Honors English I - Mr. Pearson


Website for Notes, Assignments, Due dates, and Attachments:

*go to*go to ‘https://dpearsonhsd1com.wordpress.com’ (NOTE THE EXTRA ‘COM’)


*download and use the App ‘myHomework Student Planner’ and find our class!

Welcome to Honors English I! This year will be filled with a variety of fun, meaningful activities. We will be reviewing basic grammar, parts of sentences, and sentence structure, as well as exploring advanced grammar and sentence structure methods and ideas. We will also read a wide variety of literature including short stories, drama, poetry, mythology, and novels. You will be writing to enhance your understanding of the literature we read in class. Some of this writing will include multiple paragraph essays, an original myth or legend, a variety of original poetry, and a documented MLA research paper. Communication through discussion and presentation will also be an important part of the skills we are building this year. I look forward to a fun and successful year for us all!

Essential Understandings:

·  Construct meaning as you comprehend, interpret, analyze, and respond to literature.

·  Understand the characteristics and cultures of American Indian through a study of literature

·  Recognize and understand the function of the hero in myth and literature

·  Understand key terms and literary devices used by authors to present ideas and themes

·  Understand how to use sentence and paragraph structure to enhance writing

·  Understand and use the writing process: (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, finalizing, publishing)

·  Write for a specific audience with a specific purpose

·  Understand how to use reliable sources to access information and cite information correctly using MLA format


·  Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

·  Selections from Homer’s Iliad, The Odyssey

·  Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

·  Non-fiction selections from Collections(textbook)

·  The Pearl by John Steinbeck

·  Animal Farm by George Orwell

·  4 ‘novels of choice’ (1 each quarter)

·  Lakota Way by Joseph Marshall


·  We will be producing a minimum of 8 significant writes this school year (2 per quarter). These significant writes follow the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, finalizing, publishing).

·  In Honors English, we will complete multiple in-class timed writes throughout the school year.

·  ’Turnitin.com’, which is a digital assessment tool, will be used throughout the school year to submit significant writes and other assignments as well. Each student will be responsible for maintaining their Turnitin account. Turnitin.com will be used not only for grading and feedback, but especially as a resource to check for proper citations of research related writings.


1) 3-ring binder with 3 dividers (just for this class)

2) college-ruled lined paper

3) writing utensil (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, finalizing, publishing)

Grading Scale:

97-100 = A+, 93-96=A, 90-92 = A-, 87-89 = B+, 83-86 = B, 80-82 = B-, 77-79 = C+, 73-76 = C, 70-72 = C-, 60-69 = D, 0-59 = F

Please sign below to indicate that you understand the class syllabus & expectations. Parents, if there are any or concerns please free to contact me (contact info on top). Thank you!

Student Signature Parent Signature