Village of North Fairfield

Regular Meeting

January 9, 2017

The Village of North Fairfield Council held a Regular Council Meeting on Monday, January 9, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at 3 East Main Street, North Fairfield, Ohio. Mayor, Joshua Radcliffe called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent prayer.

Roll Call: Mary Millis, present; Sharleen Coy, present; Amy Gahring, present; Jack Pfanner, present; Cheryll Pfanner, present; Terry Jones, present; Village Solicitor, Vickie Ruffing, absent; Village Administrator, Tom Leto, present; Mayor, Josh Radcliffe, present; Fiscal Officer, Linda Prater, present.

Visitors in Attendance:

Attending the meeting were Street Employee, Tom Watts and Alaina Bartel from the Greenwich Enterprise.

Nomination of Council President: Jack Pfanner nominated Amy Gahring for Council President. Terry Jones seconded the nomination. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring abstained; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Jack Pfanner moved to close the nominations. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, abstained; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Amy Gahring is Council President for 2017.

Recognize Visitors in Attendance: Mayor, Josh Radcliffe recognizes the visitors.

Previous Minutes of December 12, 2016 : Council is presented with the minutes. Terry Jones made a motion to accept the minutes. Mary Millis seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Minutes from December 12, 2016 accepted.

Financial Statement dated December 31, 2016: Council is presented with the financial statement. Amy Gahring made a motion to accept the financial statement. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. The Financial Statement dated December 31, 2016 approved.

Ordinance 2017-O-01, 2017 Temporary Appropriations: Mrs. Prater informed Council that she made a few changes that didn’t show on their copies and explained the difference. Amy Gahring moved to suspend the three reading rules for Ordinance 2017-O-01, 2017 Temporary Appropriations. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Terry Jones moved to adopt Ordinance 2017-O-01, Temporary Appropriations. Mary Millis seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Temporary Appropriations are approved.

Disbursements dated January 9, 2017: Council is presented with the disbursements. Terry Jones made a motion to accept the disbursements. Sharleen Coy seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Disbursements dated January 9, 2017 approved.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor, Radcliffe informed Council that the village building boiling system went out. A forced air system and central air are being installed. Mayor, Radcliffe is looking between $8,500.00 to 10,000.00 for everything to be completed. The Mayor discussed switching over from propane to natural gas.

Mayor discussed an article from the Enterprise Review about the Greenwich Township trustees having picked up a Ford F550 truck and leasing it for 5 years at a cost of $9,927.37 a year. Mayor, Radcliff will contact the Greenwich Township to get some specs on the truck and see how they purchased it. Mr. Radcliffe is getting together a facts sheet for pros and cons on what they may want in a truck. The Mayor informed Council that the village 1997 Ford F250 four wheel drive pickup has 154,888 miles on it, and it is 20 years old. The dump truck has 21,763 miles on it. It is rear wheel drive, and is 24 years old.

Village Administrator’s Report: Village Administrator, Tom Leto explained the condition of both village trucks to council. Mr. Leto addressed Jack Pfanner to what the pickup is worth and said on the market it’s worth anywhere from $2 to $3,000.00. Mr. Leto discussed the cost of fixing up the trucks.

Mr. Leto discussed putting in the furnace at the garage. He passed out a quote to Council.

Fiscal Officer’s Report: Fiscal Officer, Linda Prater presented Council with the December 31, 2016 appropriations status report for Council’s signature.

Mrs. Prater informed Council that she spoke to the Auditor about using money from the water fund to help pay on the furnace since the water billing comes through the office. He suggested possibly using 12.5% of the cost of the furnace to come from the water fund. There will need to be a formula documented for audit purposes.

Mrs. Prater received the documents for the disposal of records.

Solicitor’s Report: Mrs. Ruffing was unable to attend the meeting. Mayor, Radcliffe received information from her that Ordinance 2016-O-8 will be able to be approved on the 3rd reading.

Legislation: Council is presented with Ordinance 2016-O-07, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING NO. 2014-O-05 TO ABOLISH THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT VILLAGE UTILITIES CLERK POSITION on the third and final reading. Jack Pfanner moved to accept Ordinance 2016-O-07 on the third reading. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion Carried. Terry Jones moved to adopt Ordinance 2016-O-07. Mary Millis seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance 2016-O-07 adopted.

Council is presented with Ordinance 2016-O-08, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 2011-O-06, 2013-O-02, 2014-O-04, AND 2015-O-04 AND DELETING COMPENSATION FOR THE DELETED POSITON OF ASSISTANT UTILITIES CLERK, AND MODIFYING COMPENSATION FOR THE POSITON OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR on the third and final reading. Terry Jones made a motion to accept Ordinance 2016-O-08 on the third and final reading with the correction to change the wording in section 3 to deleting instead of adding. Amy Gahring seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, no; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Amy Gahring moved to adopt Ordinance 2016-O-08. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Cheryll Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance 2016-O-08 adopted.

Report of Council Committees

Finance/Audit Committee: Still waiting on the final report from the Auditor.

Street Committee: Some street lights are still out.

Recreation Committee: Mary Millis discussed Santa visit. The Street Fair meeting is scheduled for January 18, 2017 at the United Methodist Church.

Buildings & Grounds Committee:

Fireboard Committee: No report.

Planning Commission: No report.

Records Committee: Records have been approved for destruction.

Historical Association: No report.

Tree Commission: No report.

Special Issues: No report.

Adjournment: Terry Jones made a motion for adjournment. Mary Millis seconded the motion. Council voted, all ayes; motion carried.

Approved and adopted by the Council of the Village of North Fairfield ______, 2016.


Joshua Radcliffe, Mayor Linda Prater, Fiscal Officer