Dyslexia Scotland West Lothian Branch

Chairperson's Report

23rd May 2018

Dyslexia Scotland West Lothian has been working hard to raise awareness of dyslexia and offer support and information throughout the year.

One of the ways we offer support is by holding regular Open Meetings where we can get together and chat and listen to guest speakers. Since our last AGM, the Branch has held the following meetings:

  • During Dyslexia Awareness Week in November 2016, Skills Development Scotland came to speak to the Branch about careers advice for young people and adults. We also participated in the West Lothian Dyslexia Network Dyslexia Breakfast held in West Lothian College.
  • Later that month we held a workshop with Dekko Comics during Book Week Scotland
  • Last February, we showed the award-winning documentary, "Read Me Differently"
  • In April, Craig Mill from CALL Scotland talked to us about dyslexia friendly software andapps
  • The Dyslexia Scotland Roadshow took place in September with resources and information from many dyslexia friendly organisations including: Dyslexia Scotland, CALL Scotland, Concept Northern, CPD Bytes, Horizon Housing, Lexxic, Phonic Books, SEN Books, Sight and Sound, Signpost, West Lothian Dyslexia Network, West Lothian Libraries, and Wordshark. Not forgetting an excellent session with Spin-ninja.
  • This was followed by Dyslexia Scotland’s Strategic Planning Event and we were delighted to be able to host this important meeting to help map out the future of the national charity.
  • We finished the year with a visit from Cathy Forde and special mention must go to the Scottish Book Trust who helped us organise this event and allowed us to buy dyslexia friendly books to give away.

However, we really want to know what interests you and how you would like to see the Branch develop.

We have been involved with other local groups, including the West Lothian Dyslexia Network, which is carrying out some excellent work supporting adults with dyslexia.

The Branch has also been involved on a national level – representatives from the Branch have attended Dyslexia Scotland’s Council Meetings, Education Conference, Residential Weekend and AGM as well as the Scottish Parliamentary Cross Party Groups on Dyslexia.

Volunteers carry out all the work of the Branch and without their hard work and dedication we would not be able to continue. However, we always need volunteers and would happily welcome any help you could offer. If you would like to know more about the Branch and/or how you could help, please speak to any of the committee here tonight.

Thank you for attending our AGM and for supporting Dyslexia Scotland.

Louise Elder
