‘Implementation ofthe Training and Community-based Programmeson the Prevention of Child Marriage’ / REF: PRO/TURA/2017/R
Links with the Country Programme Priorities:
UNDCS- Pillar 3: Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls
Country Programme Outcome 3: Gender equality among children enhanced and sustained into adolescence
By 2020, the education and CP systems, NGOs and communities increasingly provide vulnerable girls and boys with gender-sensitive opportunities to realize their rights
Output 3.B. GBV and Child Marriage. By 2020, the child protection system, NGOs and families have increased capacity to detect, refer, assess, prevent and manage cases of children victims of gender-based violence and child marriage
ACTIVITY: ‘Combatting Child Marriage’

Child marriage is defined as a marriage of a girl or a boy before the age of 18 and refers to both formal marriages and informal unions. Child marriage is increasingly recognized by national and international communities as a form of violence against women, a violation of girls’ and boys’ human rights and an obstacle to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Girls married under the age of 18 are more likely to face sexual and reproductive health related problems; have lower levels of education, thus higher rates of illiteracy; experience violence, abuse and forced sexual relations; have limited opportunities for employment, which corresponds to high risk of poverty; have restricted access to legal support and experience psychosocial problems.

Turkey has made considerable progress on some essential dimensions of gender equality. The country has almost achieved gender parity in educational opportunities for children, especially at the level of primary education. However, child marriage remains a prevailing problem, despite the rising mean age at marriage (24 for women and 27.1 for men, as of 2016 [TurkStat, 2017]). The issue has increasingly gained visibility and been recognised as a phenomenon that needs concerted attention in Turkey. In line with the global agenda, the 2016-20 UN Development Cooperation Strategy (UNDCS) for Turkey and the UNICEF 2016-20 Country Programme addressed and identified indicators for the elimination of child marriage under the Pillar No:3 on gender equality and empowerment.

Turkey has become the largest refugee-hosting country in the world, with the Government taking on the bulk of the financial burden in the response to this crisis. This rapid influx of people has put enormous stress on basic services and with some 80 per cent of refugees living in host communities many have exhausted their own resources after years of displacement and are reverting to negative coping mechanisms, such as child marriage. AFAD (2014) estimates that 15% of 15-18 year-old Syrian girls under temporary protection living in and outside of camps in Turkey are married. Refugee children in Turkey are reportedly forced into work or marriage ‘to help family survival’.

In the framework of the Country Programme Document Output 3B, UNICEF has been implementing a local programme on the Prevention of Child Marriage in Gaziantep in partnership with Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, which includes activities aimed atstrengthening prevention and case management capacities of local service providers, community mobilisation, empowerment of children and families, and evidence and data generation. The programme is planned to be expanded to other provinces and local administrations, including Kilis Municipality.This Terms of Reference (ToR) is concerned with the planning, coordination, delivery, and monitoring of the training and other community-based activities in Gaziantep and Kilis.


The purpose of this assignment is to support the expansion of the Child Marriage Prevention Programme,in Gaziantep and in Kilis by planning, coordinating, conducting andmonitoring training and community-based activities.

Activities that are planned to be carried out under this ToR include;

  1. Conducting at least 3Trainings of Trainers (ToTs) in Gaziantep and in Kilis
  2. Conducting 25cascading training programmes targeting service providers in Gaziantep and in Kilis, including;
  • 4 training programmes for NGOs
  • At least 1 gender-focused training programme for relevant government counterpart(s)
  1. Conducting 20 community-based training activities in Gaziantep and in Kilis
  2. Providing supervision to the trainers
  3. Preparing training evaluation tools and conducting analyses
  4. Supporting in the coordination of field level activities in Gaziantep and in Kilis

Details on the assignment are outlined in the following section titled “Description of the Assignment and Expected Deliverables”.


A team of consultants is required for the above listed tasks. The consultants should comply with the ethics and visibility rules of UNICEF while preparing the documents, implementing the activities and particularly seeking and incorporating the opinions of children in the process. While writing reports terminology, ethical rules and publication and citation guidelines of UNICEF should be followed. Necessary guidelines will be provided by UNICEF.

All documents to be produced shall respect gender equality and be in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other human rights instruments. Additionally, the Consultants are also expected to take full account of the principles stated in the General Comment No. 2 of UNCRC during their terms of office.

The intellectual property rights of all documents and related materials shall separately appertain to UNICEF and the documents and materials should not be used by a consultant and/ or a third party with another purpose. To use the documents and materials by giving reference will be object to the written permission of the parties.

In the light of these principles, applicants are expected to submit their technical and financial proposals and CVs to UNICEF in compliance with the format attached to this ToR.

As a part of the tender, the consultants might be invited to talk about the field of assignment and the approach regarding the methodology for performing the work and reaching the targets.

Applicants are expected to provide detailed information on how they will conduct the work in their technical proposal.

Technical proposals are expected to explain the methodology to be utilized to perform the work in detailand should contain brief information on (including but not limited to) the below matters:

  • Main objectives
  • General methodology, in line with the methodology outlined in this TOR
  • Estimated amount of time required for each task and time table and logistic requirements (if any)
  • Details of team members/other experts (if any) and clear division of labor with person/day calculations
  • Risks and Assumptions


Home based, with frequent visits to Gaziantep and Kilis (the training venue and provinces might be changed)


Eylen Şavur, Child Protection Officer

  • Duration: Assignment will cover 6 months(covering from July to December 2017) and payments will be effected upon the delivery of outputs. In case of any unexpected delay in the estimated time frame (approval process, force majeure etc.) the duration of the assignment might be extended subject to the same conditions and mutual will of the parties.
  • Estimated Cost of Consultancy: Applicants shall present a detailed financial proposal that elaborates on daily costs on the basis of the below-mentioned programme and deliverables, including a total sum demanded. Travel and accommodation costs arising from planned visits and other costs related to administrative tools, communications, etc. shall be covered by the consultancy team.
  • Payment schedule: The Contract for the Consultants will be issued in Turkish Lira (TRY).

Candidates are required to specify their daily rates, the number of anticipated working days for each deliverable in the financial proposal, and provide the breakdown of the lump sum amount for each deliverable as well as incidentals of each deliverable in TRY.

  • Reservations: UNICEF reserves the right to terminate the contract and/or withhold all or a portion of payment if the rules and the regulations regarding confidentiality, ethics and procedures of UNICEF and the partners are not followed, the performance is unsatisfactory, or work/deliverables are incomplete, not delivered or fail to meet the deadlines.

In addition, UNICEF reserves the right to work with multiple Consultancy teams for the same assignment, if necessary. Where this is the case, all consultancy teams are expected to work in cooperation and coordination as required by the defined objective.

In case of submitting a proposal as a team with the participation of more than one expert, UNICEF will evaluate each team member separately and as per the rules will sign a separate contract with each team member.

Technical and financial proposals should be submitted in separate folders. After the technical evaluation, the financial proposals of qualified candidates will be evaluated. The technical evaluation will be completed based on the attached evaluation criteria form.


Within the scope of the assignment, the consultants shall work under the guidance of the UNICEF Child Protection Officer(s)and be responsible for the duties given below:

  1. Conducting at least 3Training of Trainers (ToTs) in Gaziantep and in Kilis

There will be two different types of ToTs, one for the trainers who will run community-based activities; one for the trainers who will conduct training to service providers. The content of these two ToTs are slightly different; while both are designed as 5-days programmes, covering the below topics:

  • Child protection
  • Child rights
  • Child protection in emergencies
  • Legal and institutional framework of child protection in Turkey
  • Gender equality and violence against women and children
  • Child marriage – basic concepts, facts, reasons and consequences
  • Child marriage – prevention strategies
  • Child marriage – reporting and case management
  • Training skills (learning types, teaching methods, preparation for training, effective presentation)

At least 3 ToT sessions will be conducted, one in Gaziantep and two in Kilis. (The ToT in Gaziantep will be for the trainers of community-based programme. The other 2 ToTs will be conducted in Kilis; 1 for the trainers of community-based programme, 1 for the trainers of the training programme targetting service providers.)

The consultants will be briefed and provided with background materials by UNICEF. The participants of the ToTs will be determined and invited by UNICEF, in collaboration with Kilis and Gaziantep Municipalities respectively.

Documents and materials, including slides and trainer’s handbooks, for both programmes were developed and will be provided by UNICEF. The venue and logistics for the ToTs will be the sole responsibility of UNICEF.The consultants, after receiving an intensive training on the content of the Training Programmes on child marriage, will be responsible with conducting and coordinating the3 ToTs, in close contact with the Child Protection Officer.

  1. Conducting 25 cascading training programme targeting service providers in Gaziantep and in Kilis

Training programme on the prevention of child marriage targeting service providers is a 3-days training programme, covering the above listed issues. Ten (10) sessions will be conducted in Gaziantep and 10 sessions will be conducted in Kilis, by the trainers trained in the above-mentioned ToTs. Four (4) training programmes will be targeting NGO workers; while at least 1 session will be a gender-focused training programme for relevant government counterparts (numbers of the training programme to be determined by partners).

The documents and materials, including slides and trainer’s handbook, will be provided by UNICEF. Venue and logistics are the responsibility of UNICEF and concerned Municipality.

The consultants will be responsible with the coordination, supervision and monitoring of the programme (as detailed in Tasks 4 and 5) and are expected to support the delivery of the training programme, by presenting relevant sessions.

  1. Conducting 20 community-based training activities in Gaziantep and in Kilis

Community-based training activities will be conducted in Gaziantep and in Kilis, by the Trainers who will be trained in the above mentionedToTs, with the support of the Consultants. The venues and logistics are the responsibility of UNICEF and concerned Municipality.

The consultants will be responsible with the coordination, supervision and monitoring of the programme (as detailed in Tasks 4 and 5) and are expected to support the delivery of the training programme, by presenting relevant sessions.

Methodology and materials of those training activities are being developed and will be provided by UNICEF. Exact division of labour will be confirmed upon mutual agreement on the methodology of community-based training programmes.

  1. Providing supervision support to the trainers

In the above mentioned training programmes (for service providers and for communities), the Consultants will be responsible with;

  • Supporting the trainers by ensuring coordination (assignment of tasks to trainers, coordinating target groups, helping with the logistics)
  • Supervising the trainers and supporting them in the implementation
  • Monitoring the implementation (both in terms of quantity and quality of training programme),

in close collaboration with UNICEF and with Gaziantep or Kilis Municipalities.

  1. Preparing and analysing training evaluation tools, including pre- and post-training tests and their analyses

In the above mentioned training programmes (for service providers and for communities), the Consultants will be responsible with;

  • Preparing pre- and post-training tests and evaluation forms to be filled by the participants with the purpose of evaluating the quality and efficacy of the training programme.
  • Conducting quantitative and qualitative analyses of the evaluation tools.
  1. Supporting the coordination of other field-level activities in Kilis and Gaziantep

Communication and advocacy activities will be carried out in Gaziantep and in Kilis, simultaneously with the above mentioned training and community-based activities. These activities will be carried out by UNICEF, in collaboration with Gaziantep and Kilis Municipalities. The consultants are expected to support the implementation of those field-level activities, when necessary, by ensuring coordination.


1 / Briefing by UNICEF, Joint understanding of the TOR / Inception report / Eng / Tr / 1 day / July
2 / Consultants’ participation in ToT, provided by UNICEF / Tr / 5 days / July
3 / 1 ToT in Kilis / Training report / Eng / Tr / 5days / July
4 / 10 Training Sessions in Kilis, including supervision of trainers / Training reports / Eng / Tr / 15 days / August
5 / 1 gender-focused training session for government counterpart, including supervision of trainers / Training reports / Eng / Tr / 3 days / August
6 / 2 ToTs (1 in Kilis, 1 in Gaziantep) / Training reports / Eng / Tr / 10 days / August
7 / 10 Training Sessions in Gaziantep, including supervision of trainers / Training reports / Eng / Tr / 15 days / September
8 / 4 Training Sessions for NGOs, including supervision of trainers / Training reports / Eng / Tr / 6 days / September
9 / Training Evaluation (preparation of tools and analysis) / Pre- and Post-training tests/tools.
Evaluation Report / Eng / Tr / 6 days / July-September
10 / Interim report on the Training Programme for Service Providers / Interim report / Eng / Tr / 2 days / September
11 / 20 Community-based training activities in Gaziantep and in Kilis, including supervision of trainers / Field based activity reports / Eng / Tr / 40 days / September – October
12 / Supporting coordination of field level activities / Field based activity reports / Eng / Tr / 6 days / July-December
13 / Final report on the community-based programme / Final report / Eng / Tr / 2 days / December
Total number of days / 116 days

*Please note that the deadlines in the above template are approximate. It is expected that the detailed time planning will be included in the technical proposal.


In order to achieve the objectives specified in these terms of reference, the team will have to include a sufficient number of qualifying experts covering the below requirements:

All team members (unless otherwise stated) with advanced university degree or equivalent in education, gender studies, child and women’s rights, health, social work, social science, child psychology or other field directly related to the substantive area identified in the title of the consultancy.

  1. Team-leader with proven extensive experience (at least 2 full years) in management of training programmes and other field-level activities.
  2. At least one team member with minimum 5 years of professional experience in developing and implementing training materials, in the areas directly related to the content of the training programme as defined above. (experience in community-based training and/or outreach activities, involving face-to-face interaction with children, is an asset)
  3. At least one team member with proven expertise in the field of gender equality.
  4. At least one team member with proven expertise in monitoring and evaluating training programmes, using qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques.
  5. Sufficient number of trainers (at least 4, may or may not include the above-listed experts), with experience in taking part in training, involving talking to groups and conducting group work with diverse audiences (experience in training targeting governmental stakeholders and community members is an asset).
  6. Knowledge on training in humanitarian emergency settings is an asset.
  7. Work experience with UN and international organizations is an asset.

Skills and personal qualities:

-Deep understanding and sense of ethics with regard to human and children’s rights, different cultures, local customs, religious beliefs and rituals, personal interaction and gender roles, sexual identity and orientation, disability, age and ethnicity.

-Excellent English and Turkish writing and editing skills.

-Excellent analytical, organizational and interpersonal communication skills.

-Evidence of being skilled at working in close cooperation with national and international actors and facilitating coordination of the process within the determined deadlines.

-Computer literacy.


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