• Notify Jessie immediately. If not available, any YMCA Director
  • Jessie to check sign-in and out book
  • Director will call a Missing Camper Search over the walk-e-talkies, intercom or by word-of-mouth
  • Please count all children in program and take attendance.
  • If still missing, Jessie will contact appropriate persons
  • Children may return to regular activity when dismissed by Jessie


  • Notify Jessie immediately. If not available, any YMCA Director. Now your top priority is to ensure the safety of Children
  • Discretely move children to a safe location
  • Jessie will notify the appropriate Director who will determine the necessary action
  • Children may return to regular activity when dismissed by Jessie.
  • Staff witnessing the act must write a statement of the facts immediately


  • Evacuate the building in a single file line at the sound of the alarm – Take Attendance Sheet with you for attendance
  • Walk your children to our meeting location on the front lawn by the Front Sign
  • Staff are to conduct a attendance check
  • Jessie will take staff attendance
  • If a child is missing, Jessie will contact appropriate persons
  • Children may return to regular activity when dismissed by Jessie


  • Evacuate to the downstairs pool lobby in a single file line at the sound of the alarm. Stay away from the pool windows
  • Staff are to conduct a attendance check
  • Jessie will take staff attendance
  • If a child is missing, Jessie will contact appropriate persons
  • Children may return to regular activity when dismissed by Jessie.



If more than basic first aid is necessary proceed with the following plan:

  1. Begin caring for the victim to the extent you are trained to do so.
  2. Send someone to notify the front desk of the emergency and emergency location. The name of the child and the parents name and location should be given to them at this point.
  3. Send someone to notify Jessie and/or appropriate persons of authority.
  4. Front Desk will announce “Y-Man” to the location of emergency to all staff that is needed. This will send all available trained staff to the location of the emergency.
  5. Front Desk will notify EMS immediately. Send someone to the front desk if you determine that EMS is not necessary.
  6. Staff not assisting with care for the victim are responsible for moving all other children to a safe location away from the emergency.


If “Y-man” is called over the intercom:

  1. If you are responsible for a group of kids, DO NOTHING. Other staff will assist with the emergency. Continue to carry out regular programming, staying away from the emergency location.
  2. If you are not responsible for a group of kids, proceed directly to the location of the emergency. If you are near the AED, open the door and remove the AED, leaving the door open. An alarm will sound. Take the AED to the emergency.
  3. When at the site of the emergency, assist as needed.

-Assist with care if the first responder requests it.

Assist with crowd control or offer to lead EMS to the emergency.

After all emergencies:

  1. Do not talk to anyone about the emergency, except for supervisors.
  2. Fill out an incident report, even if other people are filling out their own report. Include your role in the emergency.
  3. Supervisory staff will arrange a debriefing.


First aid stations are located throughout the building. They are stocked with band-aids, gauze, roller gauze, glucose for diabetic emergencies, gloves and a rescue mask. If anyone wants antibiotic ointment, it will need to be obtained from the front desk. All first aid stations will be designated by a first aid sign. Listed below are the locations:

Maintenance area

Near upstairs kitchen

Near fitness center


Near weight room

Front Desk

-Orange tackle box stays permanently at front desk

-Life pack is for Y-Man emergencies ONLY


Near playground

Back field-located on shed

Child Watch

Cooper Center**AED is located on the stairwell wall (main level) by front desk**