held at

The Parish Council Chambers, Station Road, Codsall.

On Wednesday 11th May 2011 at 8.00p.m.


Parish Councillors Mrs Christine Millar (opening Chairman), Mrs S Almond, Mrs M Barrow Mrs V Chapman, R Etheridge, Mrs E Forster, Mrs B Fraser, B Holland, P Kenyon, L Stovin, Parish & District Councillors Mrs P Campbell, M Ewart (Elected Chairman), J Michell, Parish & County Councillor R Marshall

Before the commencement of the meeting the outgoing Chairman Cllr Mrs Christine Millar, presented retiring councillors Glynn Owen and Sonja Oatley with a Parish Council Shield to remember their time on the Parish Council and in gratitude of their service. Glynn Owen had served for one term of 4 years, whilst Sonja Oatley had served for 8 years as Parish Council but many more as Codsall County Councillor. Many residents will have been grateful for her enthusiastic and dogged support over many local and county related issues. Sonja was also presented with a bouquet of flowers. Both thanked the Chairman and Councillors for the kind gift and expressed their regrets at standing down from the Parish, they had both thoroughly enjoyed their time serving on the council and will continue to support its initiatives.


Apologies were received from Cllr Jenkinson



Before the election of the new Chairman the outgoing Chairman Councillor Mrs Christine Millar, thanked all the Councillors for their support during her year in office and in particularly the Vice Chairman, Cllr Ewart and the members active in the various committees. She also thanked the Clerk and his Assistant and the workmen for their diligence during the last year.


The outgoing Chairman Cllr Christine Millar proposed the Vice Chair Cllr Matt Ewart as the new Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr Chapman and unanimously approved by the meeting.

The incoming Chairman Cllr Ewart immediately signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman, witnessed by the Clerk.

Chairman Cllr Matt Ewart thanked the outgoing Chairman Mrs Christine Millar for her leadership during the past year which was carried out in a very professional but friendly manner. Councillor Ewart proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman which was heartily supported by everyone.


Chairman Cllr Ewart proposed that Councillor Etheridge be elected as a Vice Chair, this was supported by Cllr Campbell, but before taking a vote the Chairman asked if there were any other nominations for the this office. No other nominations were forthcoming and a vote was taken and the meeting unanimously endorsed Cllr Etheridge as the new Vice Chairman.


a.  Finance Committee

The existing members of the Finance Committee agreed to continue namely Cllrs Michell, Marshall, Stovin, Holland, Etheridge, Chapman, Ewart and Millar, Cllr Almond agreed to join this committee.

b.  General Purpose Committee

c.  Cllr Holland proposed that this Committee which has not met for a considerable time be disbanded, this was seconded by Cllr Chapman and unanimously supported by the meeting.

d.  Leisure Garden Committee

The existing members agreed to continue namely Cllrs Campbell, Forster and Etheridge, with Cllr Kenyon agreeing to join.

e.  Working Party re. Council Employees

f.  The existing members agreed to continue namely Cllrs Forster, Stovin, Holland, Ewart and Millar, with Cllr Chapman agreeing to join.

g.  Representative to Sports Council

Cllr Marshal advised that the District Councils Sports Council has not met for some considerable time and is being discontinued. Cllr Marshal therefore proposed that this representation is now unnecessary, seconded by Cllr Kenyon and unanimously approved by the meeting.

h.  Village Hall Management Committee Representative

i.  Cllr Megan Barrow the existing representative agreed to continue together with Cllr Michell who is the existing representative for the District Council.

j.  Road Safety Committee

k.  Existing members agreed to continue namely Cllrs Forster, Campbell, Michell, Etheridge, Marshall, Millar, Barrow, Chapman, Ewart and Stovin

l.  Open Spaces Committee

m.  The existing members agreed to continue Cllrs Kenyon, Forster, Campbell and Holland with Cllrs Etheridge, Jenkinson and Millar agreeing to join.

6.  NOMINATIONS AND APPROVAL for Signatories to Bank and other accounts

The Clerk advised that the bank is requesting a smaller number of signatories for the new mandate and it was agreed that Cllrs Campbell, Forster, Etheridge, Ewart and Millar be the nominated signatories together with The Clerk Mr Peter Serieys as the Responsible Finance Officer, who is a counter signatory on the Account with the current arrangements of any three of the above to sign for all disbursements from the bank account. This was unanimously agreed by the meeting.


The minutes of 13th April 2011 were received, acceptance proposed by Cllr Campbell, seconded by Cllr Forster and unanimously approved by the meeting.


Police Report

Burglary Dwelling 1

An arrest have been made and property recovered, and persons are currently on bail.

Burglary other 4

2 of these were at educational premises

Theft of motor Vehicle 0

Theft from Motor Vehicle 2

One of these being a registration plate

Criminal damage 3

Including damage caused possibly by a pellet from an air weapon and an attempt to steal lead.

Anti Social Behaviour 10

The figures include railway trespass where details of those involved have been handed to the British Transport Police for them to consider any action. Including in the figures are 2 which involved a lad driving his bike without due care, a section 59 order was given and if either the driver or vehicle comes to notice with a similar offence in the next 12 months, then the vehicle will be confiscated.

Councillors acknowledged that the request for additional feedback on Crime Solving had been acknowledged by the Police and that this is appreciated.


a.  Staffordshire County Council

Correspondence from County Cllr Mike Maryon re Road Repairs and additional funding of £2 million from Central Government.

The letter from Cllr Maryon was received and noted, Cllr Stovin queried the figures quoted as on this evidence each pothole would cost in the region of £3,000 to repair. County Councillor Marshal advised that he would check on the figures, but he suspected that it also included other additional road improvement works.

b.  Letter from Mr Gavin Williamson M.P. regarding complaints of speeding in Birches Road.

The Chairman invited the Clerk to comment. The Clerk advised that there have been regular complaints regarding speeding on Birches Road for many years with the Police carrying out periodic Speed Checks and County Council have installed a speed indication sign but it is clear that speeding still occurs. Our M.P. has indicated that he will keep us informed of any additional considerations proposed by County Council Highways.

Councillor Brian Holland mentioned the Community Speedwatch, the Clerk advised that unfortunately at present with only Stephen Skinner volunteering, the team are unable to operate. Councillor Holland volunteered to join the team and the Clerk will pass his name forward to Staffordshire Police.

Councillor Holland wondered if it was appropriate to ask our new M.P. Mr Gavin Williamson to attend one of our future meetings to advise on ongoing initiatives and hear of any local concerns from Codsall Councillors. This was unanimously endorsed by the meeting and the Clerk will write accordingly.

c.  Letter from Mr Gavin Williamson M.P. regarding Planning for Travellers Sites consultation.

The Chairman requested that members review the consultation as requested by Gavin Williamson M.P. and respond accordingly to the online consultation. Councillor Michell wondered if the Parish Council should not take a view and respond accordingly. Following discussion it was agreed that this item would be brought back to the next meeting at the end of planning on the 25th May. Councillors Michell and Marshall also commented that South Staffordshire Council had had to introduce a policy to counteract the current loop hole in planning legislation but this policy may need further refinement. The Chairman asked Councillors Marshall and Michell if they would be good enough to review this policy document and advise the Parish Council of any areas where they feel that the Parish should make comment or suggest further improvement. The meeting unanimously agreed to discuss both these topics at the planning meeting on the 25th May.

d.  South Staffs District Council

Street Homelessness/Rough Sleepers Survey 2011

Councillors believe that this was a nil return and the Clerk will respond accordingly.


a.  A report on Council Finances for the year to 30th April 2011 was received, approval proposed by Cllr Campbell, seconded by Cllr Chapman and unanimously approved by the meeting.

b.  Payment Schedule to the 11th May 2011 was received, following a full explanation of each item by the Clerk. Approval proposed by Cllr Campbell, seconded by Cllr Chapman and unanimously approved by the meeting.


County Councillor Robert Marshall did not have a written report this evening, but advised the following:

County Council A.G.M. would take place on the 12th May when it is believed that the new Chair and Vice Chair will be endorsed as Mr Frank Lewis and Mr Robert Fraser respectively.

Councillor Marshall regretted to have to report the death of two County Councillors and the appropriate bye elections should be held before the end of June.

Schools Review

Following the recent review the result is a little bit different than anticipated, the preferred option appears to be a three tier system but with the closure of Bilbrook Middle School to go to the respective Middle Schools at Codsall and Perton. The Public Meeting to discuss this option will be held at Bilbrook Middle School on the 16th June.

I54 it is hoped that some good news will be announced in the near future regarding the acceptance of the site by a large engineering concern. It has been agreed that the site should be renamed as the Staffordshire and Wolverhampton Innovation Park.

Councillor Holland advised that he was delighted that the park will be used for its desired intention as he was involved in the concept of this park back in the 1990’s in his role as Director at South Staffordshire Council. He advised that it was always the vision of South Staffordshire Council to have this as an engineering / technology park for the advancement of manufacturing to readdress the lost capacity in the neighbouring conurbation. It was certainly never intended to be a low cost warehouse facility with a small number of employees.


a.  There were no minutes received this evening due to the interruption of the Village Hall A.G.M. the last minutes have not yet been signed off.


There was no written report from District Council this evening.

Councillor Michell advised that he believed that there was another planning application in the pipe line to convert a former building society on Birches Bridge into another Pizza Parlour. The Clerk advised that this had just been received and would be on our agenda for the 25th of May for consideration.

Councillor Marshall advised that Councillor Sonja Oatley had been formally elected as the District Council Chairman for the forthcoming year. He further advised that the result from the election left the status of the parties virtually the same as before with 42 Conservative Councillors, 5 Independent Councillors and 2 Labour Councillors.




The following were raised with County Councillor Robert Marshall undertaking to raise the matter with the Highways department.

Walton Gardens an inspection chamber in the footpath with a cover collapsing, believed to be a Seven Trent Inspection Cover.

It was queried whether Chillington Estate and Oaken Park remained as unadopted highways.

The grass area on Vaughan Gardens appeared to have been destroyed by recent contract work and should be reinstated.

Councillor Millar proposed a vote of thanks to Maxine Baker and the workmen for the excellent job in installing the bunting around the village centre for the Royal Wedding Day on the 29th April. This was heartily endorsed by the meeting.


8th June 2011.