Over the years we have received some frequently asked questions. You may be wondering the same thing?

Can I still get a high school diploma if I attend 18-21 years transition services?

Yes, students who have met the graduation requirements to earn a diploma (according to School Board Policy IKF) will receive their high school diploma upon exit of 18-21 years transition services.

Weld RE-4 School Board Policy IKF states:

Special Education Students who are eligible to participate in social graduations are those who:

(a) Have a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP);

(b) have a commensurate number of credits (currently 26) required by the Board of Education

for graduation (these need NOT be the same required courses needed for a diploma);

(c) after obtaining their 26 credits, will continue to receive special education services in the

district’s 18-21 WEST (Windsor Exceptional Students in Transition) and have district

transition related goals necessary to obtain the postsecondary goals outlined in the IEP; and

(d) are ready and need community based part-time transition focused special education


Those students who are NOT eligible for social graduation are those who:

(a) have less than 26 total credits;

(b) are younger than 17 years of age as of September 1st of the active school year; or

(c) have 26 credits but whose needs require continuation at the high school instead of a part-

time community based setting in order to receive FAPE.

Special education students participating in a social graduation shall receive a certificate of

transitionat the commencement ceremony in lieu of a diploma or certificate of completion. Once a student is no longer eligible to receive special education services (e.g., the student has reached the age of twenty one), the student shall be issued either a diploma if the district diploma requirements as outlined above have been met, or a certificate of completion (if the district diploma requirements have not been met).

Do you have to stay in WEST until you’re 21?

No, you do not need to stay in WEST until you are 21 years old. Students can participate in WEST until the end of the semester in which they turn 21 years old OR until they no longer have transition needs in the areas of their post-secondary goals (education/training, career/employment and/or independent living). WEST staff will assist in connecting you with community agency/agencies who can best meet your needs as you transition to adulthood.

Will I still have IEP meetings?

Yes, we still have IEP meetings annually.

Is WEST on the Weld RE-4 School District calendar?

Yes, WEST follows the same Weld RE-4 School District calendar as Windsor High School students.

Are there school buses?

Yes, if you (your student) qualify for transportation provided by a school bus. However, being that this is a transition program we do want you to start thinking, planning for, and practicing using other means of transportation (walking, bike, asking for rides, Uber). If you get a job outside of WEST hours (for example, shift ends at 4:00pm), it is your responsibility to find a way to get home.

Where do they eat lunch?

WEST is a community-based program. It is intended to provide students an education that reflects the kinds of transitional activities and school-to-work experiences that any 18-21 year old might expect to participate in following high school graduation. Therefore, we do not eat in a school cafeteria. WEST students shop for their own groceries and prepare their lunches to have in the WEST mod. We will also go out to eat to practice restaurant and social skills 2-3 times a month, as well as cook meals at the Windsor Community and Recreation Center (CRC) kitchen.

Will the bell schedule be the same?

No, WEST does not have a bell schedule. There is no such thing as a typical WEST or WEST U. student schedule. Student schedules vary by individual need and may include site based as well as community-based instruction and employment opportunities. Unlike high school bell schedules, the WEST programs offer individualized programming. Students may receive anywhere from 6 hours a week to 25 hours of services a week based on those needs, so some may only attend a couple days a week. For example, you may attend WEST Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-11:30 and work Mondays and Wednesdays at a local business. Again, our primary focus is on development of skills needed for the students to be successful with postsecondary goals related to education/training, employment and independent living skills.

Will I still have Speech Language services?

Yes, if you qualify and have any related services on your IEP; such as Speech Language or Occupational Therapy (OT); then you will continue to receive these services.

When do I/they start working?

There is no guarantee that you (or your student) will be hired at a paid job and that is not the goal of WEST. Our goal is to provide you with the lessons, practice and skill acquisition in order to go get a job and, most importantly, maintain a job.

Cristi Thomas ~ WEST 18-21 years Transition Teacher ~ ~ Classroom #970-686-8077 ~ last revised on10/3/2018