Dream Team Action Plan (Sample)

Cause: Distraction-Free Driving

Team Members: Tallulah Mae, Killian Rae, Bailee Faye, Willie Tyack, Joey Bear

Our Large, Measurable, Attainable Goals: To raise awareness in the Oakton community about the dangers of distracted driving by (1) creating and posting 50 posters around campus and (2) by selling 50 anti-distracted driving bumper stickers; (3) to get 100 members of the Oakton community to pledge to drive cell-free by hosting a safe driving celebration in Oakton’s cafeteria; and (4) to give a safe driving presentation at two local high schools where we encourage at least 100 teens to pledge to drive cell-free at each high school.

Mini Goal #1 : To raise awareness in the Oakton community about the dangers of distracted driving by creating and posting 50 posters around campus.
Action Steps
What Will Be Done? / Responsibilities
Who Will Do It? / Timeline
By When? (Day/Month) / Resources
·  Resources Available
·  Resources Needed (financial, permission, human, & other) / Potential Barriers
·  What individuals or organizations might resist?
·  How? / Communications Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Step 1:
Create Posters / Each team member will design one poster / 3/2/11 / ·  Computer labs at OCC
·  Printers at OCC / ·  none
·  B. / We’ll show our designs to each other via email before we print them out
Step 2:
Get permission to hang up posters / Tallulah Mae / 3/9/11 / ·  Permission from OCC
·  none / ·  OCC?
·  Maybe they won’t want us to hang up the posters / Talk to Professor Oster to see how we can get permission to hang them up, and then follow through to get the permission.
Step 3:
Print the posters / Each team member will print 10 copies of his or her poster / 3/16/11 / ·  Printers at OCC—Are there color printers available?
·  Money to print in color if not available at school / ·  OCC
·  / Team members will email the group when they’ve finished printing their posters
Step 4:
Hang up the posters / All of us—we’ll get together to hang them up / 3/18/11 / ·  The walls of OCC
·  Tape and staplers for hanging / ·  We need to check our schedules to find a time to meet
·  B. / We’ll schedule via email and all meet at the same place in OCC
Mini Goal #2 : To sell 50 anti-distracted driving bumper stickers
Action Steps
What Will Be Done? / Responsibilities
Who Will Do It? / Timeline
By When? (Day/Month) / Resources
·  Resources Available
·  Resources Needed (financial, permission, human, & other) / Potential Barriers
·  What individuals or organizations might resist?
·  How? / Communications Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Step 1:
Create Bumper Stickers / Each team member will design one bumper sticker / 3/2/11 / ·  Computer labs at OCC
·  Zazzle.com / o  none
·  B. / We’ll show our designs to each other via email before we finish them
Step 2:
Get permission to sell the bumper stickers / Killian Rae / 3/2/11 / ·  Permission from OCC
·  none / ·  OCC?
·  Maybe they won’t want us to hang up the posters / Talk to Professor Oster to see who we need to talk with to get permission?
Step 3:
Print the bumper stickers / All of us / 3/9/11 / ·  Kinko’s?
·  We need $ to print these—maybe we can have a fundraiser? / ·  OCC
·  / Team members will research different places where we can print bumper stickers to find the cheapest option
Step 4:
Sell the bumper stickers / All of us—we’ll get together to sell them in the Caf during lunch / 3/18/11 / ·  The cafeteria
·  A big sign to advertise our sale and cause
·  A table and chairs
·  A cashbox for the $ and change / ·  We need to check our schedules to find a time to meet
·  We need permission / We’ll schedule via email and all meet at the same place ahead of time to set up our sales table.
Mini Goal #3 : To get 100 members of the Oakton community to pledge to drive cell-free by hosting a safe driving celebration in Oakton’s cafeteria
Action Steps
What Will Be Done? / Responsibilities
Who Will Do It? / Timeline
By When? (Day/Month) / Resources
·  Resources Available
·  Resources Needed (financial, permission, human, & other) / Potential Barriers
·  What individuals or organizations might resist?
·  How? / Communications Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Step 1:
Plan safe driving celebrartion / All of us will brainstorm together / 3/2/11 / ·  A space where we can meet to brainstorm / ·  none
·  / We’ll plan a time and place to meet via email
Step 2:
Get permission to have safe driving celebration at OCC / Bailee Faye / 3/9/11 / ·  Permission from OCC
·  / ·  OCC?
·  Maybe they won’t want us to have the celebration / Talk to Student Activities to figure out who can give us this permission
Step 3:
Plan schedule and get materials for celebration / All of us / 3/16/11 / ·  Printers for posters to advertise
·  Giveaways?
·  A huge poster for people to sign for pledges? / ·  OCC
·  / Team members will work together to figure out all of the details
Step 4:
Prep all materials for celebration / All of us—we’ll assign roles once we know details of what we need / 3/18/11 / ·  ?
·  / ·  We need to check our schedules to find a time to meet
·  / We’ll figure this out as we go along
Step 5:
Host Safe Driving Celebration / All of us / 3/25/11 / ·  Table
·  Posters & markers
·  Microphone?
·  Will we have music? Need a boombox?
·  Do we need a projector? Are we going to show a video to encourage people to drive safe? / ·  Permission from OCC / Check our schedules and find a time we can all meet to host the celebration
Mini Goal #4 : To give a safe driving presentation at two local high schools where we encourage at least 100 teens to pledge to drive cell-free at each high school.
Action Steps
What Will Be Done? / Responsibilities
Who Will Do It? / Timeline
By When? (Day/Month) / Resources
·  Resources Available
·  Resources Needed (financial, permission, human, & other) / Potential Barriers
·  What individuals or organizations might resist?
·  How? / Communications Plan
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Step 1: Make a pitch to sell presentation idea to high schools / All of us / 3/2/11 / ·  Research about other groups that do similar presentation
·  Write a pitch for people who call the high schools / ·  none
·  / Get together at least once to create the pitch
Step 2:
Contact local high schools to see if they’re interested and schedule presentation / Willie Tyack and Joey Bear / 3/9/11 / ·  Computer to research local schools for contact info
·  none / ·  The high schools / Go online to see which schools might be interested, email each other with ideas
Step 3:
Plan the actual presentation / All of us / 3/16/11 / ·  A computer
·  Space to meet and plan / ·  / Team members will email the group to plan a time to get together
Step 4:
???? We need to add more steps once we actually finish Step 3 and know the details of what needs to be done / All of us / 3/18/11 / ·  / · 
Step 5:
Give presentations at local high schools! / All of us / ·  / ·