Registered Charity No. 1022544

Corsham Primary School - Beneficiary of this year’s Pig and Jig – We need you!

Corsham Primary School has been approachedto be one of the beneficiaries of this year’s annual Pig and Jig event, taking place on Saturday 1 July on Box Common. This is a great fund raising opportunity. All beneficiaries will receive a share of the profit made over the day – Last year we received £4000.

For us, as a school, to benefit from this great fundraising event, we need your help! In exchange for being a beneficiary, the school has been asked to provide people who can spare some time to help at the event. So……if you have never helped with a fund raising event for the school before, perhaps this is the event for you! Fun for all the family, with live music, BBQ, kids bar, cash bar and a fabulous raffle.

Just a few hours of your time, could make a big boost to our fundraising efforts this year and we would really appreciate any time you can spare to help make this event a huge success!

Helpers will benefit from free entry to the event and food on the night!

Helpers are needed for the following:

Saturday morning - between 10:00and 12:30 - Setting stalls and erecting tents and fencing.

Saturday afternoon/evening –16:00 and 21:30 – During the event - Selling of raffle tickets, entry gates, barbeque and running the kids bar which sells drinks and sweets.

Saturday – after 21:30 – Help to clear away the site for the night.

Sunday 2 July morning –between 09:00 and 11:00 – To take down tents and clear the site.

If you can help with one or more of the times listed above, please complete the slip below and return it to school, alternatively please e-mail –

Responses required by Friday 23 June please.

Many thanks in advance.

Corsham Primary PTA


Return Slip - Pig and Jig


E-mail:Mobile Number:

Please circle the time/s available to help:

Saturday 1st July – Set up of event

10:00 – 12:30

Saturday 1 July – Running of event

16:00 to 18:0018:00 to 20:00 20:00 to 21:3021:30 to 22:30

Sunday 2 July – Clear up

09:00 – 11:00