Adoption Application

Use the tab key to proceed through the fields. Please answer each item thoroughly.

Do a “Save As” (Your Last Name, Application), then attach to e-mail:

Or print and snail mail to: 10207 Willingham Road, Huntersville, NC 28078-5278

Upon receipt and review, you will be contacted. This may take up to a week or more.

(Return of this form does not guarantee acquisition of a dog.)

Applicant Name: / Email:
Alternate Email:
Phone (home): / () / Work: / () / Cell: / ()
City: / State: / Zip:
2nd Applicant Name: / Email:
Alternate Email:
Phone (work): / () / Cell: / ()
1)  How did you hear about Weimaraner Rescue?
2)  Why do you especially want to own a Weimaraner? (Be specific)
3)  What previous experience(s) have you had with this breed?
4)  Do you have any preference concerning the age or sex of the animal?

5)  Is there a particular dog on our website in which you are interested? If so, which one?

6)  What traits in a dog are most important to you? friendly , good with kids , good with dogs , good with cats , retrieves , swims , protective , high energy , medium energy , low energy ,

7)  What behaviors can you NOT tolerate?

8)  Are you willing to housetrain a dog? Yes No

9)  Are you aware that there is a period of adjustment which may include housebreaking accidents, chewing, digging, shyness, or other undesirable behaviors? Yes No If your new dog makes a mistake, what kind

of corrective action would you take?

10)  Under what circumstances would you find it necessary to get rid of your dog? Moving , new baby , marriage/divorce , illness , schedule change/not enough time , allergies , housetraining problems , medical expenses , animal aggression , people aggression , destructive in home or yard ,


11)  Do you agree to notify Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue if you can no longer keep your Weimaraner? (as part of our legal binding contract, your weim must be returned to TWR if you are no longer able to care for the dog). Yes No

12)  Do you agree to spay/neuter your dog (if too young at time of placement), keep your dog current on vaccines,

heartworm preventative and flea control?

13)  Are you aware that your weim could live to be 12-15 years old? Yes No Are you committed to caring

for your dog throughout all life stages and health issues?

14)  What pets do you have now? List all: type (dog, cat, etc.), breed, name, age, gender, and if they are spayed/neutered or intact.

Type / Breed / Name / Age / Gender / S/N?
Type / Breed / Name / Age / Gender / S/N?
Type / Breed / Name / Age / Gender / S/N?
Type / Breed / Name / Age / Gender / S/N?

15)  What other pets have you had in the last five years? What happened to them?

16)  Are your current pets on heartworm preventative? / Yes No / Type?
Flea Control? / Yes No / Type?

17)  List the adults in your household, their occupations, and what hours they are home?

Name / Occupation / Hours
Name / Occupation / Hours
Name / Occupation / Hours
Name / Occupation / Hours

18)  How many children are in the home or visit the home, (example: grandkids, neighbors) and what are their

19)  Who will be the primary care giver?

20)  Do you rent your home or own it? (If rent, we require written permission from your landlord allowing an

indoor dog to accompany this application.)

21)  Describe the area in which you live (city, suburban, rural, wooded, lake access, nearby parks, etc.)

22)  Do you have a fenced yard? Yes No

If yes, what type and what height (at lowest point)?
How large is the fenced area/property?

23)  If you do NOT have a fence, are you willing to walk the dog on a lead without fail regardless of the weather or time of day? Yes No

24)  We recommend the use of a dog crate. Have you crated your pets? Yes No Are you willing to obtain and use one? Yes No

25)  What hours & how often will the dog be left alone?

26)  Where will the dog stay:

When you are gone?
When you are home?
During the night?
During vacations?
27)  How often will the dog be left while traveling?

28)  For what purpose do you want the dog? (Pet, hunting, obedience, tracking, retrieving, breeding, protection, other? Please list all those that apply).

29)  How do you plan to meet the exercise needs of a Weimaraner if you adopt one?

30)  Are you likely to move? If so, will you make arrangements to take the dog with you?

31)  Provide veterinarian contact info below (May we call for a reference?) Yes No

If no, explain
Clinic name: / Veterinarian:
City: / State: / Phone: / ()

32)  Please list the names and phone numbers of two other persons who can act as references concerning your previous and/or potential pet ownership.

33)  We recommend obedience training ASAP to get off on the right foot establishing a positive relationship and bond between your family and your dog. List some local training options you intend to explore.

34)  To what other rescue organizations, clubs, or shelters have you applied?

35)  During the adoption process, would you allow a rescue volunteer to visit your home?

36)  Weimaraners are a very demanding breed who require a great deal of time and energy because of their need to be with you and to be busy! With your schedule and commitments,explainwhy you think your home would be suitable for a Weimaraner and how you plan to assimilate him/her into your family.

37)  Do you have any questions about our rescue program?

Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in volunteering for Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue? Yes No
What type of volunteer opportunities would you be interested in doing?
fostering , transporting , shelter checks & pulls , home visits , fundraising , adoption events ,

Our rescues are current on all vaccinations, heartworm preventative, spayed/neutered, and micro chipped before placement. The dogs are available to approved homes for the following fees: puppies 8 weeks to one year $400 (a $100 rebate for pups not spayed or neutered once proof of surgery provided); dogs 1 to 5 years $300; dogs 6 years and over $200; dogs with special needs $100 to $150. These fees help a little to defray costs for the rescue program and only cover a portion of rescue expenses. Additional funds are raised through fundraising and donations. TWR is an all volunteer, 501(c) (3) non-profit, charitable organization. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. We gratefully accept donations in any amount. Every penny goes to help our beloved grey & blue friends. If you are interested in donating, mail check to our treasurer: Tarheel Weim Rescue, 3046 Dodsworth Dr., Cramerton, NC 28032 or through PayPal on our website

REV 7/12