University of Victoria
[insert title of proposed Master’s Degree] /
Dean’s Name and Date of consultation with AVPAP: / Dean signature:
Name of contact person:
Email & phone of contact person:
Date approved by Department: / Chair/Director signature:
Date approved by discipline Faculty: / Dean signature:
Date approved by Graduate Studies: / Dean signature:
INSTITUTION: University of Victoria / PSIPSPROPOSAL#:

Summarydescriptionofthe proposed Master’sdegreeprogram: (1pagemaximum)


STANDARD:Theinstitutionmustestablish thatithasthemandateandcapacityto offertheproposedMaster’s degreeprogram.
HowdoestheproposedMaster’sdegree fitwithinthemandateoftheinstitution?
HowdoestheproposedMaster’sdegree supportthecurrentacademic andstrategic planoftheinstitution?
B. Capacity
To whatextent doesthe Master’sdegree build on theinstitution’sexistinginfrastructure,resourcesand experiencefromoffering programsinrelated fields?
To whatextent hasthe institution assessed theresourcesrequired andidentifiedfundingsourcesneededtoimplement theMaster’sprogram?
STANDARD: Theinstitutionmustdemonstratethattheproposed Master’sDegree willserve the socialandeconomicneeds ofBritishColumbians.
A.PriorityofDegree Focus
Is the degree focus primarily onmeetingsocial benefit(s)or economicbenefit(s)?
B. SocialBenefit
Whatsocial,cultural,regional, community,environmental,institutionaland/orintellectualbenefitswouldtheproposedMaster’sdegree provide?
HowwouldtheproposedMaster’sdegree advancesocialgoodsorgovernmentpriorities?
C. EconomicBenefit
Whatdirectand/orindirecteconomic,industrialorlabourmarketbenefitswouldtheMaster’sdegree offerthestudent,community,regionorprovince?
HowwouldtheproposedMaster’sdegree supporteconomicgrowthand/orgovernmenteconomicpriorities?
Whatlabourmarket needswouldtheproposedMaster’sdegreemeetfortheprovince?
Do potentialemployersrequireaMaster’sdegreeforgraduatesto gainemploymentinthefield?
Ifthemainemployerwillbegovernmentoranotherpublicagency,whatsupportdoestheMaster’sdegree havefromrelevantministry/publicemployers?
D. Consultation
IftheMaster’sdegree relatestoaregulatedprofession,whatfeedbackdidtheregulatoryorlicensingbodiesandtheresponsibleMinistryprovide?
STANDARD:Theinstitutionmustestablish thattheproposedMaster’sdegree fillsaneedwithin thepost-secondarysystemandthatthereisnounnecessaryduplication with existingprograms.
Whatdifferentiates theproposedMaster’sdegree fromallotherrelatedprogramsintheprovince?
B. Consultation
To whatextenthastheinstitutionconsultedotherinstitutionsinBritish ColumbiaofferingsimilarMaster’sprogramsandrespondedto theirfeedback?
C. RationaleforDuplication
D. Collaboration
To whatextenthastheinstitutionexploredappropriate waysto collaborateand/orshareresourceswithotherinstitutionsofferingrelatedMaster’sprograms?
STANDARD: Theinstitutionmustdemonstratethattheproposed Master’sdegreewillhave sufficientongoingstudentinterestandprovidebenefittostudents.
Howrobustisthedemonstratedpotentialstudentdemandto sustain theproposedMaster’sprogram?
B. BenefittoStudents
To whatextentwillstudentsbeableto transferto andfromotherpost-secondaryinstitutionsintheprovince?
WhatopportunitiesareavailabletoMaster’sdegree graduatesforfurtherstudyinthefieldorinprofessionalfields?
WhataddedvaluewilltheproposedMaster’sdegree offergraduatesintermsofemploymentopportunities?
FULL PROPOSAL (up to 5,000 words plus appendices)
A.Identification of new Master’sprogram
Name, Location, Academic units (Faculties, departments, or schools) offering the new Master’sdegree
Anticipated Master’sdegree start date
Name, title, phone number and e-mail address of contact person
B. History and context of the Master’sdegree
C. Aims, goals and/or objectives
Distinctive characteristics
Anticipated contribution to the UVic, Faculty, and academic unit’s strategic plans
Target audience, student and labour market demand
Include plans for student recruitment, retention, and success
D. Admission requirements
Include plans for multiple entry points if applicable
E. Areas of specialization and evidence of adequate faculty complement (Include a table showing anticipated faculty supervision and committee service taking into account faculty leaves) . (Include short faculty CVs in Appendix)
F. Curriculum design (Include draft curriculum program and course change forms in Appendix)
Schedule of course delivery including proposed program design options. Identify the prescribed set of core and prerequisite courses. Identify which courses already exist at UVic and which new courses will be implemented as a result of the Master’s program.
Delivery methods (e.g., plans for distance education, or computer assisted delivery) as appropriate to targeted student segments
Linkages between the learning outcomes and the curriculum design
Integration of opportunities for experiential learning or other forms of civic engagement in the learning opportunity
  • Describe use and purpose of practica, Co-op, work terms, or other forms of experiential learning
  • Where work experience or field placements are a component of the Master’s degree, describe the unit’s plans to develop placement opportunities for students and the level of support that will be extended to students seeking placements.
  • Where applicable, describe the anticipated outcomes of the work experience or field placement, how the experience will provide an opportunity to put the stated learning outcomes into practice, and how the students will be evaluated during their placements.
  • Opportunities for civic engagement

Residency requirements and anticipated times to completion
Policies on student evaluation, candidacy exams, and oral examinations
Plans for integration of teaching and research
Describe any plans to develop international or Indigenous opportunities or perspectives
G. Enrolment plan for the length of the Master’sdegree(Include a table of ongoing students, anticipated annual intake and graduates from program start to steady state)
H. Plans for how to evaluate graduate student supervision.
I.Resource requirements (include a table of program revenue and expenditures)
Resources required for Faculty appointments including currently funded faculty resources and new faculty resources required.
Resources required for staff appointments
Resources required for space
Resources required from Library (include evidence of consultation with UVic Librarian)
J. Student financial support plan (include a table of anticipated annual funding amounts and sources for each student in the program in a sample year at steady state)
K. Related Master’sprograms in your own or other British Columbia post-secondary institutions
L. Evidence of support and recognition from other post-secondary institutions, and relevant regulatory or professional bodies, where applicable (Provide copies of letters of support in an appendix)
Strategic Relevance
Overview/nature of the academic Master’s degree
Alignment with the university’s mission and strategic plan
Senate/academic considerations
Demand and availability
Resource implications (including resource plan, revenue and expenditure implications)
Other relevant factors (including impact and outcomes)