Acts Bible Study
Session 10
Acts 5: 17-42
FBCW 08/06/17 p.m.
1. How many of the Apostles were arrested? v. 17All of them?
2. Had any of the Apostles been arrested before? Yes.
3. In what manner were the Apostles delivered from the jail?v. 19 An angel from the Lord opened their jail cell.
4. What message came to the Apostles from the angel of the Lord?vv. 22-24 The Apostles were told to take up their preaching stations in the Temple at daybreak!
5. How did the Sanhedrin find out that the Apostles were no longer in the common jail? vv. 22-24 They were told by the chief of the guards that the prisoners were gone! A messenger came from the Temple courts reporting that the prisoners were preaching again!
6. The scriptures don’t tell us, but how do you suppose that the chief priests received the news of the Apostles’ escape? Possibly rage, hysteria. Off with the heads of the guards.
7. Upon finding that the Apostles were “at it again”, why didn’t the Sanhedrin have them killed on the spot?
v. 26 The members of the Sanhedrin were concerned that there would be a revolt of the people of Jerusalem!
8. What was the answer of the Apostles to the Sanhedrin about preaching in the power of the Name of Jesus?
v. 29 The Apostles told the Sanhedrin that they must obey God not man!
9. What was the response from the Sanhedrin to Peter’s accusation that they killed Jesus? v. 33 The members of the Sanhedrin were furious and wanted to put the Apostles to death on the spot, revolt or no revolt!
10. What was Gamaliel’s advice to the Sanhedrin?
vv. 34-39 Since their Leader, Jesus, was dead, leave them alone and they will disperse. However, if they truly are empowered by God we can do nothing!
11. What was the extent of the punishment that the Sanhedrin decided to use? v. 40 The Apostles were flogged and sent on their way with the ruling that they were not to speak in the Name of Jesus.
12. How did the Apostles respond to this treatment?
vv. 41-42 The Apostles rejoiced in this treatment because they had been counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Jesus. They continued preaching knowing that God was for them not against them.