Bellwood-Antis High School

Physical Education Grading System

1. Grading Breakdown: Preparation: 45%

Participation: 45%

Written work/tests: 10%

Preparation: wearing your PE uniform/changing clothes

Participation: Includes teacher observation, attitude, and skill development

Written work: We will take written tests for each unit about rules and techniques and different types of written work

2. Each class is worth 10 points for preparation and 10 points for participation.

3. Any student who misses three classes during a marking period for any reason other than a doctor’s excuse or an office excuse will have to make up any additional missed PE classes in the next Adapted PE class. If you do not make up the class, the grade for that day becomes a 0.

4. Students with physical limitations are expected to recognize and be responsible for notifying the teacher when adaptations must be made. At no times are these students forced beyond their limits.

5. If there are activities that you are not permitted to do or you need to be excused for more than (2) class periods, you MUST get an adapted P.E. form from the office and have it completed by a doctor within one week.


General Rules

1.   Sweat shirts and sweat pants may be needed in the fall and spring.

2.   No food or drink permitted in gym or locker room.

3.   Do not bring valuables to the locker room. The PE staff and the school will not assume responsibility.

4.   Do not leave class without permission.

5.   Do not use equipment without permission.

6.   Remove all jewelry. i.e. watches, rings, earrings, necklaces.

7.   No running or horseplay in the locker room. This will result in ASD.

8.   Excuses from home for exemption from class must be signed by the nurse before school and given to the teacher no later than the late bell.

9.   Showers are available, but not mandatory.

10.   Do not put locks on big lockers, except during class period. You may use locks on small lockers.

11.   Remain in the locker room until the bell rings. Do not wait in the hallway for the bell to ring.

12.   Violation of the General Rules will result in ASD.

13.   It is recommended to put your name on your uniform. A stolen uniform is still unprepared.

14.   There will be no use of cell phones or electronic devices in class. They should be in the students’ locker-not in gym bag.

15.   Do not go through other people’s bags to use their gym clothes-respect other people’s possessions.

16.   If you happened to get injured in class, make sure you notify a teacher.

Point Deductions

1.   Unprepared - No tennis shoes or clothes

- -10 points for preparation

- -10 points for participation, but you may earn 5 points for completing a PE packet

2. Non-regulation uniform - regulation uniform includes: gym shirt (NOT WITH CUT-OFF SLEAVES),you may wear a sweat shirt, gym shorts or sweat pants, athletic socks (no dress socks), tennis shoes

-  Borrowing clothes: 4 points for each borrowed items

-  Non regulation uniform: 3 points for each item

3.   Not working up to ability or lack of effort - up to 10 points off participation grade.

4.   Failure to do a class warm-up - 3 points off participation grade.

5.   Illegal days: 0 for the day for both preparation and participation

I have read and I understand the above regulations and grading system.


Print Name:______

Parent/guardian signature______