UNIT QUESTION: What is a good system? AOI Focus: Health & Social Education


DUE DATE: 29/10/09

You will be assessed on the following criteria:
Criterion B: Investigating Patterns (max 8) / Your level:
Criterion C: Communication in Mathematics (max 6) / Your level:
You have just won $1000 in a Discovery College fundraising raffle!
Unfortunately, you are not able to use the money for 5 years. Your parents tell you to invest the money with a bank in order to earn interest and increase the value of your winnings.
Your task:
·  Read through the four bank advertisements.
·  Which bank looks the ‘best’ in which to invest your money? Why?
·  Which bank looks the ‘worst’ in which to invest your money? Why?
·  Which bank do you think will give you the biggest amount after 5 years? INVESTIGATE
·  What would happen if you invested your money for more than 5 years?
·  Would this change your opinion on which is the ‘best’ bank to invest your money? Why?
·  Which bank do you think will give you the greatest amount after 10 years and beyond? INVESTIGATE
Some useful hints:
·  Start small; use simple cases to help look for and build up patterns.
·  Be Systematic; adopt an approach where what you do next follows on from, and builds on what you did before.
·  Be Organized; record what you find in a manner that will help you and others to make sense of what you have done and found.
·  Be Visual: diagrams, charts, graphs, tables, etc when appropriate are good tools to use when you want to display information.
·  Describe clearly: make the effort to communicate what you have done and what you discover, neatly and in a sensible way.
·  Be prepared to go wrong; if at first it doesn’t work out look for a different approach – don’t give up!
Getting started – the first step:
·  Begin by collecting information on the first few years of investment? Use Excel to help you calculate the interest and then check your calculations.
·  Record evidence down in a table, or use your Excel spreadsheet before copying and pasting it into a Word document. You may need more than one table, or combine all your findings into one table
·  Can you decide straight away which is the ‘best’ bank to invest your money?
Write a paragraph clearly describing how your investment looks in the short (5 yrs),
medium(6-10yrs) and long term (+11 yrs).
·  Draw line graphs to show how your invest will change over time.
·  What patterns can you find with each bank? Write down everything that you can see.
·  Use mathematical language to help you e.g. short term, interest rate, compound interest etc.
·  Can you rank the banks in order?
Suggested websites:
·  www.bbc.co.uk/schools/bitesize/maths (click on Handling Data)
·  www.mathsnet.net/graphs/index.html
·  www.waldomaths.com (click 11 to 14 then Straight Line Graphs)

To obtain the highest level for each of the following criteria you will need to do the following:

Criterion /


/ Descriptors / Indicators
Criterion B
INVESTIGATING PATTERNS / 0 / ·  Has not reached a standard described below / ·  You have given little or no thought to what you have written.
1 – 2 / ·  Uses basic inquiry techniques to solve problems.
·  Shows a small part of the working out with guidance from the teacher. / ·  You have attempted to investigate the problem.
·  Your work shows a part of the working out.
· You needed guidance from the teacher to help you understand the patterns.
3 – 4 / ·  Uses basic inquiry techniques to solve problems.
·  Recognises some simple patterns.
·  Shows part of the working out and has some understanding of what has been found. / ·  You have investigated most banks for a 5-year investment.
·  Your work shows some understanding of the patterns used.
· You have successfully recognised simple patterns and written these patterns using words.
5 – 6 / ·  Uses inquiry techniques to solve problems.
·  Recognise simple patterns in different situations.
·  Arrives at a single result and makes predictions based on extending the pattern(s).
·  Describes simple patterns as relationships. / ·  You have investigated all banks for a 5-year investment.
·  Your work shows a good understanding of the patterns used.
·  You have arrived at a single result.
·  You have made predictions based upon extending the pattern(s) some of the time.
7 – 8 / ·  Uses inquiry techniques to solve problems.
·  Recognise simple patterns in different situations.
·  Arrives at a single result and makes predictions consistent with findings.
·  Describes simple mathematical relationships and general rules. / ·  You have investigated all banks for a 5-year investment.
·  You have investigated other terms of investment.
·  Your work shows a very good understanding of the patterns used.
·  You have arrived at a single result.
·  You have made predictions consistent with findings.
·  You have successfully described simple relationships and general rules.
Criterion /


/ Descriptors / Indicators
Criterion C
COMMUNICATION IN MATHEMATICS / 0 / ·  Has not reached a standard described below. / ·  You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1 – 2 / ·  The work is untidy and incorrectly set out.
·  Few mathematical symbols and terminology have been used correctly with guidance from the teacher. / ·  Your work is difficult to follow.
·  You have used basic language and have presented some of the work clearly.
·  Few mathematical symbols and terminology are used correctly.
·  Guidance from the teacher was needed.
3 – 4 / ·  Some of the work is neat and correctly set out.
·  Some appropriate mathematical language and notation have been used correctly.
·  Different forms of representation have been used e.g. charts, tables / ·  Your work is well presented and your descriptions are clear.
·  You have used good mathematical language in most of the investigation.
·  You have attempted to use charts/graphs and tables in
your work.
5 – 6 / ·  Most of the work is neat and correctly set out.
·  Mostly appropriate mathematical language and notation have been used correctly.
·  Different forms of representation have been used e.g. charts, tables
·  You have stated the steps followed to solve the problem. / ·  Your work is well presented and your descriptions are very clear.
·  You have used excellent mathematical notation and terminology throughout the investigation.
·  You have used charts/graphs and tables in your work.
·  You have attempted to show the steps you followed to solve the problem.



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Macintosh HD:Users:andynightingale:Desktop:DC_Desktop:Mathematics:Year 8:What_is_a_good system?:AssessMAT8_bankbanter_critBC.doc 1