Post Ofsted Action Plan June 2017

July 1st 17 – website version

This action plan has been produced in response to the findings of the OFSTED inspection of Shaw School on 24th and 25th April 2017 which gave an overall rating of Requires Improvement and set the following as areas for development:


Section 1

1 - Improve pupils’ progress in writing and mathematics, by teachers:

– 1.1 raising their expectations of pupils and challenging them to do their best

– 1.2 checking pupils’ learning and responding effectively to provide appropriate work for pupils of all abilities, including the most able

– 1.3 improving pupils’ presentation and accuracy of work across all subjects, including their use of basic spelling, punctuation and grammar

– 1.4 providing high quality opportunities to deepen pupils’ mathematical understanding and reasoning through a range of contexts and problems.

Section 2

2 - Increase the impact of leadership and management by:

– 2.1 establishing more rigorous evaluation of teaching, learning and assessment to drive school improvement

– 2.2 holding teachers fully to account by making effective use of checks on pupils’ progress from their starting points

– 2.3 ensuring governors have precise information on the progress of different groups of pupils to enable them to robustly hold school leaders to account.

2.4 An external review of governance should be undertaken in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved.

2.5 An external review of the school’s use of the pupil premium should be undertaken in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved.

Glossary p 22

Section 1
Improve pupils’ progress in writing and mathematics, by teachers: / -  1.1 raising their expectations of pupils and challenging them to do their best
1.2 checking pupils’ learning and responding effectively to provide appropriate work for pupils of all abilities, including the most able
1.3 improving pupils’ presentation and accuracy of work across all subjects, including their use of basic spelling, punctuation and grammar
1.4 providing high quality opportunities to deepen pupils’ mathematical understanding and reasoning through a range of contexts and problems.
Overarching success criteria:
-  Progress in writing improves so that, by July 18, at least 90% of children (without SEND) in all classes are making at least good progress from their writing prior attainment starting points.
-  Progress in writing improves so that, by July 18, at least 25% of children in all classes are making better than expected progress from their writing prior attainment starting points.
-  Progress in mathematics improves so that, by July 18, at least 90% of children (without SEND) in all classes are making at least good progress from their mathematics prior attainment starting points.
-  Progress in mathematics improves so that, by July 18, at least 25% of children in all classes are making better than expected progress from their mathematics prior attainment starting points.
-  Progress in writing improves for disadvantaged pupils, so that their attainment in July 18 is at least in line with attainment nationally for disadvantaged pupils.
-  Progress in mathematics improves for disadvantaged pupils, so that their attainment in July 18 is at least in line with attainment nationally for disadvantaged pupils.
-  Levels of attainment for the most able in writing are at least in line with national averages for exceeding the standard at KS1 and KS2 by July 18
-  Levels of attainment for the most able in mathematics are at least in line with national averages for exceeding the standard at KS1 and KS2 by July 18
Objective (What is the need outlined by OFSTED? / Actions: How will we do this? / Respon-sibility / Milestones / Monitoring
(Monitoring questions in italics) / Resources
And CPD / Outcomes / Timescale
raising their (teacher’s) expectations of pupils and challenging them (pupils) to do their best / 1.1a
In order to raise expectations - sheets produced for front of workbooks to indicate starting points, group membership, progress during year and current targets for areas in need of rapid improvement.
Staff training on their use June 17 staff meetings
Sheets filled in and stuck in books.
Sheets updated at each tracking point. / SW and KC / Fully in place by beginning of term 1 2017.
Sheets updated by 1st Nov 17 and actions amended as a result of analysis
Sheets updated 1st March18 and actions amended as a result of analysis
Sheets updated end of term 6 18 and actions amended as a result of analysis ready of implementation from 1st Sept 18 / SLT to ensure sheets are in front of workbooks by Wk 2 Term 6
SLT to ensure data is updated within one week of each pupil progress meeting.
SLT - Are precision and outcomes improving? How? / SLT Time
Staff meeting time to introduce system June 17 and then termly to discuss actions. / Total clarity on starting points, group member ship and targets for those in need of rapid improvement from the whole year group team.
Easy access to this information by SLT for monitoring purposes. / June 17 – July 18
In order to raise expectations - Year group sheets created for each year group indicating prior attainment and membership
Staff training on their use June 17 staff meetings
Sheets in place and used to direct planning.
Updated at each tracking point / SW and KC / Fully in place by week 2 term 6
Sheets reviewed by end of term 6 17 to ensure fit for purpose
Sheets updated by 18th Oct 17
Sheets updated by 9th Feb 18
Sheets updated by 18th June 18 / SLT to ensure that sheets are produced by end of week 1 of Term 6
Governor monitoring - Are teachers able to talk with confidence about prior attainment and group membership? How is this impacting on outcomes? / SLT Time / Total clarity for class teachers on prior attainment and group membership / June 17 – July 18
In order to raise expectations- New Pupil progress sheets created to ensure precise tracking of interventions –
Staff training during staff meetings June 17
Pupil progress meetings to be held each week after school with a member of teaching staff, - programme to be devised. / KC
SW and/ or KC/AI / June and July 17 – PPMs held and clear baseline of attainment and progress recorded.
18th October 17 – Monitoring shows that at least 75% of children (without SEND) are on track to make at least good progress from KS starting points and 10% are on track to exceed
9th Feb 18 – Monitoring shows that at least 80% of children (without SEND) are on track to make at least good progress from KS starting points and 15 % are on track to exceed.
18th June 18 – Monitoring shows that at least 90% of children (without SEND) are on track to make at least good progress from KS starting points and 25 % are on track to exceed. / SLT to ensure sheets are produced by end of June
Examples of these to be shared with Governors Standards committee in July.
Governors Data group to monitor data after each data Oct, Feb, June
CEO and SIA monitoring questions
What impact are the more precise pupil progress tracking sheets having on progress for identified children? / SLT Time
1 additional meeting per week, 3.30 – 5. / Clear, precise and targeted intervention plans for children in need of rapid improvement, leading to more rapid improvement for these children. / June 17 – July 18
checking pupils’ learning and responding effectively to provide appropriate work for pupils of all abilities, including the most able / 1.2a
In order to check learning and respond effectively -traffic light cups to be used from y1-6 from term 6. Children use these to indicate understanding and enable adults to make swift interventions during lessons.
Staff trained May 17
Trialled Term 6 17
Fully in place Term 1 17 / SLT / System is understood and in place by Term 6 17.
5th July 17 – review of system in staff meeting.
1st September 17 – system used fully throughout school.
Last week of term 1 October 17 – interviews with children to judge success of system. / SLT Drop-ins in term 6 to ensure system is working
Governor and SIA monitoring
Ask children what impact this is having on their learning. Are they being challenged and supported more?
Ask staff whether it is helping them to support more rapid progress? / Staff training May 17
Purchase of cups £25 resources budget plus ongoing top-ups / There is a clear and effective system across the school which supports early interventions during lessons and therefore supports more rapid progress. / May 17 – July 18
In order to ensure work is appropriately planned for all pupils - traffic light marking boxes to be used from Term 6. Children to put work in appropriate boxes at the end of each session to indicate to staff those who may need pre-teaching to access the next day’s learning and those who may need stretch.
Staff training during staff meetings May 17
Trialled Term 6 17
Fully in place Term 1 17 / SLT / Boxes purchased and in use Term 6 17
1st Sept 17 – system in place across the school
Last week of term 1 October 17 – interviews with children to judge success / SLT Drop-ins in term 6 to ensure system is working
Report to each Govs standards committee on success of this approach each meeting
SLT and Governor Ask children what impact this is having on their learning. Are they being challenged and supported more?
Ask staff whether it is helping them to support more rapid progress? / Staff training May 17
Purchase of boxes £100 / There is a clear and effective system across the school which supports early interventions immediately after lessons and therefore supports more rapid progress. / June 17 –
July 18
In order that work is closely matched to children’s abilities - reminder to all staff of central importance of AfL during staff meetings June 17
TD day Sept 17 – AfL reminder input
Lesson scrutiny incl checking AfL during year – 2 obs per teacher per term.
Work scrutiny to check AfL and feedback - weekly / SW / Reminder of AfL centrality during staff meetings June 17.
CPD TD day Sept 17
End of term 1 17 – lesson obs and work scrutiny show good afl strategies being consistently used in 50% of classes
End of term 2 – 75% of classes
End of term 3 – 100% of classes
End of term 4,5 and 6 – 100% maintained. / SLT SIA and CEO Through lesson obs and work scrutiny throughout the year.
SLT SIA and Governors Are AfL strategies evident in all work scrutiny and lesson observation?
Is feedback upon?
What is the impact of this on pupil progress? / Staff training Term 6 and 1 / AfL strategies are fully exploited to ensure work is carefully matched to all pupil’s needs, thus enabling good progress in learning. / June 17 – July 18
improving pupils’ presentation and accuracy of work across all subjects, including their use of basic spelling, punctuation and grammar / 1.3a
In order to improve presentation and accuracy of work across ALL subjects - continue mapping of writing for a purpose to topic writing for each year group, including use of Captains.
Curriculum co-ordinator to support teachers in planning for this in each topic and report to SLT on effectiveness of this approach. / KC and Curriculum leader JR / SLT monitor plans at end of June 17 – advice for improvements given by curriculum leader.
End of Sept 17 – book scrutiny shows greater opportunity for writing across 50% year groups.
End of January 18 book scrutiny shows greater opportunity for writing across 75% of year groups.
End of March 18 book scrutiny shows greater opportunity for writing across all year groups.
July 18 – scrutiny shows opportunities for writing across the curriculum are exploited well in all classes. / Curriculum co-ordinator to monitor writing across the curriculum in terms 1 and 2 2017.
Writing Leader and Writing Governor What has monitoring of writing across the curriculum shown about pupil progress and outcomes?
Ask staff how CPD has sharpened their focus on expectations and outcomes in writing
What has changed? What impact is this having? / Staff meetings May 17 to introduce system
Time for monitoring throughout the year
Staff CPD on use of Captains July and September 17 / By July 18, evidence shows that all opportunities for writing across the curriculum are exploited, that children’s writing is of good quality across all curriculum areas / June 17 -July 18
KC visits to other schools to look at writing
Begin using a single writing book for all subjects from Sept 17.
Monitor presentation and accuracy weekly through book scrutiny. / KC / 1st September 17 – all children begin using single Curriculum Book and Maths Curriculum Book.