EBP Action Plan Template

This template helps you identify key stages of an EBP initiative and articulate a plan for action.

Use a separate template for each EBP initiative.

Complete each of the following EBP stages: /
Who is responsible / Resources required /
1. Aspect of school library program you wish to measure for impact:
Currently in library land, librarians face a challenging decision on whether to stay with the organization of their collection with the Dewey Decimal system. West Towson Elementary has not “genrefied.” Thus I have decided to measure the students’ understanding of the Dewey Decimal system and how the library is organized. By doing this, I believe students will have a better understanding of where materials are in the West Towson Elementary library. I hope students will also have a better understanding of Dewey’s general headings to foster independence when locating materials in both our library and the public library. / Ms. Gleitsmann / January 2017- April 2017
2. Research literature documenting evidence/impact of this aspect of school library program:
ALA Article: “Dewey Do, Dewey Don’t”
Elementary Librarians: “Why I Won’t Ditch Dewey” / Ms. Gleitsmann / January 2017
3. Type(s) of evidence required to demonstrate impact of this aspect of school library program:
Student evidence:
-Independence of finding materials
-Student feedback
-BCPS One Test and Quizzes data from “Dewey Know the Library”
-Anecdotal Notes
-Scavenger Hunts
-Classwork scores
Program evidence:
-Signage around the library
-Dewey Keyword searches
-Increase in variety of Non-Fiction book circulation / Ms. Gleitsmann / January 2017- April 2017
Who is responsible / Resources required /
4. Strategies & techniques to collect data:
-Observe student book browsing behavior
-Take photos and testimonials
-Develop questions to conduct student interviews & surveys and collect anecdotal evidence
-Develop pre-assessment “Dewey Know the Library”
-Introduce sections of library and tools (signage) to assist with navigation / Ms. Gleitsmann
5. Strategies & techniques to analyze data:
-Compare pre and post assessment data
-Gather anecdotal evidence from student about new learning and understanding
-Consider student feedback to plan next steps and lessons for next year / Ms. Gleitsmann
6. Reporting evidence to school community:
Audience:Students, teachers, school staff, administration, and parents
Presentation methods: Presentation of data and research during faculty meeting. Presentation will contain a graph comparing pre and post data, as well as photographs. Faculty, staff, and administration will participate in a scavenger hunt as well. Information and updates will be provided also through school newsletter articles. / Ms. Gleitsmann
7. Reporting your evidence at local/state/national levels & beyond:
-West Towson Elementary Library Wiki Page
-BCPS LMS Workshops / Ms. Gleitsmann

School Library EBP Program Plan Template

This template helps you develop a longer term plan for building an EBP program. Complete each section by the end of the previous semester.

A. EBP target(s) to achieve in Third Quarter, 2017
B. EBP target(s) to achieve in Fourth Quarter, 2017
C. Ideas to consider for 2017-18 School Year Implementation beginning First Quarter 2016

TODD/HAY – EBP Action Plan & Program Plan Templates from Syba Academy’s School Libraries Making A Difference Seminar Series
Revised and adapted November 2015 for AASL 2015 Conference, Columbus, OH1