Ornithology Student Outline – Feathers and Tracts

Feathers and Tracts

Text: Ornithology, Gill – Chapter 4

Pages 65 - 91

1. Introduction

2. Functions

A. Primary Functions

B. Secondary Functions

2. Structure

A. Chemical Structure

B. Physical Structure

i. Shaft

a. Calamus

b. Inferior umbilicus

c. Superior umbilicus

d. Internal Pulp Caps

ii. Rachis

a. Vanes

b. Barbs

c. Barbules

• Proximal Barbules

• Distal Barbules

* Barbicels

iii. Basic Feather Types

a. Pennaceous

b. Plumulaceous

B. Aftershaft

3. Feathers of Adult Birds

A. Contour Feathers

i. Remiges

a. Numbering

• Primaries

• Secondaries

b. Modified Remiges

• Sound

• Physical Protection

• Visual signals

ii. Rectrices

a. Modified Rectrices

• Support

• Sound

b. Modified Contours of Body

• Screen

• Sound Enhancement

• Display Feathers

B. Numbers of Contour Feathers

B. Semiplumes

C. Adult Down Feathers

D. Filoplumes

E. Bristles

F. Powder-down Feathers

4. Feathers of Newly Hatched Birds

5. Feather Development

6. Coloration of Feathers

A. Chemical Coloration

i. Carotenoids

ii. Melanins

iii. Structural conditions and Yellow

B. Structural Coloration

i. Iridescent Coloration

ii. Blue Coloration

iii. Green Coloration

iv. White

v. Black, Grey and Reds

vi. Reds and Oranges

C. Color Changes

i. Hormonal Changes

a. Male

b. Female

ii. Wear and Tear

7. Feather Tracts

• Pterylae

• Apteria

A. Capital Tract

B. Dorsal Tract

i. Cervical Region

ii. Interscapular Region

iii. Dorsal Region

iv. Pelvic Region

C. Spinal Tract

D. Scapulohumeral Tract

E. Humeral Tract

F. Femoral Tract

G. Crural Tract

I. Ventral Tract

J. Caudal Tract

K. Alar Tract

8. Plumages and Molts

Natal Down Natal Down

Postnatal Molt Prejuvenal Molt

Juvenal Plumage Juvenal Plumage

Postjuvenal Molt First Prebasic Molt

First Winter Plumage First Basic Plumage

First Prenuptial Molt First Prealternate Molt

First Nuptial Plumage First Alternate Plumage

First Postnuptial Molt Second Prebasic Molt

Second Winter Plumage Second Basic Plumage

Second Prenuptial Molt Second Prealternate Molt

Second Nuptial Plumage Second Alternate Plumage

Second Postnuptial Molt Third Prebasic Molt

9. Feather Maintenance

A. Preening

i. Uropygial Gland

B. Bathing

i. Water Bath

ii. Dust Bath

10. Brood Patches

11. Feather Parasites

A. Parasitic Flies

B. Bird Lice

C. Feather Mites

D. Bird Fleas

E. Bird Ticks

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