmeyer seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Jim Spangler moved that Christopher Nelson be appointed as Treasurer of the Board of Education. Steve Winter seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Steve Winter moved that the depository banks for Beatrice Public Schools be named as Pinnacle Bank, Security First, First National Bank of Omaha - Beatrice Branch and Bank of the West. Monte Lofing seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Abstained: Pieper Motion Carried

Randy Coleman moved that all meetings held by the Beatrice Board of Education be publicized in advance in the Beatrice Daily Sun and KWBE radio. Steve Winter seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Terry Cossel moved the School and Community appointments are as follows – Jim Spangler, Chair, Lisa Pieper and Monte Lofing. Jon Zimmerman seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Jim Spangler moved the Finance and Facilities appointments are as follows – Steve Winter, Chair, Jon Zimmerman and Randy Coleman. Monte Lofing seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Steve Winter moved the Instruction and Activities appointments are as follows – Mitch Deines, Chair, Tobias Tempelmeyer and Terry Cossel. Randy Coleman seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Monte Lofing moved the Negotiations appointments are as follows –Terry Cossel, Chair, Tobias Tempelmeyer, Jon Zimmerman and Jim Spangler. Steve Winter seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

Jim Spangler moved the GNSA Legislative Delegate appointment be as follows –Steve Winter. Monte Lofing seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried

b. Steve Winter moved that the Board of Education of District # 15 approve Jami Jo Thompson as the District’s Federal Grant Representative and Chris Nelson as the Financial Representative. Lisa Pieper seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: None Motion Carried


a. The Board of Education recognized All-State Class B Football winners Justin Coleman, Garrett Bruhn and Jesse Hinz.

b. The Board of Education recognized Lincoln Journal Star – Super State 2nd Team members Justin Coleman and Jesse Hinz.

c. The Board of Education recognized Omaha World Herald – All Nebraska 2nd Team members Justin Coleman and Jesse Hinz.


a. Superintendent's Report – Dr. Kruse reported the high school will be hosting the District Wrestling Tournament on Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February14. The high school will be dismissing on Friday the 13th at 1:50 PM. All other buildings in the district will remain in session with buses running a normal schedule. Dr. Kruse thanked the students and staff that were involved with the Madrigal and the combined band and choral concert for another outstanding performance. Dr. Kruse reported that at the Board retreat on Saturday there were several items on the agenda that did not get completed and the Board decided to meet again. Dr. Kruse had e-mailed out some possible dates for an evening meeting and then asked the Board to set a date. After looking at their schedules the retreat will be held on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 starting at 6:00 PM. Dr. Kruse asked the members serving on the Negotiations Committee if any were interested in attending the Labor Relations conference on February 3, 2009 at Kearney. Terry Cossel, Jon Zimmerman, Dr. Kruse and possibly Jim Spangler will be attending.

b. GNSA/Legislative Report – Mitch Deines reported that GNSA has not met as of yet this year. The next meeting is Wednesday, January 21, 2009 and Steve Winter will be attending.

c. Student Update– Ethan Schlueter congratulated the five new school board members on their election to the Board of Education. Ethan congratulated Justin Coleman, Garret Bruhn and Jesse Hinz on the awards they received. Ethan reported that second semester has begun with only 81 days of school left. Ethan encouraged students to remain focused and to work hard during second semester. On Wednesday, January 15 the sophomore class will be taking the Essential Skills test. Wednesday, January 21st is an early out for students and staff will be working on Professional Learning Communities. Ethan reported the winter sports are having success. The wrestling team received second at the BHS invite. The boys and girls basketball teams won their holiday tournament and several swimmers have qualified for the state swim meet. The fine arts are preparing for second semester competitions.

d. Adequate Yearly Progress – Summer Stephens reported that we have met adequate yearly progress. She reported that by the year 2014 all students in reading and math must be participating at grade level.

e. Multicultural Education Report – Summer Stephens updated the Board that BPS incorporates multicultural education into our curriculum, instruction and assessment for all students at all grade levels.

Teachers use literature and informational texts, class discussion, simulations and projects to explore diversity and culture in their classrooms. Assessments are reviewed for bias as well as diverse perspectives. Through our curriculum and instruction, we will continue to provide learning experiences for students to gain awareness and respect for diversity in our society.

f. SCC Career Academy – John Jarosh updated the Board on a new program called the Southeast Community College Career Academy that will be starting next school year. This is will allow high school students the opportunity to take classes in the medical, or business career academy organized by Southeast Community College. Students will receive college and high school credit. Students from Beatrice and other areas schools will be taking part in the SCC Career Academy. Mr. Ron Rhodes of Southeast Community College is the head of this program. Funding from the Carl Perkins Grant is being used to support this new program.


a. School & Community –Terry Cossel reported the committee met on January 8, 2009 at Stoddard Elementary. The committee heard that the elementary buildings have received a grant from the Nebraska Arts Council to help fund a trip to the Omaha Symphony. The symphony performs during the day just for students using an interactive program. The committee heard that the staff are very pleased with the Connect Ed automated calling system. They felt this has been a great notification/reminder system for both parents and staff. The committee was introduced to the new ELL Para-educator Mrs. Reimer. The committee was invited by the staff to stop and see the remodeled computer lab. Staff thanked the Board for the two-week Christmas break. The staff questioned why only the High School was dismissing early for district wrestling. Dr. Kruse explained that since the high school was hosting the event in their building it really did not have an effect on other buildings, so why would we want to lose instructional time in those buildings. Terry reported that the staff asked the committee if field trips would be reviewed each year and yes they will be. Staff inquired if the heat setting had been changed, as the building seemed cold. The staff has notified buildings and grounds. The fourth grade students who performed two skits, Special Delivery and The Great Parking Space Race, entertained the committee.


No one spoke in public forum.


The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, February 9, 2009

at 7:00 PM in the Central Administration Boardroom. The Board of Education of District # 15 will visit Stoddard Elementary classrooms on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM. The Board of Education of District # 15 will hold a work session on Wednesday, January 21, 2008 in the Central Administration building.


Steve Winter moved that the Board of Education adjourn and Tobias Tempelmeyer seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Aye: Deines, Winter, Cossel, Tempelmeyer, Pieper, Coleman, Zimmerman, Lofing and Spangler

Nay: Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:47 PM.


Dale F. Kruse, Ed. D., Superintendent Date