Rock RiverValley: Marty call Constance M; Roger call Marilyn Heneghan
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhoneMemb Chr / Marilyn / Heneghan / / (815) 389-7869
Pres / Constance / McCarthy / / (815) 282-0316
RiverCity—Grand Rapids: Carol call Pres Amy H.; Chris call Suzanne B.
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhonePres / Amy / Heilman / / (616) 308-8176
Memb Chr / Suzanne C / Bouchard / / (616) 450-9429
RootRiver – RacineWI area: Carol called Nan; Chris call Gary Feest
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhoneMemb Chr / Gary / Feest / / (262) 554-7239
Pres / Nan / Calvert / / (262) 681-4899
Greater Cincinnati: Janet call Chris McCullough; Marty call Susan Auel
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhoneMemb Chr / Susan / Auel / / (513) 941-5961
Pres / Christine L / McCullough / / (513) 860-4959
Twin Cities: Carol call Mary Schommer, Janet call Marty
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhoneMemb-Co / Marty / Rice / / (952) 927-6531
Pres-Co / Mary / Schommer / / (612) 729-5274
Gibson Woods (Indiana): Janet call President Pat R.; Carol call Memb. Chair Gayle
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhonePres / Pat / Rosenwinkel / / (219) 865-2679
Memb Chr / Gayle / Tokarz / / (219) 996-5877
Western Reserve (Cleveland, OH): Roger call Barb H., Jamie call Julianne Loomis
Title / Officer's Name / Last Name / E-mail / Home PhoneMemb Chr / Julianne / Loomis / / (440) 942-9183
Pres / Barb / Holtz / / (440) 247-7075
INTERVIEW: “We’re looking at good ways to build membership in Wild Ones. Your chapter has been successful in recruiting new members and in having current members renew their memberships. We’d like to get a better understanding of what you’re doing that’s working, so we can share that with other chapters.”
[Ask the same questions of the president and the membership chair or other chapter leaders (e.g., recent officers) as needed to get a detailed description of what they do. If they have developed any unique marketing materials, ask for electronic or print copies.]
1) “Why do you think you’ve been successful in attracting new members? What specifically do you do to recruit non-members and get them to join? . . . . [Can you give me a specific example of that?] . . . [What else do you do to attract new members?]”
2) “Why do you think you’ve been successful on getting current members to renew each year? What specifically so you do to encourage renewals? . . . . [Can you give me a specific example of that?] . . . [What else do you do to encourage renewals?]”
3) “Do you have any other suggestions for our marketing Project? Do you have any questions about our project?