First and Family Name /
Date of Birth / 1957 07 30
Scientific Degree, Academic Title / Ph Doctor of Mathematics, associated professor
Higher Education
Name of University / Year of Graduation / Academic Degree or Qualification obtained
Vilnius University / 1980 / mathematician
Postgraduate Studies
Name of University / Title of Theses / Date / Scientific Degree
Vilnius University / The local distribution of values of arithmetical multiplicative functions / 1985-10-08 / PH Doctor of mathematics
Work Experience
Year (from/to) / Institution / Position
2002- / Vilnius University (VU)
Department of Mathematical Computer Science / Associated professor
2008-2010 / VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics / Vice dean
1995–2002 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Associated professor
1992–1995 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Senior assistant
1985–1992 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Senior lecturer
1983–1985 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Assistant
1980–1983 / VU / Doctoral studies
Scientific and Teaching Activity
Fields of Research / Courses Offered
Number Theory, Coding Theory, Cryptography / Cryptography, Coding theory, History of Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Language Proficiency (according tolevels approved by EC)
Native Language / Lithuanian
Other Languages / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
Listening / Reading / Spoken Interaction / Spoken Production
English / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1
Russian / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2
German / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2

List of most important Publications(2008-2013)

Scientific Publications

  1. V.Stakėnas, On the uniformity of some sequences of rational numbers, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp., 2013, 39, 405–413.
  2. V.Stakėnas, The tuples of natural numbers and prime divisors, Analytic and probabilistic methods in number theory: proc. of the 5th intern. conf. in honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, 4–10 September, 2011 / editors: A.Laurinčikas, E.Manstavičius, G.Stepanauskas. Vilnius: TEV, 2012. 229–242. ISBN 9786094331787.
  3. V.Kazakevičius, V.Stakėnas, Note on the prime divisors of Farey fractions. Liet. matem. rink.: Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai, 2011, 52, 13–18. ISSN 0132-2818.
  4. V.Stakėnas, On the densities of rational multiples, Lith. Math. J. 2010, 50, no. 4, 459–473. ISSN 0363-1672.
  5. V.Stakėnas, On the uniformity of distribution of Farey fractions, Liet. matem. rink.: Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai, 2009, 50, 14–17. ISSN 0132-2818
  6. V.Stakėnas, Note on arithmetical functions and multiples, Liet. matem. rink.: Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai, 2008, 48/49, 38–43. ISSN 0132-2818.

Scientific Conferences

  1. The simultaneous rational approximations to the real and p-adic numbers. 27th Journees Arithmetiques, June 27–July 1, 2011.
  2. On the order statistics of prime divisors. The Fifth International Conference in Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. September 4-10, 2011, Palanga.
  3. Distribution of the order statistics of rational numbers.The LII Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2011, June 17-18, Vilnius.
  4. The multiples of rational numbers. The LI Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2010 June 17-18, Šiauliai.
  5. On the order statistics related to prime divisors. 10th Intern. Vilnius conf. on Probab. theory and mathem. statistics, 28th June–2nd July, 2010.
  6. The divisors of Farey fractions. The LI Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2009 June 18-19, Vilnius.
  7. Rational approxiamtions to real and p-adic numbers. The XLIX Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2008 June 25-26, Kaunas.

Participation in theProjects, Expert Activities (2008-2013)

  • Quality improvement of Informatics and Software Engineering studies, VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-039 (2011-2013).
  • „Increasing Internationality in Study Programs of the Department of Computer Science II“, VP1–2.2–ŠMM-07-K-02-070

Qualification Improvement

  • Internationality enhancement of studies and implementation of innovative teaching methods, June 11-July 4, 2012.


Committees of study programs:

  • Head of Bioinformatics bachelor study program committee;
  • Member of Informatics bachelor study program committee.

13-May-2013 Vilius Stakėnas