Associated Student Government
Tuesday, September 8, 2014
IDW 105 A/B
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks, Jonathan McDougal, ASG President
- Introduced the ASG officers and called the meeting to order.
- Introduced Leslie Hitt from the Northwest Arkansas Campus
Leslie Hitt updated about their progress at the Northwest Arkansas Campus.
- They are initiating four screening programs and they will be starting their first screening this weekend and will be screening for BMI and blood pressure.
- The date for their Halloween party is set for October the 24th 2014.
- Student led clinic scheduled to open in October similar to the 12th street clinic we have here in Little Rock. They have set up the Student Advisory board for the clinic and the elections for that will be held soon.
Jennifer Doughty updated about the student financial services.
- Ms. Jennifer Doughty informed us that she had done orientation with few students and discussed their student loan payment plans. She showed us a power point presentation and informed us how financial services can better help you budget your money or how much financial aid to take. She is also looking for suggestion and questions from students and is looking for their feedback regarding this matter. She would also like to start classes on campus to help students reduce their debt. In order to create more awareness, she is also creating Facebook and twitter page where she would be willing to answer any questions.
Nicola Spencer works for Translational Research Institute and talked about the Volunteer opportunity.
- She is looking for feedback from underrepresented communities in research i.e minorities or low income families and would like information about what their main health concerns.
- She is looking for student volunteers to go out on site and collect data for them. The commitment is for 8hr/month but they are willing to be flexible to accommodate students.
- They are starting this week but they will be continuing this throughout the semester.
- She distributed the volunteer packet and if someone else is interested, they should contact Nicola Spencer in COPH Room 2210.
Odette Woods, the campus Title IX coordinator.
- She showed everyone a video highlighting important facts about Title IX and highlighting the mission of this program.
- She went through the Title IX policy, talked about the resources they offer, the online training course and the representatives for each school.
- The resources they offer are designed to address issues on and off campus regarding domestic violence, sexual assault etc.
Jonathan McDougal introduced Waymond Stewart to give an update on the Kickball tournament.
- The Co-Ed kickball tournament will be held this Saturday at Interstate park 3900 South Arch Street. The event will start at 9:00 a.m and will be over before 2:30 p.m.
- There must be at least 4 players of the opposite sex on each team and he asked everyone to encourage people to participate.
- Students can sing up by emailing him at
- Paul and Jacob the Intramural mangers informed everyone that the registration to sign-up for kickball tournament is free and the deadline was Thursday September 11th.
- They informed us that for intramural they have 3 sports, Football in Fall, Basketball in Winter and Softball in spring.
- Football season is about to start and the first game will beSept 21st and registration is already open and the registration ends on September 19th. All the games will be in the afternoon.
Rachel Stamp-Siegfried from 12th street & Wellness.
- 12th street and Wellness center is an inter-personal education center and they are taking application for student volunteers and she emphasized that if someone wants to volunteer, they have to fill out the volunteer application form. They are located on 12th street and Cedar.
- They perform health screening and physicals, counseling, preventive healthcare and management of chronic issues and volunteers will help in carrying out these tasks.
- They also provide dental care once every week.
- The upcoming event;
- 12th Street Women’s Fitness Walk.
- The walk will take place on Saturday, September 27th from 8 a.m to noon to promote women health.
- There will also be free health screening and fitness programs
- For more information go to
- They also have their social media pages on Facebook and Twitter
Closing Remarks, Jonathan McDougal
- All the ASG reps were informed about the committees and their responsibilities.
- The sign-up sheet to serve on the committee was handed out to all the ASG representatives and they were to select their top 2 preferences.
- ASG unanimously voted in favor of changing Section 8. Article…(can you please add the exact wording since I don’t have that, I apologize).
- All the ASG members introduced themselves, while the video of Cajun was playing the background. The Cajuns event was a very big success as it had the best turnout so far.
- Cherri Goforth, the director of Campus life announced that an annual talent show at UAMS that will be held at the Hospital Galleries at noon on Halloween, 10/31.
- All the ASG members were informed that they are suppose to cc an ASG officer before the minutes for the meeting are sent out to their classes.