6th Grade Weekly News

April 14, 2017

This is a newsletter produced and compiled by our 6th grade teaching team. Enjoy!

6th Grade Upcoming Events:

Monday, April 24:

Tuesday, April 25:

English: Roots Quiz (grad/gres, graph, hydr, ject)

Wednesday, April 26:

STEM Quiz: Earthquakes

Thursday, April 27: ;30-9

Night of the Arts Talent Show/Art Show 5:30-9:00PM

Friday, April 28:

Nomination Letters for Student Council due to Mrs. Vachon

All School Mass 8:15

SLE Awards after Mass

Student Council Elections Announcement

Current 6th graders can run for:

Faith Coordinator (2 positions)

Event Coordinator (2 positions)

7th Grade Officer

Vice President

Important upcoming election dates:

●Submit your nomination letter with required signatures by to Mrs. Vachon Friday, April 28th

●Hang your campaign posters starting Monday, May 1st

●Turn in your speech to Mrs. Vachon for approval by Friday, May 5th

●Be ready to film your speech with Mr. Wesley in the Monarch TV Studio before May 15th

●New Executive Officers will be announced by Friday May 19thbefore the end of the day

●Any questions?? Ask Mrs. Vachon in room 229!


Students selected the books they want to read for our book clubs that will start after Spring Break. The school is working to purchase all the books. Hopefully, we will be able to pass out the books on Monday, April 24 and discuss the roles students will have in their book clubs. If not that Monday, we will do it as soon as the books come in. Students will be doing all the reading of these books at home (or in enrichment class) during the course of the week and meet in their clubs on Fridays during reading class. The reading of these novels will replace the normal bookmarks and no further book reports will be due in sixth grade. Students are very excited about the novels they selected and are eager to receive their books and begin reading! These book clubs will take us through the end of the school year.

Students will need the novel The Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Sutcliff

right after Spring Break. Please make sure students have it for reading class

beginningThursday, April 27, 2017 (date change!).

We will be continuing the teacher-student conferences on the Three Wishes papers after Spring Break. Each conference is taking about 7-10 minutes, but the students are getting feedback and support on their writing. Look for final “published” papers to be sent home mid-May. Students will also continue to work on subjects and predicates after the break. The week before Spring Break will have the students working on projects in both reading and writing class.


This week in STEM, geologists analyzed boundary types and learned about the depth and strength of earthquakes that occur at each type. Learners also compared and contrasted the type of damage caused by earthquakes on land and in the water. To end our week, geologists were provided with real-world earthquake data and asked to describe the types of stress, faults, and boundaries at each location. When we come back from break, we will finish our study of earthquakes and move into atmospheric science.


We will be working from the Course 2 book when we return from our Spring Break, furthering our study of Geometry with Volume and Surface Area of Solids. We will also examine cross-sections of solids. All students will be encouraged to challenge themselves with the Accelerated Math program (on their iPads). Accelerated Math is set up to challenge and enrich each student at his/her level. As always, I am available Tuesdays during lunch, and Thursdays after school. Thank you!

Social Studies:

This week in Social Studies we are getting close to wrapping up our China unit by making group Paper Slide videos summarizing the four dynasties that we have covered in class: the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han. Groups are busy preparing their scripts and illustrating key ideas from each dynasty. They are utilizing time management skills, collaboration, research, and applying content while doing this project. I have been so impressed with the work ethic of each group!

Be sure to look for the progress reports for Social Studies that were sent home. Break is a great time to discuss with your learner any missing work, or on the positive side awesome performances.


6th grade learners converted our classroom into an art museum the week before easter break. The learners were the featured artist as well as the VIP guests for the day. As they explored one another’s self-created characters, they provided feedback to help the artist create a personal profile in Spanish. They listed adjectives describing hair, eyes, clothing, and other physical and personality characteristics. From there, they will take the feedback provided by their classmates and then write a personal profile in Spanish upon returning from Easter Break! Blessings!


Have a blessed Easter!


Last week, the sixth graders were civil engineers when they built towers out of toothpicks and playdough. We then tested the durability and strength of their “buildings” by simulating an earthquake when we shook their structures in jello!

This week the learners are using longitude and latitude to pinpoint where volcanoes around the world are, and comparing those points to the tectonic plates around the world.


As the Talent and Art Show approaches the Learners begin work to build up their portfolios. This week and next week the 6th grade explores the works of Paul Gaugin. At the age of 35 Gaugin abandoned his career as a stockbroker to devote himself to painting the lush tropics of the South Seas. His strong shapes and bright, flat unnatural colors are his gift to the art of the 20th century. The media used for this project is one the Learners favorites, oil pastel.