2011 Fannin County Fair Fryer Show

Superintendent, Kimberly Dillard

Show Date: Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fryer Show begins at 1:00 pm

Breeding Rabbits to follow Fryer Show

Judge will be ARBA Sanctioned Judge, Mary Jo Terry

Fryer entries may arrive on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 between 10:00 am and 8:00 PM ONLY.

They MUST be in place by 8:00 am on Thursday, October 6, 2011.

* * * NO EXCEPTIONS* * *

If they are not in their assigned pen by 8:00 am they will not be allowed to show.

Non Sale Fryers may begin leaving the barn between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 8. If they have not left by 5:00 pm they will need to remain until after the Market Sale is over.

* * * NO EXCEPTIONS* * *

1.  All General Rules and Regulations apply.

2.  Exhibitor is responsible for all feeding and watering during the show. Due to the heat/sun WATER will need to be in place AT ALL TIMES.

3.  Fryer/Meat Pens will consist of three (3) rabbits of the same breed and variety.

4.  No rabbit in the pen can weigh more than 5 pounds or less than 3 pounds and the combined weight of all three (3) rabbits must be between 9 and 15 pounds. The approx. age of the fryers should be between 9-14 weeks.

5.  Exhibitors must have owned and had possession of the rabbits since validation.

6.  Validation will be done by the superintendent at the exhibitor’s convenience during the month of September. Superintendent will contact each exhibitor with the time(s) and date(s).

7.  All Fryers must have county fair validation tattoo in the RIGHT ear to be eligible for the show.

8.  Exhibitors will be allowed to validate more than three (3) rabbits for each pen.

9.  Exhibitors will be allowed to bring more than three (3) rabbits to place in pen, to be narrowed down to three (3) before the Fryer/Meat Pen show begins.

10.  Exhibitors will be allowed to enter more than one pen.

11.  Fryer Pens showing signs of sickness will not be allowed.

12.  Entry fee will be $20.00 per Fryer Pen entry.

13.  There will be NO $5.00 office charge for the Fryer show per exhibitor.

14.  Fryer/Meat Pens will have all three (3) rabbits placed into the same pen on the judging table, prior to judging. Tattoos will be checked to validate proper rabbits are used for the Exhibitors Pen.

15.  Judging will be done according the Standard of Perfection for each breed per ARBA rules.

Sale Order:

A Market Sale will be held on Saturday evening. Exhibitors will be allowed to place only one project in the sale. Fryers must go through the sale in the same state that they were shown in. No decorations. Fryers will sell at the following rate:

Grand Champion Fryer Pen

Reserve Grand Champion Fryer Pen

After that placing the rate is 25% of the TOTAL ENTRIES up to 4 lots.

If you have any questions, please contact the superintendent of the

Breeding Rabbit Division at 903-227-2386.

2011 Fannin County Fair Fryer Show

Entry Form

Entry Fee: $20.00

Exhibitor Information:

Name ______Age ______

Address ______

City ______Zip ______Phone # ______

Other Phone # (Cell or family for emergency) ______

School Attending ______Grade ______

______Fannin County 4-H

(Club name)



(School/Chapter name)

T-SHIRT SIZE: Youth: Sm, Med, Lg, XL or Adult: Sm, Med, Lg, XL, XXL, XXXL

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

AST/CEA Signature: ______Date: ______

Fryer Pen Entry ______x $___20.00_____ each $______

Office Charge ____0____ per child $_____0.00______

Parking Pass (do not order if ordered on another entry) ______X $10.00 $______

Total Paid $______

Date ______Paid: Cash ______or Check # ______