5th May 2016

Free Crucial Crew Event

Introducing Essex Sheds Network

Gardening for Wellbeing

Volunteer Essex Competition

Southminster Shed Planning Appeal

Free Crucial Crew Event

– support for adults with learning disabilities

There will be a free Crucial Crew Event for adults with learning disabilities living in Maldon District in MaldonTown Hall on Friday 13th May 2016 from 10 am to 1 pm.

Topics will include Fire Safety, Crime Prevention, Personal Safety and advice on scams and rogue traders and the Keep Safe Project.

Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information, to book a place or to arrange transport please call Ali Burlington on 01621 854477 or email


Introducing Essex Sheds Network

Following the success of the Maldon Shed and the large amount of interest in Men in Shed projects in Essex, Maldon and District CVS are pleased to announce a new three year project to support the growth of Essex Sheds and the development of networking opportunities between them.

The project is being funded by the Community Resilience Fund managed by Essex Community Foundation and will aim to see more men involved with these great community projects with skills sharing across Sheds and shared knowledge and experience.

Sarah Laskar Director of Maldon and District CVS said “we have been so pleased with the Maldon Shed project and can see how worthwhile it is for both the Shedders involved and the wider community. In the past 18 months we have supported sheds in Chelmsford, West Essex and Rayleigh and we know there is a real appetite for more projects across the county”

The network will be managed by Community Shed Coordinator Hamish Macdiarmid who is interested in hearing from anyone across Essex who would like support to establish a Men in Sheds project in their town or village. He says “There is no need for anyone to have knowledge of running a shed or community group, we are here to help so if there is a group of guys looking to set something up we would love to hear from them”.

Contact the Essex Shed Network via Hamish on 07714 740642 or


Try Out Tuesdays

Gardening for Wellbeing

Do you know someone who is in need of some positivity and mood boosting and would like to spend some time outdoors in an inclusive, friendly and nurturing environment?

Activities at the 'Create & Flourish Allotment' in Burnham-on-Crouch are geared towards group working and enjoying the natural environment at a relaxed and achievable pace.

Free Taster Sessions are scheduled to take place from 10.30am -12.30 pm on 10th, 17th & 24th May 2016.

For further information telephone Sharon 07486 978582 or email


Volunteer Essex Competition

Do you know an Essex volunteer who would like to share their volunteering story?

To celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2016 Volunteer Essex are running a competition and would love to hear from volunteers with interesting and inspiring stories.

To enter the competition volunteers should write their story in approximately 500 words and email it to by Friday 27th May 2016. Entries should include a photo, preferably in landscape format, and if others appear in the photo the entrant should obtain their permission.

Three winners will receive a Marks and Spencer Gift Voucher to the value of £20 and their story and photograph will appear on the Volunteer Essex website during Volunteers’ Week (1st to 12th June).

This is an opportunity for organisations to encourage their volunteers to enter the competition as they too will benefit from the publicity surrounding the winning entries.

For more information call Linda on 01621 851891, email

or visit


Southminster Shed Planning Appeal

In February this year Maldon and District Community Voluntary Services were disappointed to report that their change of use planning application covering the rear space at the Southminster Memorial hall was rejected by the South East Planning Committee.

If successful the planning application would have enabled the charity to set up a Men in Sheds project in Southminster similar to the one currently managed by them in Maldon. Sarah Laskar Director at the CVS said “since the launch of the Maldon Shed we have been working to replicate it in Southminster, given the Dengie’s rural nature we know that Maldon is not always accessible to people and Shed projects can be a real lifeline to older men who have limited social circles”.

In consultation with the community and the Memorial Hall, Maldon and District CVS took the decision to submit a planning appeal and have been inundated with support from local residents. Ms Laskar says “the community in Southminster has been really supportive of the project. We have received 20 letters of support from local residents, potential shedders and community groups who all see the value of the project. We now hope that the Planning Inspectorate can also see the value the project will bring to the community”

The original application was turned down on the basis of noise disruption but the CVS argues in the appeal that the true impact of the project was not properly assessed with concerns being raised about industrial scale noise being generated.

The appeal was submitted on the 4th May and a decision is expected within 8 weeks.

In the meantime the Maldon Shed project has opened for a third weekly session and welcomes new members. For more details contact Hamish Macdiarmid on 01621 851891 or


The views expressed in this E-Bulletin are not necessarily endorsed by Maldon and District Community Voluntary Service. Whilst every effort is made to promote accurate information, we accept no liability for error or omission. Member groups are welcome to reproduce or forward items appearing in this Bulletin