Eggleston Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 5thMay2015

1. Those present Cllr E.Henderson (Chair), Cllr J. Donald, Cllr S. Gillard, Cllr W. Greenfield, Cllr R.Hutchinson,Cllr L Oxby,Cllr M. Souter, Minutes, Christine Bell.

2) Apologies for absence– None

3) Declarations of interest –Cllrs Henderson & Hutchinson declared an interest in the planning issue that was to be discussed. The Chairman read out a statement that the meeting could be photographed or recorded.

4) Minutes of 7th Aprilaccepted as a true record and signed by the chair.

5) Matters arising and updated action points are attached to these minutes.

6) Planning –There had been a resubmission for the building of a property on land between Galehurst and Cloud High at Hilltop made by Mr. Alistair Hutchinson. At this point Cllr Henderson stood down as Chair and Cllr Gillard assumed Chairmanship of the meeting. A number of issues were raised including ownership of the land, the resiting of the telegraph pole, the previous planning application for West View by Mr. Hutchinson, access to the field at the rear of the property, the size of the property, the location and size of the garage. A very important issue is the loss of light to both Cloud High and Galehurst. It was agreed that a further meeting was required to discuss this application and in the meantime the clerk was requested to obtain measurements of the proposed property. Clerk will schedule a meeting giving the required notice

At this point Cllr Henderson resumed as chair.

7) Feedback from meetings - None

8) Finance

The reconciliations between the bank and the accounts book were signed by the Chair.

Asset Register

The asset register was showing an increase of about £13k due to a full evaluation of the recreation park equipment, the WW1 memorial and the marker posts. Parish assets now stand at £101331.

Accounts 2014/2015

Detailed accounts were handed out to the meeting, the accounts had now been signed off by internal audit. The clerk read out all the questions on the external audit to the Council and replies were given.

The accounts had been detailed at the previous meeting and now needed to be formally adopted. Cllr Greenfield proposed acceptance of the accounts, this was seconded by Cllr Donald and unanimously agreed.

9) Parish Paths

Cllr Gillard updated the meeting on the current situation. A map has been obtained from Elaine Crow (DCC) showing 43 paths and they now all need to be walked to see what work needs to be done. Clerk to write to Mo Dobbie, Rev Ruth Stables and Dee Hollingsworth to ask if they would be available to walk some of the paths. Cllr Souter stated that his wife would also be able to check some paths. Copies of the maps are required, Clerk to action. Landowner’s responsibility was discussed and it was felt that owners were responsible but that funding was available for repairs.

10) Village greens.

Cllr Souter has informed Chris Stamp of requirements and timetables i.e. third week in September. Clerk to draw up a contract.

11) Website

Work is limited at the moment due to Cllr Greenfield’s eye operation. Transferring data to the website is not easy due to the high level of security. Cllr Greenfield will report back next month when a final decision will be made as to whether the website will be outsourced.

12) RecreationPark Finances

Mrs. Suzanne Herbert had e-mailed the clerk regarding the payment of £25 for the mole catching being taken from the recreation park account. It had already been agreed that this account would be used for all future maintenance, and any costs required that were not in the precept would be taken from this account. Council would still assume responsibility for grass cutting, Insurance and ROSPA inspections. It was also stated that if any expenditure was required then the Parish Council would approve and not the Friends of the RecreationPark. Clerk to inform Mrs. Herbert of procedures.

13) Roadside verges – Work carried out by Highways

Highways have recently cleared the roadside drains throughout the area but none of the spoil that has been lifted has been removed, after periods of heavy rain the spoil can just fall back into the drain. Clerk to write to Highways thanking them for keeping drains clear but pointing out problems e.g. grass cutting and H&S implications for walkers.

14) Parish Clerk Issues

a) Timesheet

The clerk had spent 40 hours on Parish council work in April.

b) Correspondence

A letter had been received from the Pensions regulator regarding new legal duties but it was unlikely that the parish would be affected.

Cllr Gillard raised the matter of the beacon lighting ceremony that was taking place at The Moorcock this coming Friday. Wood needs moving from Cllr Greenfield’s house to The Moorcock. Cllr Souter offered to assist on Thursday evening.

When Cllr Souter had done his recreation area inspection he had flagged up a couple of minor issues but had received no feedback. The clerk confirmed that the issues had been forwarded to Kevin Sellwood.

Date of next meeting would be advised after the AGM.