Name / Date
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code / Organization
Phone / Email Address

Registrationnow includes annual chapter duesbut receipts will show itemized charges separately. (Professional or Student) and access to all technical sessions, the continuing education workshop, Student/Professional Friday Lunch, and Friday night banquet. The deadline for early registration is December 31, 2017!!!! Please print legibly, especially e-mailaddresses!

.MEETING REGISTRATION: / Cost/Person / Total Cost
Regular Member Registration & 2018 Dues – Received by 12-31-17 / $125
Received after12-31-17 / $140
Student Member Registration & 2018 Dues– Received by 12-31-17 / $65
Received after 12-31-17 / $75
Extra Friday Night Banquet Ticket For GuestsQuantity:______/ $35
Contribution (optional) to Texas Chapter AFS / ------
TOTAL REGISTRATION COST(make checks payable to TCAFS; no cash!!!) / $______
ADDITIONAL MEETING SIGN-UP INFO: Free for all registrants -please indicate if you plan to participate.
Willingness to serve as a presentation judge at meeting
(TCAFS Professional Members only, students are not eligible). / Yes

Thursday (1/25/2018) Continuing Education Workshop:
  1. Freshwater Mussel Conservation in Texas
Presenter: Dr. Charles Randklev (Texas A&M University) and Clint Robertson (Texas Parks & Wildlife Department – River Studies)
  1. Introduction to genomics for fisheries research
Presenter: Dr. David Portnoy (Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi) / Yes
Friday (1/26/2018) Student/Mentor Lunch:
Pair up with someone with interest in or experience with governmental agency, academia, private consulting, etc. (select your role or leave blank if not interested) / Student
Saturday TCAFS Business Meetings:
TCAFS business meeting will occur following the technical sessions Saturday morning. Please attend for more information on committees to serve on, chapter business and any potential voting that may be conducted.
  • One (1) form per person.
  • Please make checks payable to TCAFS; DO NOT SEND CASH!!!
___Check here to pay by credit card via PayPal, and send completed registration form to Niki Ragan. Form may also be scanned and sent via email. (A PayPal invoice will be sent to email address provided above with instructions on how to pay using your credit card). / Niki Ragan
TPWD IF- College Station/Houston
P.O. Box 427
Snook, TX 77878
Phone: 979-272-1430