Alligator Point-Saint Teresa Association

Board of Directors Meeting

The January meeting of the Alligator Pt-St Teresa Association Board of Directors was called to order by President Jim McCloy at 10:00 am on Saturday, January 9, 2016, at Mission by the Sea Church on Alligator Drive.

Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Jim Apthorp, seconded by Barbara Withers to accept the minutes of the December 12th Board meeting, adopted without objection.

Approval of Treasurer Report:

Motion by Paul Parker, seconded by Ben Houston to accept Treasurer's report adopted without objection.

President McCloy discussed the list of APSTA priorities he emailed to Board members. He asked members to rank them in order of importance, and to add any other priorities they would like to see on the list.

Committee Reports:

Kay McCord of the Social Committee reminded members of February prime rib dinner at Posey's. She asked everyone to let her know if they'll be attending.

Membership - McCloy announced membership renewals for 2016 are due now.

Beautification - Sammy Fadool, Girl Scout, has scheduled a beach cleanup of Alligator Point for

February 27. Participants are to meet that morning at the firehouse to pick up gloves and

trash bags.

Withers decorated "welcome signs" for holiday season.

"No Dumping" signs to be ordered for the revetment area. They will be sufficiently durable

to withstand the elements at that location.

Web Site - McCloy noted technical issues with new APSTA blog. He has suspended it until

problem can be corrected.

Government Coordination - No report.

Fire House Building - No formal report. Heymann says current cost estimate for firehouse

construction is $1.2 million.

Safety - McCloy presented Sheriff's incident report.

Old Business:

Bolt is contacting neighboring community associations to discuss cooperative efforts on issues

affecting the local area.

Houston suggested the need for a new APSTA sign for announcing upcoming monthly meetings.

It needs to note new meeting time and the lettering should be more legible to passing

motorists. McCloy will have a new sign made. Motion by Leonard, seconded by Parker that

there be a $500 limit, passed without objection.

Alan Feifer reported on current situation with Weems Memorial Hospital. The hospital was

unable to meet payroll. In an emergency meeting of the Franklin County Commission,

a portion of the money requested by the hospital was granted resulting in a significant

reduction to the hospital trust fund. Feifer recommends an APSTA member be present

at all county meetings to represent the community's interests.

Bolt briefly explained the Medicare reimbursement process.

Feifer says Sacred Heart Hospital (Pt St Joe) is receiving payments from Franklin County

for local patients opting for treatment there instead of Weems.

Weems hospital expansion project is moving forward, however a feasibility study was

conducted on only adding a new emergency room and radiology lab.

In Public Comment, Tish Beach expressed her concern over the situation of the accessibility

of garbage to bears. She would like to see everyone have a bear-proof garbage can.

Ron Sachs suggested APSTA be more proactive in county affairs, noting it is more effective

to address issues when they arise than after the county has already taken action. He

also spoke about the possibility of creating a directory of local property owners.

Feifer questioned possible liability issues associated with doing business under a name

(APSTA) other than our legal name (APTA). He further asked if the current open Board

seat was going to be filled. McCloy said it would be filled in the annual election in

September. Houston made a motion to nominate Andrea Novak for the open seat, which

died for lack of a second. McCloy directed Parker (Nominating Committee) to look into

finding a replacement for the open seat.

There being no further business, on Motion by Heymann, seconded by Leonard that the meeting be adjourned, was adopted without objection. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

John Murphy, Secretary


Jim McCloy President, Joe Hambrose 1st Vice president, Marvin Heymann 2nd Vice President, John Murphy Secretary, Coman Leonard Treasurer

Board of Directors

Jim Apthorp, Bert Bolt, Ben Houston, Judy Lewis, Mary Jeanne Lykes, Terry Madigan, Paul Parker,

Carol Rippee, Barbara Withers