First and Family Name /Vilius STAKĖNAS
Date of Birth / 1957 07 30Scientific Degree, Academic Title / Ph Doctor of Mathematics, associated professor
Higher Education
Name of University / Year of Graduation / Academic Degree or Qualification obtained
Vilnius University / 1980 / mathematician
Postgraduate Studies
Name of University / Title of Theses / Date / Scientific Degree
Vilnius University / The local distribution of values of arithmetical multiplicative functions / 1985-10-08 / PH Doctor of mathematics
Work Experience
Year (from/to) / Institution / Position
2002- / Vilnius University (VU)
Department of Mathematical Computer Science / Associated professor
2008-2010 / VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics / Vice dean
1995–2002 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Associated professor
1992–1995 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Senior assistant
1985–1992 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Senior lecturer
1983–1985 / VU Department of Probability Theory and Number Theory / Assistant
1980–1983 / VU / Doctoral studies
Scientific and Teaching Activity
Fields of Research / Courses Offered
Number Theory, Coding Theory, Cryptography / Cryptography, Coding theory, History of Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Language Proficiency (according tolevels approved by EC)
Native Language / Lithuanian
Other Languages / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
Listening / Reading / Spoken Interaction / Spoken Production
English / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1
Russian / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2
German / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2 / C2
List of most important Publications(2008-2013)
Scientific Publications
- V.Stakėnas, On the uniformity of some sequences of rational numbers, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp., 2013, 39, 405–413.
- V.Stakėnas, The tuples of natural numbers and prime divisors, Analytic and probabilistic methods in number theory: proc. of the 5th intern. conf. in honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, 4–10 September, 2011 / editors: A.Laurinčikas, E.Manstavičius, G.Stepanauskas. Vilnius: TEV, 2012. 229–242. ISBN 9786094331787.
- V.Kazakevičius, V.Stakėnas, Note on the prime divisors of Farey fractions. Liet. matem. rink.: Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai, 2011, 52, 13–18. ISSN 0132-2818.
- V.Stakėnas, On the densities of rational multiples, Lith. Math. J. 2010, 50, no. 4, 459–473. ISSN 0363-1672.
- V.Stakėnas, On the uniformity of distribution of Farey fractions, Liet. matem. rink.: Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai, 2009, 50, 14–17. ISSN 0132-2818
- V.Stakėnas, Note on arithmetical functions and multiples, Liet. matem. rink.: Lietuvos matematikų draugijos darbai, 2008, 48/49, 38–43. ISSN 0132-2818.
Scientific Conferences
- The simultaneous rational approximations to the real and p-adic numbers. 27th Journees Arithmetiques, June 27–July 1, 2011.
- On the order statistics of prime divisors. The Fifth International Conference in Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. September 4-10, 2011, Palanga.
- Distribution of the order statistics of rational numbers.The LII Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2011, June 17-18, Vilnius.
- The multiples of rational numbers. The LI Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2010 June 17-18, Šiauliai.
- On the order statistics related to prime divisors. 10th Intern. Vilnius conf. on Probab. theory and mathem. statistics, 28th June–2nd July, 2010.
- The divisors of Farey fractions. The LI Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2009 June 18-19, Vilnius.
- Rational approxiamtions to real and p-adic numbers. The XLIX Conference of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, 2008 June 25-26, Kaunas.
Participation in theProjects, Expert Activities (2008-2013)
- Quality improvement of Informatics and Software Engineering studies, VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-039 (2011-2013).
- „Increasing Internationality in Study Programs of the Department of Computer Science II“, VP1–2.2–ŠMM-07-K-02-070
Qualification Improvement
- Internationality enhancement of studies and implementation of innovative teaching methods, June 11-July 4, 2012.
Committees of study programs:
- Head of Bioinformatics bachelor study program committee;
- Member of Informatics bachelor study program committee.
13-May-2013 Vilius Stakėnas